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Y.N.W.A. Thread (Liverpool fans thread) II

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Staff member
Yeah I'd go with Klopp as well. What he did with Bvb was a fantastic achievement. Looks the sort of coach who his players would literally die for. Really think anfield would worship this fella if he came to us.

But like you guys I wouldn't be disappointed with Carlo, he has proven to be a class act no matter where he has been.



This article just makes me angry about Ayre and Gordon. It's clear that all Ayre is trying to do his back his mate up. As for Gordon, I bet he knows f**k all about football and hence why he's deluded into thinking Rodgers is okay. They still persist with the 'but 2 seasons ago' argument despite alllllllllllll the bullshit which indicates Rodgers is not the right man. They're like f**king climate change sceptics...'but it was cold yesterday!'


First Grade
This is what happens when you get guys in charge of the club that don't have a real passion for football.
Their main focus is the Red Sox. They play so many games a year, and they are crap, but their manager is backed until the end of the season.
This will happen again with Rodgers.

Ancelottie and Klopp will be snapped up, we wont get a decent manager, and we will end up with someone like Garry Monk.

And instead of going out and buying world class talent, we will buy Jack Grealish. Because he is English.
I bag out on my mates who support clubs that are propped up by Arabian or Russian money, but to tell you the truth, I am now jealous.

Because the guys in charge of that club have a passion for the club, have a passion for the game, and aren't afraid to lose money.
Look at City.

Mancini won them their first ever title and was sacked a year later. Pellegrini won them a title and looks like winning again but he will probably be sacked for Guardiola.

Chelsea don't f**k about either.

I would love an owner who loves the game, the club and isn't afraid to make cut throat decisions. FSG will probably sell us after the new stand is built but by then it will probably be too late.


Their goal is to win the EPL, but they seriously have zero f**king idea how to go about it.

The fact they even need an external advisor to tell them if Rodgers is shit or not is embarrassing.


Staff member
Hit the nail on the head cb4, we have people running the the club who have absolutely no idea about European football.

Mike Gordon is the main man and responsible for the day to day running of the club and all things football yet all I can find out about him is he's financial background. I'm sure their heart is in the right place and the massive sums of money splashed including the stadium upgrade show this but they literally have no idea what it takes to be successful.

2017 looms as an interesting year as well, as the new TV deals mean a lot more $$$ for English clubs, wouldn't surprise me if we see FSG sell up and move on.


First Grade
Either of the above two mentioned would be fantastic.

Can't see it happening though. Hope I am wrong.


I mean I half agree with you there Chris. FSG may not have an inherent passion for football, but they have an inherent passion for winning. I think they are capable of making cut-throat decisions- they sacked a manager who is a god amongst the Liverpool faithful, a dude who has ultimately done better than what Rodgers has when comparing their two tenures together.

FSG don't like to be knee-jerkers. Those big oil clubs are capable of ruthless decisions because they have the resources to safety net it. FSG want to see us do well, the problem is that they've obviously been listening to the wrong people.

People like Mike Gordon and Ayre have obviously been blind Rodgers fans, but they're human, and capable of changing their mind to the expense of their mate. Who would have thought that Rodgers would throw his mate under a bus to save his job? I didn't. But things change, and I believe Mike Gordon is smart enough to reconsider his sentiments if these results continue to disappoint.


Hit the nail on the head cb4, we have people running the the club who have absolutely no idea about European football.

Mike Gordon is the main man and responsible for the day to day running of the club and all things football yet all I can find out about him is he's financial background. I'm sure their heart is in the right place and the massive sums of money splashed including the stadium upgrade show this but they literally have no idea what it takes to be successful.

2017 looms as an interesting year as well, as the new TV deals mean a lot more $$$ for English clubs, wouldn't surprise me if we see FSG sell up and move on.

I really believe they will, the opportunity is too good. Running the club has been much costlier than expected, and Liverpool's value will soar after not only TV deal, but the redevelopment of the stadium. The stadium will be worth a lot more in 2017 than it is now, and that will reflect on the value of Liverpool. Sell and run.


Either of the above two mentioned would be fantastic.

Can't see it happening though. Hope I am wrong.

The person who started this rumour has a very good track record and said Ancelotti has met with Liverpool. It's very surprising, but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Apart from last campaign, at least our seasons are still interesting while we lose


First Grade
I'd be very surprised to see Rogers sacked before the end of the year, regardless of how bad we are.


But assuming it's correct that LFC have met Ancelotti, you really never know. If Ancelotti is interested, they'll either bring him in now, or appoint SoD as interim until Ancelotti joins next season.


Staff member
Somewhat agree, we'd have to be languishing where we are now all season for an early call to be made IMO. End of last season was the time to do it but all they have done is made it more difficult to do it early now.


I reckon the Ancelotti rumours are true, the guy who revealed it is reliable, and even ed002 is willing to go along with it. But at the same time, it does just not make sense. We did a review, looked at our options, and decided to keep Rodgers with a view for the whole season. What's more confusing is, ed002 said it would not have to do much with the current results. So why give Rodgers your backing only to speak to people behind his back so early in the season? Surely the results have had something to do with it. Either their advisor has suggested that Rodgers has learned nothing and never will, or they've paid attention to the extreme fan backlash...or both.

There's no way we'd be hearing this if we started the season well.


Staff member
There are managers available that would make an immediate impact for us, Klopp and Ancelotti.

Both have far too many pro's to ignore.

- Young manager
- Highly respected
- Wants a project
- Access to the German market
- BvB players may turn their head to him
- Works with a DoF
- Knows how to coach defense
- He seems like an LFC kinda guy

- Highly respected
- Access to all markets
- High quality coaching staff
- World wide respect
- Players would want to play for him
- Our best would stay
- Liverpool fan

I am not sure if players like Coutinho would stay if we got Klopp, but they most definitely would with Anco.
With Klopp though, he has players with blind loyalty to him, and he would be able to attract players with the quality of Coutinho to the club.

If the decision was mine, I would go with Klopp, as he is younger and would be able to be in it for the long haul, however, Anco would get immediate results for us.

Its a toss up, but both would make us better than Rogers.

I would be interested though, if the choice was yours, who would you take?


Mogsheen Jadwat

Ancelotti would be the better of the two choices IMO.

Players are more likely going to want to play under him than Klopp, which they clearly don't want to do under Rodgers.

Plus, Ancelotti has no issues giving youth opportunity.


First Grade
Ancelotti would be the better of the two choices IMO.

Players are more likely going to want to play under him than Klopp, which they clearly don't want to do under Rodgers.

Plus, Ancelotti has no issues giving youth opportunity.

I don't think Rodgers has an issue giving youth a go either. He has blooded Ibe, played Sterling regularly, played Flanno, Gomez ect, his signings are young and the youth players are getting blooded slowly.

He is just a shit manager all of a sudden. Actually that is harsh. He is a stubborn manager. His reluctance to go back to a diamond formation, despite the fact it nearly won us the league, and we now have better players suited to it is frustrating.

His 4-2-3-1 doesnt work, his 4-3-3 doesnt work, his 3-4-3 doesnt work, but he doesnt go back to what does.

The Norwich game, that was set up and selected for a diamond, and instead of playing it, he put Can at CB.
He is very negative in his style of football. We search high and low for the goal then just go through the motions.

Honestly, when Norwich equalised, who honestly thought we were going to get infront again? I didn't, I conceded a draw right then and there.

Unless he drastically changes his possession based football and goes back to high intensity pressing and counter attacking football, which is what this squad is built for, then I dont see us getting near 7th, let alone 4th.


I don't think Rodgers has an issue giving youth a go either. He has blooded Ibe, played Sterling regularly, played Flanno, Gomez ect, his signings are young and the youth players are getting blooded slowly.

He is just a shit manager all of a sudden. Actually that is harsh. He is a stubborn manager. His reluctance to go back to a diamond formation, despite the fact it nearly won us the league, and we now have better players suited to it is frustrating.

His 4-2-3-1 doesnt work, his 4-3-3 doesnt work, his 3-4-3 doesnt work, but he doesnt go back to what does.

The Norwich game, that was set up and selected for a diamond, and instead of playing it, he put Can at CB.
He is very negative in his style of football. We search high and low for the goal then just go through the motions.

Honestly, when Norwich equalised, who honestly thought we were going to get infront again? I didn't, I conceded a draw right then and there.

Unless he drastically changes his possession based football and goes back to high intensity pressing and counter attacking football, which is what this squad is built for, then I dont see us getting near 7th, let alone 4th.

Haha, his stubbornness is a part of what makes him shit. All managers are stubborn but at leas the good ones get the very best out of their own style. Any old manager can look okay if they use a diamond on this team. The diamond is just a formation he grabbed from Marco Bielsa because he didn't know how else to get the absolute best out of Suarez. His philosophy is 'death by football', i.e. keeping the ball and all that bullshit, but going back to a diamond would greatly shit on his ego. It's already being shat on by the fact he doesn't even know how to implement his own philosophy. 3 years later and this team still can't retain possession to save their lives.

What also makes him shit is his obsession with plugging square pegs into round holes. And only 2 of his 30 signings have turned out to be absolute successes.

He's just awful, and now with the massive voices of discontent from the Kop, I actually wouldn't be surprised if we flick him sooner rather than later. He's well and truly lost virtually all of his loyal followers.


Also, Rodgers has never actually been that proactive about promoting youth, not at least in general speak.

Flanno- He wanted to sell him, injury forced Flanno into team
Ibe- Woeful results last season forced Rodgers to desperately recall him from Derby
Sterling- Started to become a bit of an outcast until injury promoted him, I think it was that 5-0 win at Spurs.
Gomez- He probably does deserve a bit of credit for this. He could have played it safe and start Moreno v Stoke but he showed balls to start Gomez. Him and Rossiter are the only ones I fully give him credit for though.
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Staff member
King Kenny gave sterling his start as well and should be given credit for his elevation to the starting 11 at such a young age.
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