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Where will SBW rank among the game's best ever second rowers?


Post Whore
C'mon 69, you don't think SBW is a footballer?

Nobody has married freakish natural athleticism with pure footballing talent (a born footy brain) as well as SBW has.

The only one on his level in history in that sense is GI. Both amazing athletes who, first and foremost, have brilliant footy minds as well.

I take your point, i suppose what i was saying is that Clyde never had freakish athleticism to lean on, he was athletic though. He wasnt born with the gifts SBW was in terms of his athleticism. Everything clyde achieved was on the back of out and out footballing ability. Where i agree SBW is a footballer, but the main reason he is as good as he is, is because he's a freakish athlete, rather than his footballing IQ. SBW is the type of athlete that would have excelled at anything he choose to do.

Is SBW a footballer? Yes, but not imo close to the level of Clyde.
Was Clyde an athlete? Yes, but not near the level of SBW.

If you could put Clydes football IQ and work rate, with SBW's skill set and athleticism, you'd have the greatest footballer ever


Murf, are you trolling ?

I hope you are .

Because this post is a sad joke. I don't want to be too harsh , in case I am dealing with a 13 year old.

What I will say is......you are a deadset goose.

I'll bite. Obviously you know all about trolling. I saw your list where you ranked second rowers and to suggest that SBW is the best of all time at this stage is just ludicrous.

All football chat aside I will say this and I will probably be too harsh. f**k you dipshit. The general intelligence of your contributions to these threads would suggest that the ramblings of even the most idiotic thirteen year olds would be too much for you to comprehend, you f**king peon.


As opposed to SBW's how many? I count 5.

Give him a few more seasons and he might be fit to lace up the boots of Price and Hindy. No player deserves to be compared to the likes of Raper, Coote and Price after only 90 first grade games.

Oh please, what did Ray Price do in his career that SBW can't do?

Make 40 tackles a match ? Fine.

But please, have a think about it. I have seen all the greats. Opposing teams have game plans based on how to stop SBW.
I honestly believe that there are a lot of jealous and envious fans, who when Sonny has the ball in his hands, shit themselves.
We are not talking about 300 game veterans .
Some of the names being bandied around, is embarressing. Luke Ricketson, Hindmarsh,
Mercy !

The Pip

I'll bite. Obviously you know all about trolling. I saw your list where you ranked second rowers and to suggest that SBW is the best of all time at this stage is just ludicrous.

All football chat aside I will say this and I will probably be too harsh. f**k you dipshit. The general intelligence of your contributions to these threads would suggest that the ramblings of even the most idiotic thirteen year olds would be too much for you to comprehend, you f**king peon.

Steady on Murf meister! Your the one making the stinkbomb statements, not the Gonz! I have followed this thread with interest, but have mercy on my soul mate - Ricketson> SBW ...please not on Sunday nite, after a full day with my 3 boys running rampant. Ricko couldn't pass the ball ffs which is a tad important in our game dont you think? He wasn't called cement hands for nothing...your comments make my head hurt...


I'll bite. Obviously you know all about trolling. I saw your list where you ranked second rowers and to suggest that SBW is the best of all time at this stage is just ludicrous.

All football chat aside I will say this and I will probably be too harsh. f**k you dipshit. The general intelligence of your contributions to these threads would suggest that the ramblings of even the most idiotic thirteen year olds would be too much for you to comprehend, you f**king peon.

Smurf, you are the troll, u pea brain.

At this stage of his career? He's not a rookie, u mong. A child like yourself shouldn't use such foul language. I have no doubt that you are a 13 year old, so I will spare you, a mauling.

Go to bed now, it's getting late. School tomorrow.

Ps- you are an Olympic moron..... Sorry, but you really did deserve that.
He does even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as messers Provan,Coote,Raper,Price,MCarthey etc,f**k I even rate Souths legend Paul Sait higher.


Oh please, what did Ray Price do in his career that SBW can't do?
You f*cking spastic........

258 first grade games.
22 tests.
Rothmans medal
Dally M POTY
Dally M lock of the year 4 times
Harry Sunderland medal
OAM (first RL player to do so)
4 premierships - 1 as captain
78 tries
4 tries - all from catching bombs - in one game v Souths (club record)
Australian sports medal
Australian sports hall of fame
1 statue.

Compare that to a bench spot in a GF and a Yawnion WCF and a root in a pub toilet. :lol:


I'm talking about his playing ability you idiot, not his friggin record.

Loudstrat, you of all people, shouldn't have wasted all that time jotting down Ray Price' career stats.
Playing ability fool !!

Ability to...... Score a try, make a break, try assist, line break assists, offload in traffic, throw a 20 metre pass, attract 4 defenders, pull off a huge hit

Do you get it now? Do you understand what I am saying ?

I'll ask you again, what can Ray Price do , that SBW can't ?


First Grade
I'm sure fans of most clubs could list a few players from their own club they'd take over SBW. At Manly I'd have Menzies, Kosef, Kennedy, Stewart and Watmough over SBW. Gartner and Roberts would be up there as well.


In 2004 a fresh faced Sonny Bill burst onto the scene and was one of the best second rowers of the year.

Following on from that, he became the best second rower in the game at the time, and arguably the best player.

Then he walks out of the Bulldogs and Rugby League.

Five years later he returns. The game has moved on. But it takes Sonny Bill only a couple of weeks to return to form. Within a month he's the game's leading backrower again, exhibiting exceptional skills.

Where will he rate among the game's finest back rowers? How will he compare to Ronny Coote, Proven, Raper and the others? Is he good enough to be labelled the best second rower of the modern era? Does his 2008 walkout mean that you'll exclude him from any alltime great discussion?
Sonny's performance in the 2013 GF will re right history..


I'm talking about his playing ability you idiot, not his friggin record.

Loudstrat, you of all people, shouldn't have wasted all that time jotting down Ray Price' career stats.
Playing ability fool !!

Ability to...... Score a try, make a break, try assist, line break assists, offload in traffic, throw a 20 metre pass, attract 4 defenders, pull off a huge hit

Do you get it now? Do you understand what I am saying ?

I'll ask you again, what can Ray Price do , that SBW can't ?

Build a memorable career?

Catch bombs for starters. Play injured without sooking. Captain a gun side. Set up tries. Score tries. Tackle. Win Rothman's medals, OAMs, Sunderland and Dally M Medals, tests and grand finals........geddit now you f*cking pus head?

Sonny's performance in the 2013 GF will re right history..
You spelling something would re write history.

How about being the only living human to have a shocker and gift Souths the comp?
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Build a memorable career?

Catch bombs for starters. Play injured without sooking. Captain a gun side. Set up tries. Score tries. Tackle. Win Rothman's medals, OAMs, Sunderland and Dally M Medals, tests and grand finals........geddit now you f*cking pus head?

You spelling something would re write history.

How about being the only living human to have a shocker and gift Souths the comp?

Loudstrat, sorry but you are a fool.

Catches a bomb? You idiot. Who cares. Are they fullbacks ?
Set up tries etc. have you not watched any matches this year ?

I have crushed you, like a biscuit. You tried your best, but you were no match or me.
I was looking forward to your clever response ? What a disappointment.

Catch bombs , set up tries ???

You idiot !!


Pretty hard comparing backrowers because they have varied skill sets. For instance, Menzies and Price brought completely different things to their teams, but both were gold.

If you picked two teams from any era, SBW would fit into a 2nd row rotation just fine. He is big, fast, fit, agile, can tackle, can stand in tackles, makes breaks, can pass in all sorts of directions. He brings as much to the role as anyone else and does it at high quality. I'm sure Coote, Mcarthy, Clyde, or Provan would find him a handful to deal with, as he would with them too.

But there are so many good backrowers who do different things. You could pick 30-40 and leave some real good ones off the list.


For the paltry amount of time he has spent in the code, he's up there with Steve Hage and Jim Leis.


SBW will never have the legacy of players like Clyde, Menzies, Price, etc but what he does have them covered for is ability. Size of a prop, skills of a 5/8th and athleticism of a centre.


I take your point, i suppose what i was saying is that Clyde never had freakish athleticism to lean on, he was athletic though. He wasnt born with the gifts SBW was in terms of his athleticism. Everything clyde achieved was on the back of out and out footballing ability. Where i agree SBW is a footballer, but the main reason he is as good as he is, is because he's a freakish athlete, rather than his footballing IQ. SBW is the type of athlete that would have excelled at anything he choose to do.

Is SBW a footballer? Yes, but not imo close to the level of Clyde.
Was Clyde an athlete? Yes, but not near the level of SBW.

If you could put Clydes football IQ and work rate, with SBW's skill set and athleticism, you'd have the greatest footballer ever

A friend of mine use to be a conditioning coach for the dogs Harold Mats and SG Ball and worked with SBW when he first arrived at the dogs and from what I've been told SBW was a decent athlete but not the best in the team, he was highly regarded because of his skillset, but he was built like an AFL player. The body and athleticism you see now wasn't all god given genetics, it was mostly born out of hard work and dedication. I don't think people appreciate how hard the bloke works in terms of his training and dedication