No I'm not. The NRL can't scrutinise us anymore then any other team. The NRL has never caught anyone for cheating the cap. It has all been self reporting or inside whistle blowers leading them to the crumbs. We just had total imbeciles that put everything in the minutes reports.
Point is, we are the mecca of the West. We are the epicentre of copious developments creating more and more business opportunities and we will have the best home Stadium in the land and we can't sell ourselves in a positive light, even with a great new and professional management team?
You are kidding.
So you think that we should have a queue of sponsors wanting to hand over cash in TPAs, notwithstanding the shit storm of the last 2 years ?
You think that we have a brand that any business would love to be associated with ? It's as simple as selling ourselves in a "positive light" ?
FFS brand re-building or is a slow process. You cannot, no matter how easy you think it is, regain trust overnight.
Frankly I think you need to spend some time reading about re-building a brand after a major f**k up or erosion over time.
Good case studies are VW (f**k up), FIFA (corruption), locally The Greens (erosion) and Dreamworld (tragedy). Very topical are the brands of Israel Falou (zip it u idiot), Facebook (f**k up) and Trump Hotels (erosion).
It takes time, strategy and patience and to simply say that it would happen magically if we had "professional management team" is stupid