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WWE SuperThread *Spoilers*

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Cena's promo on RAW embodied everything I hate about his character, I felt embarrassed to be watching this bullshit. That's mid card comedy shtick at best. He doesn't have a sarcastic bone in his body, it's just so cringe worthy. Coming off Big Show's firing this was so out of place with the mood of the night. Incoherent storytelling from creative as usual. And whilst some people might have bought into the idea that Jim Carrey was funny in the 90's those days are long over, it sucked. I don't even blame Johnny Ace for breaking character and laughing during that promo, Cena went full into full genius mode. You'd have to be laughing, at him not with him.
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1 Eyed TEZZA

He just has no idea.

I like that he's trying to get his personality into his character, but bloody hell he just isn't a wrestler.


The Big Show stuff was touch to watch. It just doesn’t fit his character, his begging to not be fired because he loves entertaining fans etc. actually fits the Cena character. Big Show “assaulting” Johnny and being excreted out by the police whilst Johnny fired him would be far more effective.

Eddie Lab

that stuff with Cena was painful. very happy no one saw/heard me watching that, would have been worse then being caught watching porn.


Forgettable RAW.

I'm convinced Cena is a natural heel, he just can't cut a face promo to save his life, at least not with the character he has to work with.

Dragon had a lot of the shine he got at Over The Limit taken off him tonight, didn't like this as a build towards No Way Out at all.

EDIT: For some reason I didn't see the Punk/AJ backstage segment, that was well done and the angle is promising. AJ has some acting ability, she's really pulling off her character well.

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This weeks show
Show Analysis:
Big Show came out to start the show. He smiled and said that is him doing his job. He said it is easy making people smile and he doesn’t mind doing it. But it was a business decision to make a living. The crowd chanted for Cena. Show said he doesn’t have to smile anymore because he has an ironclad contract with a big bonus and is set for life. So you were working by the hour and living in poverty previously? Show said he is not an entertainer but a giant and there is no athlete in any sport in his league.
Show wondered if that was why nobody came to his defense when he was at his lowest point. He cited Brodus Clay, R. Truth and Kofi Kingston dancing right after. Show’s right. Brodus Clay is a prick. Show said it was easy for everyone to just move on and the one who disappointed him the most was Cena. Show thought Cena would confront Laurinaitis and threaten a mutiny on behalf of his friend Big Show but instead Cena came out telling jokes like a jackass. Show said Cena hurt him when he didn’t care, so he hurt Cena. He added that at the next PPV he will beat Cena, hurt Cena and embarrass Cena worse than Rock, Brock Lesnar or John Laurinaitis. Big Show was great here as the heel who is completely in the right.
Alberto Del Rio beat Santino Marella in seconds. Santino immediately hit a head butt and went for the cobra but Del Rio cut him off with a kick and applied the armbar for the submission. I know it’s nothing new, but when the US champion loses in seconds, it isn’t leading to a title match because the guy who beat him is three levels above him, and this isn’t in any way a notable event, it’s time to dump the counterproductive trinket.
Alex Riley backstage told Eve Torres she is doing a great job. It looked like he was about to start hitting on her but Big Show entered. Torres told Show that Show would get to pick his opponent on Raw. A nervous Riley said he didn’t think what Laurinaitis did was right and that he admires Show. Show told Riley that he wouldn’t pick him for the match and Riley was relieved. Show told Riley he had a message for the locker room and rammed Riley into the wall. He never did say what the message was.
Kofi Kingston and R. Truth beat Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler to retain the tag team titles. The heels worked over Kingston briefly. Truth got the tag and hit a DDT on Swagger. Ziggler broke up the pin attempt, at which point Kingston took out Ziggler. Truth then hit his leaping downward spiral on Swagger for the pin. After the match, Ziggler yelled at Swagger and said he was better than this. Damn straight he is.
Big Show threatened Santino backstage. Brodus Clay stepped in and suggested Show pick him for a match later in the show. Show agreed and said that after the match Clay wouldn’t be dancing or walking.
John Laurinaitis came to the ring. He said that Show vs. Cena at No Way Out will be in a cage. Laurinaitis then unveiled what he said would be the cover of the WWE 13 video game with his image on the cover. CM Punk came out and unveiled a much larger banner that dropped from the ceiling with Punk on the official cover instead. They teased Laurinaitis would do something to retaliate but instead he just angrily wished Punk luck in his upcoming match and left. This sequence of events made absolutely no sense on any level.
Daniel Bryan beat CM Punk. Bryan worked over Punk, concentrating on the arm. A.J. came down to ringside in Punk apparel. Punk made his comeback with a swinging neck breaker and running knee. Bryan avoided the bulldog and rolled up Punk for two. Bryan hit a few European uppercuts but Punk countered with a springboard clothesline. Punk set up for a top rope elbow but Bryan got up and crotched him. Bryan then hit a superplex.
Bryan went to remove the turnbuckle pad. A.J. got up to protest, which prevented the referee from seeing it. Punk hit a head kick for two but when he ran in for the high knee, Bryan dropped him on the exposed turnbuckle for the pin. Kane came in after the match to hit Bryan with a chair and choke slam him on the chair. A.J. gave Punk a chair, which allowed Punk to clear Kane from the ring. This was a good match, as one would expect. I sure hope they just do a straight Bryan vs. Punk PPV rematch rather than putting Kane in a three way.
Christian beat Miz. Cody Rhodes did commentary. Miz hit his back breaker/neck breaker combination. Christian responded with an inverted DDT but Miz countered the spear with a boot for two. Christian hit an elbow off the second rope and set up for the kill switch but was distracted by Rhodes walking. Miz rolled up Christian for two. Miz went for the skull crushing finale, which was reversed into a kill switch attempt, which was also reversed. Christian moments later hit the kill switch and frog splash for the pin.
Backstage, John Laurinaitis said he was disappointed in David Otunga for tapping so fast to John Cena and in Eve Torres for not getting an apology from Sheamus. Otunga suggested Laurinaitis put him in a match with Sheamus. Laurinaitis agreed and said that he may want to retire in 20 years so he needs people he can count on. Teddy Long got coffee for Torres but it was cold so she spit it out and poured it on him.
Miz complained in the ring after his match. It was just a bunch of generic complaints. Randy Orton came out and gave him an RKO. This felt like a burial. It was kind of funny given I assume this is Miz’s sendoff to do the Marine role that they wanted Orton to do but that they got pressured out of. Backstage, Dolph Ziggler told Vickie Guerrero he wants to be in singles competition like Orton.
Sheamus beat David Otunga with his punches against the ropes, white noise and the Brogue kick. This was basically just a showcase for Sheamus to hit some big moves.
Big Show vs. Brodus Clay never started. Show called Clay a sellout, embarrassing himself nightly. Show suggested that maybe when people get tired of seeing Clay dance, he can get some makeup and be the next Doink. He added that at least Doink had talent. Show then speared Clay on the floor. He threw him into the post. He hit him with a piece of the announce table repeatedly. Kofi Kingston and R. Truth tried to make the save but he laid them out too. Show finally hit the KO punch on Clay. Cena never appeared on the show.


It looks like an ok RAW and Big Show beating down Clay is interesting. Bryan getting the win over Punk is a positive and the Ziggler/Swagger break up angle could be interesting.

The card for No Way Out is building up nicely, I expect the following:

Cena/Show (Confirmed – cage match)

Punk/Bryan II – I would like this to be 2 out of 3 falls but I think kane will be added in a triple threat

Sheamus/ADR/Orton (Cage)


Ziggler/Swagger VS Truth/Kingston with the break up angle coming to a head

A women’s match

Maybe something with Santino

Big Pete

It was a solid episode.

Story of the episode centred around The Big Show & his dissatisfaction with the product. As much as I could care less about another Show heel run, creative have done a decent job of fleshing out this angle & making it relevant & understandable. Was good to see Show/Brodus face off too, bout time Brodus was involved in something meaningful.

Punk/Bryan irked me. I didn't like seeing this as the B plot and thrown together on TV as a lead up match due to overexposure. While these concerns have subsided, I still didn't think much of this segment. Easily MotN but it was their weakest bout to date & while it enhanced the AJ angle I reckon they could have worked this better.

Rhodes on commentary was great. Has he been seeing a speech therapist? His lisp didn't sound as prominent. I'd really like to see Cody in a meaningful role at SummerSlam. A proper program so he can get himself over.

Speaking of getting themselves over, was happy to see Dolph position himself for a singles run. Bout time & like Cody I hope they do something meaningful with him on the way to SummerSlam.

Lot of noticeable absentees on the show. No Cena (Which isn't a bad thing *smile* it's a good thing), Tensai or Ryder. The latter isn't such a big deal as it's been a problem since Post-Mania but I doubt the Tensai character will have much of a future.

Big Pete

WWE are doing a terrible job with their faces, particularly Cena. I don't get it, the guy takes a swipe at Big Johnny for bullying & then proceeds to pick on a commentator who was never an active wrestler?

Worse still, said commentator fronts up, doing what you should against a bully. Cena then embarrasses him and nearly gets his thanks to Tensai before getting the win. I just don't get it.

Rest of the show wasn't even bad, couple of solid matches with Sheamus/Ziggler, Punk/Kane & Cena/Tensai and aside from Show all the available talents were on the show. Just that sticks in my craw, then again, this is the company that portrayed Austin stunning a woman for not wanting a drink as acceptable.

Want to play a game to see who actually gets mic. time. I swear the Ryback jobbers have received more time than at least half the roster.

Eddie Lab

very boring RAW. I thought that WWE was going in the right direction but IMO it has taken massive steps back over the past month.


WWE are doing a terrible job with their faces, particularly Cena. I don't get it, the guy takes a swipe at Big Johnny for bullying & then proceeds to pick on a commentator who was never an active wrestler?
Cena's always been terrible, primarily due to his storylines and horrible promos. They do a good job of revolving the show around him, and sacrificing talent to keep him over, but creative flat out stinks.

This storyline with Big Show is horrible, I really don't see how you wouldn't sympathize with him if you were following the show. He should have been in on it all along, inducing hatred not sympathy.

I also loved the serious promo where he swears. I'm not an entertainer, I'm a giant... where have I heard that before :lol:

Lazy writing.

Worse still, said commentator fronts up, doing what you should against a bully. Cena then embarrasses him and nearly gets his thanks to Tensai before getting the win. I just don't get it.
No one does.

Rest of the show wasn't even bad, couple of solid matches with Sheamus/Ziggler, Punk/Kane & Cena/Tensai and aside from Show all the available talents were on the show.
Good matches for TV.

I hate Kane ruining this feud, I hate Kane ruining the love triangle storyline.

Tensai was good tonight, helps the match was against Cena and he sold well, but the character is still ridiculous. If they were going to try this they should have had Matt Bloom cut a promo on why he turned his back on America and adopted Japanese culture. If they were worried about him cutting it live, Bloom did cut some good promos in Japan, it could have been a taped promo. Couldn't have dropped the ball worse then they did.

Just that sticks in my craw, then again, this is the company that portrayed Austin stunning a woman for not wanting a drink as acceptable.
A wife beater at that :lol:

Want to play a game to see who actually gets mic. time. I swear the Ryback jobbers have received more time than at least half the roster.
When's the last time you heard Kofi talk? I hate this Goldberg rip off, I really hope the crowd is not stupid enough to let this get over.


They should have paid Brock 10 million and have him booked for all TV and PPV shows.

Also, the fact that the Brock/Cena match was so well received makes me think they should look for more diverse workers.

Would it kill you to get some Strong/Inoki style workers. I'm sure the audience has a greater appreciation for strikers in the age of MMA.

Big Pete

Show should be in that Michaels/Genie working against his will type of way. It'd still have a ton of plot-holes but it'd be more compelling than this current angle. Book it as a Career vs. Career match. Play on the history between the two, history of the Giant & have Lauranaitis in his ear basically cutting promos on him that Show is cutting now.

It still wouldn't sell tickets because it's Show/Cena but it makes more sense than this cliched angle.

Nobody knows who Matt Bloom is. Stick with A-Train and play up the Japanese domination angle but make it relevant to the WWE by implementing into feuds that get him over. Just don't give him gimmicky bull-s**t like mist & a claw. That's just bad booking.

As much as I want variation in the WWE, I can't see them bringing in stiff workers on the amount of dates they work.

Company needs a ton of change ups. Wrestling is a good 10 years behind the times.

Big Pete



It's Vader Time :D

Even though I've seen Vader in action this year over in Japan, that was still a mark out moment.

Good to hear him get a really nice reception as well.
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ethan tremblay

lol Vader lets hope they get some better guys back in the coming weeks... im hoping too hear ... ohhh u didn't know your ass better call somebody .. the new age outlaws


Until I read a RAW report I thought that picture was JBL.

The worst thing is that Vince once again equated to ratings. A 3.2 for this week with a 3.4 in the final hour.
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