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Wrestlemania XXVII thread **SPOILERS**

Whos Ya Daddy

First Grade
That was the worst Wrestlemania I have ever watched!

It's like they seriously had no idea what to do!
They don't and the writers are terrible.

Counting down the seconds for Pete to play Captain Save-a-Ho and come to their defense...

Big Pete

Haven't been reading my posts in this thread have you Who's Ya Daddy? Want to talk about being predictible, your attempts at trolling are second to none.

Honestly, I didn't pay too close attention to the show, was too busy catching up with some mates, most of the wrestling talk was kept to really obscure references.

Two matches caught my attention:

Alberto Del Rio vs. Edge - Solid opener, good back and forth action. Didn't like the post match too much though.

Triple H vs. The Undertaker - Great match and so much emotion. They did a great job of having me believe Triple H had actually broken the streak and Taker sold like a mother f**ker.

My impressions of the other matches

Rhodes/Mysterio - Solid, didn't really go any further but didn't have to.

Orton/Punk - Predictible, average.

Corre/Smackdown fillers - Filler

Lawler/Cole - Went on way too long.

Brunette Mafia/Ziggler and Laycool - Ordinary mixed tag match

Cena/Miz - Finished right when it finally started getting good. Slow and on par with Orton/HHH for mine.

Was annoyed Sheamus/Bryan didn't get a go, both guys are two of the best heel/face workers in the company. Thought the WWE were silly to place so much importance on The Rock.

Agent Mulder

Great Wrestlemaina...Great to see Jim Ross again, Great match HHH v Taker with my boy getting the W yet again 19-0, Not a huge HHH fan but he went well.

Again i had the feeling Miz would retain, Surpised Del Rio lost, I did read on LordsofPain a few weeks back that Rock could screw over Cena and was awesome to see that play out.

Worth the money...A good soild PPV, Didnt miss MITB.


World Titles??
Then it would be WM 1,2,3,11,16 and yes now WM 27.

Not world, Any.

I certain there has been a title change on every ppv hasn't there?

Might be wrong.

To me it seems the wwe just had no direction the entire time and it felt thrown together in the end result.

The let del rio win the RR but ended up having more faith in Miz to main event, ONLY to then make him look like a complete wuss at the hands of the Rock.

When the match restarted they had an opportunity for these two to tear the house down with the no dq rule and instead they just finished it up 10 seconds later. Awful booking!

No match on here was WM calibur in my opinion. Taker/HHH was worthy enough i suppose but Orton/Punk was only Good as was Rey and Rhodes But I mean only good, a solid RAW main event at best, maybe a crappy ppv main event like over the edge or something but not WM.

WM has lost it's shine over the last few years with bad matches and booking. It if wasn't for the last two HBK/TAKER matches the last 2 WM would be almost as bad, especially Title matches.

the last truly great WM ppv was WM21 I reckon, all the rest have been sub par since. I was at WM 25 and that main event stunk the place up.

Big Pete

They let Del Rio win the Rumble because it would have been too predictible to allow Cena to win it. Besides, the Rumble hasn't meant anything since 2008.

Cena/Miz was such a weird match, I just caught it again on replay and Cena sold way too much for The Miz which lead to a very clunky opening and right as the match was getting good they had the count-out and then had that over-booked finish with The Rock who waltzes right in and buries the biggest star and one of the up and comers. For mine I got to blame Cena out there, he had to be the ring general and he just let The Miz get too much on him and The Miz just doesn't have enough variety in the ring to carry the match on his own offence, Cena needed to set up more spots.

On replay, I don't think I could say this was the worst Mania of all time, that main event may rank up there (I will place it above Orton/HHH, LT/BBB etc. for mine it's probably on par with Batista/HHH, Hogan/Slaughter etc.). One great match with three reasonable matches, one surprisingly decent match, two ok but disappointing matches and one filler probably has it ranked near WM 13, 16 and 25 for me.

I'd also have Mania 24 and 26 over 21.

Big Pete

I'd have 26 over 21.

The only bad match on 26's card was Hart/McMahon and the diva filler match. The rest was all quality with some good matches (Cena/Batista, Jericho/Edge, Sheamus/Hunter, Mysterio/Punk) and a classic between Michaels/Taker.

In comparison Mania 21 had a very good MitB match which was fresh at the time and made a star of Benjamin, a good singles match between Orton/Taker and a good but vastly overated match between Angle/Michaels. The rest was pretty ordinary, even Guerrero/Mysterio seemed a bit off.

In fairness to 21 though, it was a dawning of a new era, 24 nor 26 had that.
My take:
Bryan/Sheamus: Should have been on the main card, 2 on the better new comers of the past 2 years and a minor title on the line and they waste them on some undercard garbage.

DelRio/Edge: Why did this go on first? Shouldn't it have been later like title matches are supposed to be? Why did Edge win, what was the whole point of Del Rio's destiny storyline? The match itself was alright, but everything else about it was wrong.

Rhodes/Rey: Pretty much as expected, glad Cody won, since almost every other young gun on the card was buried.

Corre/Smackdown: what the flying f**k was that? A stable of younger guys who have been built to the moon and they get squashed by 2 guys on the way down, a glorified midcarder and a comedy jobber. Barrett and Jackson will both be main eventers in the future and in 5 years when we look back at their first WM we will see this garbage.

Orton/Punk: very good, neither came out of that looking any worse, feud certainly isn't over.

Cole/Lawler: Went on too long. A match like this should never top 10 minutes. Time could've been better used elsewhere.

HHH/Undertaker: Needed to be as good as their match 10 years ago to save the show. Probably was.

Ziglaycool/others: Basically got 4 current workers on the card so they could bring back Trish and let the midget do some flips. Pointless, would've been much better as 2 separate matches. More young talent wasted here (Dolph)

Cena/Miz: Disappointing match to close mania on. Heel/Tweener didn't really work in hindsight. Was glad to see Miz win (see my comment about Rhodes/Rey for reasoning), and I guess Rock laying them both out sent the crowd home happy. I don't know if the feud should go any further though, especially if the Rock is going away again.

All in all, disappointing Mania, had it's moments, but there was too many glaring faults with it.

Big Pete

I think Cole/Lawler fell into the same trap as Hart/McMahon in that they thought they had one of the better built matches so they'd milk it for everything it's worth. They did have a couple of good spots but it went on for way too long.


Sounds horrible. My prediction is that within two years the wwe will cease to exist

Big Pete

Another Moffo prediction. :lol:

They'd really have to mess up big time to be out of business, considering all the money they're still making.
The WWE will still be going strong in 10 years it's the likes of TNA, RoH that might not be around in the next few years.

Has the world Heavyweight title become so irrelevant that it is now the first match of a PPV and not just any PPV but Wrestlemania?


They'll be in biz for years to come, i think the quality however, will leave alot to be desired.

They've lost the plot a bit.

In fact wrestling in general has, WWE is sub par, TNA is horrible, I watch some of the bush league stuff, some of the matches are ok but it can be incredibly unwatchable sometimes.

My interest has diminished quite a bit, I can't remember the last time I watched a match or followed a build and said WOW!

At least 2 years now.

Big Pete

Has the world Heavyweight title become so irrelevant that it is now the first match of a PPV and not just any PPV but Wrestlemania?

I don't think the WWE see it that way. My theory is that they opened the show with ADR/Edge to pace the crowd better instead of hitting them with three main events so close to each other. Personally, I thought the match should have been in the middle of the show, much like Taker/Batista was back in 2007 but I'd gather that Vince just wanted to experiment.

I found it underwhelming as an opener, it just didn't have that intensity. With that said, I thought it was a well worked match in a similar vein that Punk/Orton was.

In fact wrestling in general has, WWE is sub par, TNA is horrible, I watch some of the bush league stuff, some of the matches are ok but it can be incredibly unwatchable sometimes.

My interest has diminished quite a bit, I can't remember the last time I watched a match or followed a build and said WOW!

I agree, the industry has gone backwards since the promise of 2005.

I consider TNA a lost cause, they just don't know how to make their own stars and have ruined everything that made them unique.

ROH is worth checking out from time to time, especially if you love tag team wrestling. Unfortunately it's a very one dimensional show and their matches tend to be extremely overbooked.

The WWE have a lot of promising talents coming through. Who knows whether or not they will be used properly.
Overbooked matches? You must be thinking of the early days, in recent times, especially post HDNet, Ring of Honor has been extremely well booked. Check their iPPVs, well worth your money.

Big Pete

I'm more familiar with their current product than any other time period. ROH matches reminds me of the final LotR film, they have about 5-6 endings that drag on and on.