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Why LOL@SOuffs?

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Village Idiot
Staff member
So I shouldn't expect a 2 page letter begging to be allowed back in to the Souths forum like the last time I kicked you out then Muzby?

wow you certainly are on a different planet to the rest of us...

a) when did you last "kick me out"? (hint - you haven't before..)

b) a letter "begging" to be let back in? oh please.. you got a PM politely asking you to outline which part of souffs forum guidelines i have breached (hint - it was none. you said it was just "your opinion" that you didn't like my posts.) you may recall when i pushed you to actually point out what i had breached, you backed out pretty quickly..

i did the decent thing of allowing you to address your clear mis-interpretation of the rules in private, but shall i make it all public now?

now.. run along back to your hole & stop trolling this thread...

although i must say your actions could go down in history - two people being banned from a forum they have never posted in, based purely on post-count in a thread contained within a completely different forum.. makes perfect sense to the rest of us... :?


First Grade
I like how you refer to souffs fans as 'the disadvantaged community'

not 'souths fans', but theres obvious cracks about some of the people in the disadvantaged local community and if you all had to see it every day you would realise it's very sad and not at all funny.

Ronnie Dobbs

not 'souths fans', but theres obvious cracks about some of the people in the disadvantaged local community and if you all had to see it every day you would realise it's very sad and not at all funny.

Lighten up Kiks.

None of them can afford internet access, so they'll never know we are laughing at their misfortune.

wow you certainly are on a different planet to the rest of us...

a) when did you last "kick me out"? (hint - you haven't before..)

b) a letter "begging" to be let back in? oh please.. you got a PM politely asking you to outline which part of souffs forum guidelines i have breached (hint - it was none. you said it was just "your opinion" that you didn't like my posts.) you may recall when i pushed you to actually point out what i had breached, you backed out pretty quickly..

i did the decent thing of allowing you to address your clear mis-interpretation of the rules in private, but shall i make it all public now?

now.. run along back to your hole & stop trolling this thread...

although i must say your actions could go down in history - two people being banned from a forum they have never posted in, based purely on post-count in a thread contained within a completely different forum.. makes perfect sense to the rest of us... :?

Shall I refresh your memory?

I accused you of being a Troll. You got all upset about it. I told you to take it up with higher powers if you didn't like what I had to say. You retreated back down your little hole and have pulled your head in on the Souths forum ever since. You have always restricted your out and out trolling to the main board where you knew it wouldn't be sanctioned.


i had to walk through it every day for years en route to my job in Alexandria.

surprising how many offers i got to purchase bicycles off disadvantaged individuals. lots of missing bikes... somewhere.

i don't find their plight funny. i do find mirth in the irony of one of Sydneys seediest areas being represented by the "pride of the league"... a "glamour club", even. i find their eternal on-field failure in my lifetime humourous, too.

Ronnie Dobbs

i had to walk through it every day for years en route to my job in Alexandria.

surprising how many offers i got to purchase bicycles off disadvantaged individuals. lots of missing bikes... somewhere.

i don't find their plight funny. i do find mirth in the irony of one of Sydneys seediest areas being represented by the "pride of the league"... a "glamour club", even. i find their eternal on-field failure in my lifetime humourous, too.


Have to drive past The Block to get my wife to work at Sydney Uni. Quite the adventure.

God-King Dean

not 'souths fans', but theres obvious cracks about some of the people in the disadvantaged local community and if you all had to see it every day you would realise it's very sad and not at all funny.

We should all listen to Kiki.

She has a degree.


You retreated back down your little hole



Village Idiot
Staff member
Shall I refresh your memory?

I accused you of being a Troll. You got all upset about it. I told you to take it up with higher powers if you didn't like what I had to say.

for those who can be bothered, he's a grade-A example of me getting upset (apparently..)

If you don't curtail your trolling (and this goes for you as well KKW) I will have your access to this part of the forum cut off.
You have been warned.

can i please get you to point out ot me how my style of writing and posting on the league unlimited forum, and in particular the south sydney section. is breaching any of the member guidelines. no other section of the forum that i visit seems to have a problem with my style of writing and after close examination of your guidelines i cannot see what i have breached.....

i would hate for the "warning" to be based on a personal viewpoint and not for breaching guidelines...
if that's classed as "getting upset" no wonder moderating the souffs forum is the difficult & time consuming task you make it out to be..

You retreated back down your little hole and have pulled your head in on the Souths forum ever since.

so let me just clarify... i've "pulled my head in" but yet now i'm banned? i'm sorry, but that clearly makes no sense..

You have always restricted your out and out trolling to the main board where you knew it wouldn't be sanctioned.

bullshit.. i'm just as much of a nuisance everywhere else as i am here..

now, if you don't mind, the rest of us are trying to enjoy ourselves...
souths 20 premierships stmerge 1 premiership get use to it as david gallop stated whatever team or teams who merge will be automatically relegated back to zero premierships.You are no longer known as stgeorge dragons read the history books and read the papers and most importantly read your emblem on your guernsey im sure it say's stgeorgeillawarra?:lol:

one-eyed rabbitoh.


souths 20 premierships stmerge 1 premiership get use to it as david gallop stated whatever team or teams who merge will be automatically relegated back to zero premierships.You are no longer known as stgeorge dragons read the history books and read the papers and most importantly read your emblem on your guernsey im sure it say's stgeorgeillawarra?:lol:

one-eyed rabbitoh.

Isn't a guernsey what teams who play afl wear? So thats why Souths are going so shit, they are playing a different game.


Posts in this thread are now a precious resource, they're running out quickly and it's being wasted on this. Seriously?

If I wanted to hear about how we should care about druggos and drunks I would have become a social worker, joined the Labor Party or had a conversation with Kiki. Seriously not like we're calling for people to be euthanised
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