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WTF was Hayne trying to do????


I think you know that I'm talking about getting over the line in a less risky manner. I never once suggested that Burt was capable of the same run. Burt is old school. Taught to ground the ball in a more conventional manner. Hayne should watch and learn.

(I was just stirring the pot!)
I find the whole discussion quite ridiculous. Hayne is an excellent finisher who made a bad decision and paid the price (and he knew it) - I don't think he was showboating, he thought the cover was closer.
Both Hayne and Burt are excellent finishers - looking forward to seeing more attack from our squad next season with a couple of real halves!

Interesting side note: If Hayne stays an Eel for life, then it's possible that he'll have a shot at being our next 'top try scorer'


Post Whore
Haha. There are some lunatics on here! Its cool to say how attractive a member of the oposite sex is, great fun to have a norks thread...but not if they're related to a player goddammit! Bahaha

84 Baby

If Hayne pulls that try off everyone on here will be lining up to jack him up the arse, but because he doesn't it's now he is a show pony and up himself he cost us the game blah blah blah.
Unless anyone can honestly say they would still be berating him even if had legitimately scored the try in the exact same manner, then why have a go when he didn't?
I remember times (once against the Dogs this year vividly) when he has almost bombed tries by attempting to ground the ball closer to the goal posts. Why would he now decide "Hey how about I really f*ck up position and put it right on the sideline?"
It was a simple f*ck up that he won't make again for awhile. I reckon next time he gets in a similar situation he'll make a much simpler, two handed lunge for the try line, probably get collected by the cover defence, marginally touch the sideline and people will still have a dig.


Post Whore
Hayne is beeing Paid the same as Thurston cameron smith Benji etc....
I still dont think he gives the same value as these guys week in week out.He has the potential too but the consistancy hasnt been there for the last year and a half


First Grade
Some of the morons on here confound me...
If we didnt have Hayne, we would be wooden spoon year in and year out. Thats a given.
He had Cooper Gronk looming up on the inside, what do you want him to do, try a regulation dive and have his legs taken over the sideline?, to say that hes trying to showpony is ridiculous. He read the play well took the intercept and was unlucky to score. End of story.
Some fans on here dont know how good we have it that he actually plays for Parra, headbutts and all.

Luckily we have Hayne and we get to be second last instead.

Love how all the Hayne lovers try and cover for him in every mistake he makes. He f**ked up get over it. It doesn't matter if he 'set up every other point' or 'without him we would be last'.


Post Whore
I see your "Completely disagree" and raise you a "no, I think Mr Linestepper" is right

I think Jarryd just didn't realise he had enough room to do anything less - he thought the defense was right on him .... he'd run f'n 60m flat out with chasers hot on his heals, was probably tiring, doesn't have eyes in hte back of his head - I think he just did what he thought best but being tired strayed a bit close the the sideline and had to over extend a bit to get it down

as others have said ... that gets given a try 9 times out of 10 this year .... personally I don't think it should be, but it mostly is .... so go figure

Thanks, mate - that's precisely what I have been trying to say!


Completely disagree.
There was no need for his body to be over the sideline when he was diving to ground the ball.
Hayne has an ego issue. Tonight proved that. Head down, dive towards tryline = try. Just look at his reaction. He knew he'd done the wrong thing.


lol @ people still finding ways to kiss his arse.

Love how all the Hayne lovers try and cover for him in every mistake he makes. He f**ked up get over it. It doesn't matter if he 'set up every other point' or 'without him we would be last'.
Can't disagree with any of that.
So, HaHa blows a try with stupid show pony crap...

Then Maitua scores 2 seconds later so it really makes no difference.

HaHa should feel like a total f**king douchebag but it's not something to crucify him over.


Eels Dude

Hayne is beeing Paid the same as Thurston cameron smith Benji etc....
I still dont think he gives the same value as these guys week in week out.
He has the potential too but the consistancy hasnt been there for the last year and a half

Do you think Benji is consistent? He's over-rated IMO. For every no look pass that turns out a winner there's one that goes to ground or over the sideline... he pretty much handed us the game when we played the Tigers the other week.

Hayne should have known better. But it must be hard to be a one man army.


So, HaHa blows a try with stupid show pony crap...

Then Maitua scores 2 seconds later so it really makes no difference.

HaHa should feel like a total f**king douchebag but it's not something to crucify him over.

Ooohh, HJ has now signed on as a fanboy :shock:

True EEL

after getting a chance to see the replay earlier.....i think there was maybe 10% show-boating in it....maybe. i think that may have contributed to him running himself out of room though. simple fact is he should have scored the try and it was disappointing that he didn't - but am finding it hard to cop all this show-boating, show-pony talk though......

i actually think its more that because Hayne knows he can do freakish things, he sometimes just simply underestimates the opposition's ability and gets himself into situations where he should do something, but at the death is a step slow and doesn't do it....i think he he was thinking he had more time and space than he did (perhaps because of the 10% show-boating) and kinda freaked out at the last minute

some of his passing though was sublime, some not so sublime. his defence was great and his kicking for the most part was great too. just give him time in the position, i really believe he CAN be the playmaker we need to go to another level, especially if he has Sandow to take some pressure off and direct the team around


Post Whore
after getting a chance to see the replay earlier.....i think there was maybe 10% show-boating in it....maybe. i think that may have contributed to him running himself out of room though. simple fact is he should have scored the try and it was disappointing that he didn't - but am finding it hard to cop all this show-boating, show-pony talk though......

i actually think its more that because Hayne knows he can do freakish things, he sometimes just simply underestimates the opposition's ability and gets himself into situations where he should do something, but at the death is a step slow and doesn't do it....i think he he was thinking he had more time and space than he did (perhaps because of the 10% show-boating) and kinda freaked out at the last minute

Having looked at it again on the news then, I sorta agree. Still, there was a degree of unneccessary lair in the the play and the try should have been scored.


True EEL

Having looked at it again on the news then, I sorta agree. Still, there was a degree of unneccessary lair in the the play and the try should have been scored.


totally, he should have scored it. Its like the fire safety warnings, get down lo and go, go go...!!! ;-) totally should have gotten low and slide in/over


Hayne is beeing Paid the same as Thurston cameron smith Benji etc....
I still dont think he gives the same value as these guys week in week out.He has the potential too but the consistancy hasnt been there for the last year and a half

Yeah, he needs to get paid more for all the whingers here that post the same criticisms and hissy fits.

I'd say he's done more than enough to prove his contract value over the past 2 years.

Try should've been scored, he screwed up, but to attack the bloke for a perceived attitude problem(considering none of us are probably on friendly terms with him) over a rare screw up is somewhat excessive IMO. No one seems to question his attitude problem when he was the only player keeping this shithouse team remotely competitive.

I don't know Hayne personally so I can't comment on his apparent ego problems, the most I'll say is that he screwed up and I'd like to assume he's feeling shit about it.

FFS parra fans love to dramatize trivial issues...

Blue & Gold

What a ridiculous thread, can't believe it is 7 pages long. So Hayne is the scape goat this week is he?


Just saw a replay. Anyone who thinks he is showboating is absolutely geniused.

He was running full pelt towards to corner to keep away from the two guys chasing him at an angle. If anything his vision let him down a little, but it would have been tough to see exactly where Blair was at that speed and angle

Did the commentators suggest this during the game or something? That's usually how rubbish like this spreads


Staff member
Hayne botched 'big-play' dive: Smith
Steve Jancetic
August 3, 2011

All NRL team jerseys, supporter merchandise and mascot towels
Parramatta's Jarryd Hayne in action during Monday night's clash with the Melbourne Storm.

Parramatta's Jarryd Hayne in action during Monday night's clash with the Melbourne Storm. Photo: Steve Christo

MELBOURNE skipper Cameron Smith has accused Parramatta superstar Jarryd Hayne of going for style over substance in what proved to be a costly bombed try on Monday night.

With the Eels holding a 2-0 lead midway through the first half at Parramatta Stadium, Hayne looked set to score but tried to beat his player on the outside instead of stepping back in.

Then, short of room and with his body outside the field of play, he tried to plant the ball down, only to lose it.

The Storm was thankful for the early let-off in a game it would win 22-18 with a come-from-behind effort.

''We had a couple of good chasers there in Cooper Cronk and Maurice Blair, but I didn't think he [Hayne] had to do what he did,'' Smith said yesterday.

''He tried to dive outside of the field of play and place the ball down where I thought he had enough room to just score the try.

''He's a big enough guy and strong enough guy to take a bit of a bump there.

''I thought he could have tried to shield the ball a bit more and just place it down.

''I don't know, he went for a bit of a big play.

''Maybe he went for a bit more of a fancy play to try and score the try and really just lost control of the ball.''

Despite the botched effort, the Eels still did more than enough to take the two competition points after opening up an 18-0 lead late in the game.

The Storm hit back with four late tries, the win leaving it within sight of the minor premiership.


First Grade
Just saw a replay. Anyone who thinks he is showboating is absolutely geniused.

He was running full pelt towards to corner to keep away from the two guys chasing him at an angle. If anything his vision let him down a little, but it would have been tough to see exactly where Blair was at that speed and angle

Did the commentators suggest this during the game or something? That's usually how rubbish like this spreads

I like your attitude. Anyone who disagrees with me is also absolutely geniused.

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