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Who was better ?


Peachy for doing it all without need for "supplements"

Wally Lewis vs Darren Lockyer vs Brad Fittler

Lewis, combine the best of both of them and you have Lewis, plus lewis could bash you and was an inspirational Leader.

Who was better Bunny Reilly, Trevor Gillmeister or Gary Stevens

Desert Qlder

First Grade
It's true Lewis and Fittler were far more alike in their approach to the role of five-eighth. In fact they both switched easily between that position and lock.

My contention has always been that Lockyer played more like a halfback after his move from fullback.

Saying this by no means diminishes his accomplishment in making the switch, nor does it confirm Fittler was the better player.


I dont know why Daley always gets left out of the discussion, Kenny as well. Daley probably wasn't as talented a ball player as Fittler or Lockyer but he really made his mark in Origin. He set up some huge plays and scored some great individual tries in that arena. He was the best player in the world from about 1994 - 1997.

Desert Qlder

First Grade
I thought Daley was better at centre personally. A centre in the classic mould.

But we should not get carried away and derail a thread that has a good, singular objective.

I cannot answer innerwestrabbit's question myself.


I dont know why Daley always gets left out of the discussion, Kenny as well. Daley probably wasn't as talented a ball player as Fittler or Lockyer but he really made his mark in Origin. He set up some huge plays and scored some great individual tries in that arena. He was the best player in the world from about 1994 - 1997.
Daley for mine had the better instincts with the ball than Freddie. Freddie had a great pass, powerful running game and the step of course. But I do recall that in Daleys earliers years he was regarded as the hardest player to tackle. I think Daley was a victim of playing too hard and stuffed his knees, and really lost that edge which made him great. If it was not for Lewis. Kenny was the best 5/8 I have seen. Certainly the most the most gifted. But you could mount an argument for all of them. There're all fantastic players


First Grade
Daley was similar to Jamie Lyon in a lot of ways. A brilliant centre that had enough skill to comfortably switch to 5/8.


First Grade
I can agree with this, but Lyon still sits well below Daley if you were to compare the two.

At club level they are/were almost on par but Lyon never really stepped up at rep level while Daley excelled at origin and international levels.


First Grade
Gillmeister was boss

Nathan Brown vs Toovey vs Hasler (hooker)

Never saw Hasler play, but would take Toovey over Nathan Brown any day of the week. Nathan Brown was merely a blonde mullet, whereas Toovey was a blonde mullet with agro.

Matt Rogers vs Preston Campbell

The Eagle

Never saw Hasler play, but would take Toovey over Nathan Brown any day of the week. Nathan Brown was merely a blonde mullet, whereas Toovey was a blonde mullet with agro.

Matt Rogers vs Preston Campbell

Campbell on skills and flair, Rogers if you need more aggression

Meninga vs ET

Tommy Smith

Meninga, easily.

A debate ive had before:

Mal Meninga vs Steve Rogers. (Id take Rogers every day of the week...but that's just me).

Jason Maher

I never saw Steve Rogers play, so I'd have to take Mal, as much as he shits me as Queensland coach.

Trent Barrett or Anthony Mundine

Tommy Smith

Barrett. I always rated him highly; a tremendous runner of the ball with a good passing game. He was basically a poor mans Brad Fittler, and there's no shame in that. Also few players raised their game in Origin as impressively as Barrett did in his career.

Craig Gower vs Cooper Cronk

The Eagle

Barrett. I always rated him highly; a tremendous runner of the ball with a good passing game. He was basically a poor mans Brad Fittler, and there's no shame in that. Also few players raised their game in Origin as impressively as Barrett did in his career.

Craig Gower vs Cooper Cronk

Cronk without question on and off the field

Micheal Hancock vs Craig Hancock

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