Everlovin' Antichrist said:tigger, tigger where for art thou tigger?
Who'd have thought that a gentleman like tigger would go AWOL when this prediction went down the gurgler?
hahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahhahhahhahhahahhahahhhahahahhahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahahhhahahahhahah..........................................................................................................................................................................tigger said:Well another 12 months, another wasted year. When will you 'fans' learn that your merger has been falling apart since the day it started? I just can't see anyway that this is an improvement on even Western Suburbs's darkest days!!??
Oh and how good do the Balmain PL team look Yappy? :lol:
pantherz9103 said:What an idiot the creator of this thread was.
simon says said:Pingu
tigger said:Well another 12 months, another wasted year. When will you 'fans' learn that your merger has been falling apart since the day it started? I just can't see anyway that this is an improvement on even Western Suburbs's darkest days!!??
Oh and how good do the Balmain PL team look Yappy? :lol: