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Y.N.W.A. Thread (Liverpool fans thread) II

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Where'd you hear that mate?

Sure Kroos would've laughed at the suggestion. Wish we went for the man he replaced at Madrid.

Gerrard revealed in his new book that Rodgers asked him to text Toni Kroos to consider coming to liverpool. Gerrard told him he was dreaming but yolo. He also texted Willian. Gerrard had a unofficial ambassador kind of role


Staff member
Haha that was such cringeworthy TV when he whipped out those 3 envelopes.

I doubt Rodgers gets sacked before Xmas. We'd have to be bottom 3 come the new year before those idiots Gordon and Ayre would have their little tanned buddy removed.


First Grade
What a pathetic game. Absolutely pathetic.

Starts a striker under an injury cloud, and a guy who hasn't played for 6 months. Credit, Sturridge played well, but the rust was there.

Hooks Lucas instead of Milner and brings Firmino on when we only have one striker. I have been lurking the net and you know what is pissing me off, no one is critising the absolute shit game Phil Coutinho put in.
He refused to pass, shot on every occasion and fluffed a chance, it was easy to see if he rolled it to Ings, he taps it in, but Phil goes into hero mode.

And Rogers, he is the biggest troll of all. Horrible game plan, horrible substitution, horrible tactics. I have never seen such a negative game plan in my life as an LFC fan. Even Roy Hodgson wasn't this bad.

He has to be sacked sooner rather than later.


Staff member
Pretty much sums it up cb4.

Someone on another forum I'm on posted that the club has approached a manager currently on a sabbatical and it isn't Klopp. I can only hope it's true and its someone like Bielsa


Is that liverpool-rumours, Jack?

I just don't understand why they don't approach Klopp. They've already approached him twice in the past, so why the hell do they now think he's not good enough? Ian Ayre and Mike Gordon clearly do not watch much football in their life, or they really are best buddies with Rodgers.


Just had a look...I think Macca has a reasonable track record, does he not?

The only other manager I can think of who is on an official sabbatical is Ancelotti.


Staff member
Is that liverpool-rumours, Jack?

I just don't understand why they don't approach Klopp. They've already approached him twice in the past, so why the hell do they now think he's not good enough? Ian Ayre and Mike Gordon clearly do not watch much football in their life, or they really are best buddies with Rodgers.

Apparently someone who they take advice on footballing matters from advised them to steer clear of Klopp :crazy:

Knowing Gordon it'll be Big Sam. What's Hiddink doing?


Staff member
Just had a look...I think Macca has a reasonable track record, does he not?

The only other manager I can think of who is on an official sabbatical is Ancelotti.

Yeah Macca seems fairly solid with his info, apparently has a source very close to the players as well.


Apparently someone who they take advice on footballing matters from advised them to steer clear of Klopp :crazy:

Knowing Gordon it'll be Big Sam. What's Hiddink doing?

Who is this idiot? Ed002 says Bob Bradley has been giving them a bit of advice, so perhaps its him. He just wants the job the cynical f**ker.

We just need someone who not only has a philosophy, but also knows to f**king implement the philosophy.

I don't mind Ian Ayre, even got a selfie with him in the team hotel elevator in melbourne, but he deserves to be sacked if he truly believes that Rodgers' struggles this season have come down to 'Coutinho's average form, Sturridge injury, and bullshit and bullshit and bullshit'.

The 'just wait until Sturridge is back' line is probably THE most annoying line used to defend Rodgers.

f**k this club pisses me off :crazy:


And there's a difference between being on sabbatical, and being unemployed, unwanted. Big Sam fits into the latter.


Post Whore
He will keep you up, you have a big number 9 and lack talent in key positions.

It's got long ball style written all over it, who better than the big man in that situation? :)


pretty decent fan letter to FSG

Dear FSG, members of the board,

Never before was the support for a Liverpool manager at such a low point as it currently is with Brendan Rodgers. Not even Roy Hodgson, whom you dispatched within minutes after taking over, had so little support as `the Brodge`. And Roy was never given 300 million to build a team, nor was the lack of support of him anything but emotional.

Back on topic, we Liverpool supporters have a reputation of giving everyone who signs for the club a fair chance to succeed. We´ll stick by you as long as we believe your heart is in the right place, even if your feet don´t follow. Erik Meijer, Lucas Leiva and Titi Camara are perfect examples of this. If you will fight for us, we will fight for you. To us, you´ll never walk alone is not a song or a motto. It´s not a sign we touch on our way onto the pitch (although given the chance we all would). It´s what we believe and what we stand for. When giving your all for Liverpool FC, we will be right beside you every step of the way.

With that great support comes great responsibility though. We expect you to be responsible with leading, managing or playing for our great club, our family. We don´t consider ever turning our back on you, win or lose, so we expect the very same in return. That´s where the line is.

When Rodgers last summer sacrificed his assistants after selling our best player, spending 125 million pounds in the summer and being humiliated by Stoke, he crossed that line for a lot of us. Including myself. Nothing against the new assistants at the club, o'Driscoll is a knowledgeable man, Gary Mac forever a club legend and Pep Lijnders a very talented coach, but that is not the Liverpool way. When we fail, we fail together and we don't throw people under the bus to save our own skin. We expect our manager to be responsible and take ownership and not to make a half arsed plea to stay in his job by saying he will leave if he is asked. If you deserve to manage Liverpool FC, you don't need to be asked.

Rodgers lost a lot of support that day not because of the results but of the way he chose to deal with it. Yet true to form, some people still felt that he should get another summer to prove he could sign the right players. Another season to prove he could make it work, often using the season before last to back up that claim. We're six games into the season and now those people are gone too. They have also had enough, their brilliant loyalty has been tested one too many times. Enough is enough.

This Liverpool supporter expects you to be responsible now. To protect your investment as well as our great club and the stature it has spent over a century to acquire. This morning's news that Origi may be sent out on loan shows once again how there is so much wrong at Anfield right now, it's beyond repair. It shows this manager is part of the problem so he cannot be part of the solution.

This cannot continue. We cannot end another season in seventh place or possibly lower. Over the last two summers we have sold or let go our best three players. In Sterling, Suarez and Gerrard we had players who could attract other big players to the club but the consistent wasting of transfer funds made players like Toni Kroos and Willian conclude that he would not be able to complete for the highest honours at Liverpool FC. And clearly, Suarez and Sterling were convinced he was right. We're in a downward spiral and we're dropping faster and faster. If rumours are true and other clubs will come in for Coutinho, there will be nothing left for us but rock bottom. If you choose to hesitate even the length of this season, that is exactly where we will end up.

As much as I believe that you care about this club, at the end of the day it is still an investment to you and in the interest of your investment, you need to know that it is your fanbase that make you commercially interesting. Back when I was a six year old, Liverpool jerseys were all you could see in the streets. Nowadays they're a rarity. Only our sons, who have been taught well, still walk around in them. We stood unchallenged the world over at one point in the ever becoming more distant past. Nowadays, even in the new markets you obviously aim for, we are challenged by not only other Premier League clubs but clubs from Spain and Italy as well.

You know this, I won't pretend I'm telling you something new here. You know all of this. So stop dragging your feet and do something now. You're the only ones who can turn things around and that starts with a new manager. We'll be with you every step of the way.

Thank you.


Staff member
So apparently the club has spoken to Ancelotti recently, doesn't mean anything obviously but I think it's obvious things aren't too good with Rodgers at upper management level.


First Grade
There are managers available that would make an immediate impact for us, Klopp and Ancelotti.

Both have far too many pro's to ignore.

- Young manager
- Highly respected
- Wants a project
- Access to the German market
- BvB players may turn their head to him
- Works with a DoF
- Knows how to coach defense
- He seems like an LFC kinda guy

- Highly respected
- Access to all markets
- High quality coaching staff
- World wide respect
- Players would want to play for him
- Our best would stay
- Liverpool fan

I am not sure if players like Coutinho would stay if we got Klopp, but they most definitely would with Anco.
With Klopp though, he has players with blind loyalty to him, and he would be able to attract players with the quality of Coutinho to the club.

If the decision was mine, I would go with Klopp, as he is younger and would be able to be in it for the long haul, however, Anco would get immediate results for us.

Its a toss up, but both would make us better than Rogers.

I would be interested though, if the choice was yours, who would you take?
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