:lol: GameFaqs was the first ever board I checked out too (couldn't join, was only 11 but definitely viewed) and it was around the Invasion era and people HATED The Rock and Austin.
I especially remember the complaints about The Rock and the sharpshooter boy did they hate that move.
Back then, I think it was cool to like the 'New Generation' (94-96) and people were always talking up Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart's work as legendary, hell even Diesal was getting a big run in some contigents.
Thankfully people now realise that the new generation kind of sucked, did fairly poor business and the Attitude era was far superior.
So true!
Cena gets hated on because all his matches are the same with the same sh*tty endings. Also keep in mind Cena is on tv every week so thats 52 matches of the same sh*t plus ppvs...
I like Cena but every time he wrestles I change the channel because I know what will happen.
Rock got heat from the IWC because of his poor finisher and sharp shooter you are correct however Rock had the ability to stay fresh and play both a heel or a face. Cena refuses to do that.
Rocks run was 96 - 2003 (face, heel for N.O.D, face, heel as world champ, face, time off for movie, face and ended as a cocky heel). Compare that to Cena who has gone from 2002 - present as face, heel, face with a few injuries in there but has pretty much done the same thing week in week out for the same period of time. Booooring
Also - Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart's work was legendary and better than the stuff we get now.
I'm not sure that's accurate. I think Cena will do anything for the company, but Vince feels making his biggest star into a heel wouldn't be worth it in terms of merch sales. Ditto with Rey. I reckon both Cena and Rey could use heel turns but I doubt it's because they refuse to do so, but rather because Vince refuses to allow it. We all know Vince has a...well, "unique" take on things sometimes.
But the comment abiout his character being the same...Since the Attitude Era, that can be applied to everyone. I used to complain and bemoan we had no more "characters" in pro wrestling any more, and I used to think it was dull having John Smith feuding with Chris Brown type of thing.
However I have since then realised why they have done it. And Cena is not alone:
* Triple H, one of my all time faves, has barely changed characters at all. He fronted Evolution and reformed DX. Other than that...
* Orton has been the same guy, face or heel, ever since he made it big.
* Taker only changed to Biker Taker so he could talk more. It was a welcome change, but hardly a revolutionary one.
* Kane was demasked and made to feel and look more human.
* Mysterio has never changed
* Benoit...
The Rock maybe was seen as more entertaining because he was lucky to have guys the calibre of Stone Cold and Angle to work with and work off, and it was during another era of pro wrestling. Much like Cena, his moveset never changed - it was basically just his promos that were different.
I think Cena probably could use a change up, but the criticisms of his skills I feel are either overly harsh or unwarranted entirely. He's not a sloppy wrestler IMO and the only real issue in his matches is the fact he gets beaten down for 5 minutes and then lands the "Five Moves Of Doom" and ends up winning the match. But really - all the legends did it:
* Hogan - usually got beaten down to the point he Hulked up, landed a few punches, whip to the ropes, big boot, leg drop and pin.
* Rock - kip up, block punches, People's Elbow, Rock Bottom, pin or Sharpshooter
* HBK - kip up, few clotheslines, elbow from corner, tuning up the band, Sweet Chin Music, pin
It's an old formula, but it's a proven one. It explains why they keep using it for Cena.