It's a bit like Field of Dreams, if you create it, they will come.
Appreciate it Mis.
Back to MitB...
Big E/Rusev was actually a really decent hoss match that suffered because Big E has been booked so poorly as of late. If Big E had been on a tear and this was booked as the first big test of Rusev, it would have been a much better match. Instead, it's a rematch that was announced on the very last television show and as such the big spots just didn't matter as much as they should have.
Summer Rae v Layla was pretty depressing. It's like they had three spots worth of material, it tanked and so they went right for the mercy finish. I actually didn't mind the idea of this match since it actually had a storyline to it but it needed to be fleshed out way more than it was.
The championship Money in the Bank was solid but underwhelming. The problem was that the WWE basically booked all their biggest stars in one match without considering the logistics so you end up with a lot of similar wrestlers which leads to a lot of flat spots, which this match had.
However, it had some decent points to it as well. I found the Orton/Kane alliance pretty intriguing. I wish they would have gone further with this and made Sheamus or Del Rio members or mercenaries of the Authority and tasked them with the job of tending to Cena and Reigns. Heck, even if they made a deal with Heyman or Wyatt, I think it would have given the match more of an edge and made better use of their roster.
In saying that, I liked the work from Cesaro and Sheamus. Cesaro in particular took a fantastic RKO off the ladder and I thought they had the spot of the match as they fought on the leaning ladder structure.
I also thought the match for the most part was put together well. Reigns was given all the superstar moments and really got to shine, I don't think he quite made the most of it but the thought was there. Finish seemingly worked well too. It could have backfired, but I think they did a really good job of making Kane/Orton seem so detestable, that the fans actually got behind Cena winning the match.
Mind you, there were times where it did backfire. They didn't care for Sheamus' run, nor Romans and the big Cena/Roman staredown basically resulted in crickets.
So yeah, it was okay but I believe with a better line-up, better build and structure, the match could have been far better.
You could basically say the exact same thing about the show really. Due to the homogenous nature of these gimmick PPVs, it's difficult to really distinguish shows and sell matches based on a gimmick. This championship Money in the Bank match should have felt like a huge deal, instead it was just another June PPV for the WWE.