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First Grade
Well thats a load of crap if ever I've seen it. Bombed the pass? He did well enough to draw the winger and get the pass away, its no easy feat with such little space and deserves more credit that the garbage above.

You're right that busting tackles and ball running is his biggest strength, but its up to the coach to utilise this. Instead, they are trying to shove a square peg into a round hole and make him a ball player without teaching him to pick his passes. Seems like poor coaching and planning.

He has to pass at some point if hes a Centre or Fullback.. you cant blame the coach for everything, it needs to be kept as simple as possible (as it was against manly), and my feelings are that he needs a flat out rule not to pass on tackles 1 to 3, he cant keep putting us under the pressure that he does.. id prefer him to try and bust a tackle and end up taking the tackle than throw a pass which he just cant seem to judge (ive no idea why he hasnt got the soft touch, for a bloke with such good hands otherwise).

But sorry his pass to Flo would have resulted in lost possession for 90% of wingers in the game.. and that was the highlight of his passing during the game.


First Grade
He has to pass at some point if hes a Centre or Fullback.. you cant blame the coach for everything, it needs to be kept as simple as possible (as it was against manly), and my feelings are that he needs a flat out rule not to pass on tackles 1 to 3, he cant keep putting us under the pressure that he does.. id prefer him to try and bust a tackle and end up taking the tackle than throw a pass which he just cant seem to judge (ive no idea why he hasnt got the soft touch, for a bloke with such good hands otherwise).

But sorry his pass to Flo would have resulted in lost possession for 90% of wingers in the game.. and that was the highlight of his passing during the game.

I tend to agree with you Rev.

I still think Duges is a great fullback, but at 700k, he should be able to execute those plays. And if we 're insisting on having a fullback that has those skills to suit our gameplan, I'm sorry but we shouldn't have forked out that kind of money for a player that doesn't have those skills.

Heck, we could have have kept Bmoz for less and he's playing the same role as Dugan at the Dogs.


He has to pass at some point if hes a Centre or Fullback.. you cant blame the coach for everything, it needs to be kept as simple as possible (as it was against manly), and my feelings are that he needs a flat out rule not to pass on tackles 1 to 3, he cant keep putting us under the pressure that he does.. id prefer him to try and bust a tackle and end up taking the tackle than throw a pass which he just cant seem to judge (ive no idea why he hasnt got the soft touch, for a bloke with such good hands otherwise).

But sorry his pass to Flo would have resulted in lost possession for 90% of wingers in the game.. and that was the highlight of his passing during the game.

I disagree with the above. Keeping it simple, or otherwise attacking they way we win against Manly, wont win us many games. We dont have the controlling boot of Soward, the strike of Cooper/Gasnier or the power of Weyman/Smith/Creagh circa 2010. We cant win on defense alone. To go through with this game plan and not try to teach the fullback to pass is madness, and its up to the coach to either fix the game plan or teach him to pass.

As for Flo's try - if you're going to criticize the pass and say 90% of wongers wont score it, be realistic and see that 90% of players wouldn't have been able to create the space and get the pass off like Dugan did.


How old is Dugan? And he can't pass yet?
Blaming Mary is a bit tough BV, regardless of what your views are of him as a coach. Dugan's had a few other coaches at Canberra and in rep teams. None of them have managed to instil it in him so far. Maybe it's uninstillable (that's a word btw, now).


How old is Dugan? And he can't pass yet?
Blaming Mary is a bit tough BV, regardless of what your views are of him as a coach. Dugan's had a few other coaches at Canberra and in rep teams. None of them have managed to instil it in him so far. Maybe it's uninstillable (that's a word btw, now).

You might be right Bottle. Just the same, it would be nice to know if Mary actually did work on his passing gaame during the pre-season. I do understand your point about previous coaches but for me, I am more interested in what happened during pre-season trainging and what will happen with regards to this problem from now into the future.

I think most on here would agree that it is a real problem and so, rather than dismiss it as a problem of the past, there really should be a plan put in place to solve this problem as a matter of urgency. Dugan is being paid good coin to do a job for the Dragons and this problem is not helping him perform at his best.
I agree. I'm happy with the way Mary has used the hookers. Let's face it, L'Estrange doesn't have the impact of Rein. Rein's dummy half running has been a factor in our last two wins.

*Awaits barrage of people telling me I'm wrong*

No doubt Mary will receive a contract extension on Anzac day.

Straight Shooter


How old is Dugan? And he can't pass yet?
Blaming Mary is a bit tough BV, regardless of what your views are of him as a coach. Dugan's had a few other coaches at Canberra and in rep teams. None of them have managed to instil it in him so far. Maybe it's uninstillable (that's a word btw, now).

Well his past coaches were Price and Furner...wouldn't file him under 'unfixable' just yet!

Mind you, his passing game at Canberra wasn't too bad. Was enough to complement his running, which is, and will always be, his strength.


Well his past coaches were Price and Furner...wouldn't file him under 'unfixable' just yet!

Mind you, his passing game at Canberra wasn't too bad. Was enough to complement his running, which is, and will always be, his strength.

We are in violent agreement. As such someone (coach perhaps) needs to be in his ear telling him he doesn't have to wait until play 4 or 5 to make his presence felt. He should be roaming around behind Merrin, Friz, Georgie, Mitch or whoever is a chance of sneaking a pass away. He should be ghosting the halves as well until its time for him to fade out and get into position for the play. Do some work, earn his dosh.

Lums Dee

We are in violent agreement. As such someone (coach perhaps) needs to be in his ear telling him he doesn't have to wait until play 4 or 5 to make his presence felt. He should be roaming around behind Merrin, Friz, Georgie, Mitch or whoever is a chance of sneaking a pass away. He should be ghosting the halves as well until its time for him to fade out and get into position for the play. Do some work, earn his dosh.

This is a great point. I was happy with the win all the same.


Benji used to be so dangerous with the ball and oppositions never knew what to expect - he'd run holding the ball in front of him in two hands ready to pass or kick then put on that ridiculous side step of his and get thru the line to score or pass for someone else Now he's mainly catch and pass or kick with the only running from side to side going nowhere. He's also used in those sweep left set moves that every team does and every team knows how to defend against 98% of the time.
It's probably too much to ask but I'd love to see that old spark back more often, not just because I want us to win but also because it's just so good to watch Benji at his best. Imagine if he started playing like he did in 2005, magic......dream on.


Don't misunderstand me Benji is not 'fat' but Looks significantly heavier player than 2005. At his quickest ( that was very quick) he was very lean but probably not as robust as he is now.

I would like to see him 5 kg down. He still has sharpness but not quite the acceleration or top speed. IMO having done some Athletics in my younger years he could get back to old speed with specific training and leaning down. Still he is playing well


First Grade
Lots of teams use various forms of thjs play, but the difference is that they do it at soeed and the receiver straightens up as soon as he gets the ball. We seem to constantly be doing this at slow pace and running on an angle towards the corner post, leaving the centre and winger with no room.

My personal favourite is the roosters version; 2 front runners timed perfectly so that they are genuine options for the half the take, fullback running close so he has the option to hit the gap, all within a small area - almost always leaves the winger unmarked.

Yep the Roosters, Souths and Penrith run this play the best. Manly do it well also. The difference is speed and precision. Players running at speed, decoy runners doing their job, angles correct, passes hitting the chest, everyone is where they are supposed to be. All comes down to what happens at training.

Given Widdop, Benji and Dugan are the key people who run this play, I expect a little better from our attack given there is almost $2m of talent there.


its all to do with the coaching structures. if the players feel confident that the plays will work than they will but if not then the results are evident week in week out
