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Yanks love RL ... they just don't realise it


apologies if this has been posted b4 as it is a few weeks old but ...

this play from college gridiron is being described as the greatest touchdown in history ... and it looks like a RL try rather than a stock standard gridiron play


the way the commentaror orgasms over a "lateral" pass is nuts :crazy:

Sonic Star

If Yanks thought of Rugby league them selves it would probably be one of their number 1 sports.
I'm not much of a fan of American footy, to slow for me, to much stopping and starting.
They wear way to much padding and protective gear for my liking.
The hits can look massive but I would like to see them get smashed with out it and see if they get back up.


Staff member
I agree.

At the end of that clip when they scored, I thought the crowd was rushing onto the field. Turns out to be just his team-mates coming off the bench. All 200 of them!

Really, does a team REALLY need that many players in the one game like they do in gridiron?! I don't think so ...!

Raider Azz

but I would like to see them get smashed with out it and see if they get back up.
theyd probably be missing a head, so, no, they wouldnt get back up.
i cant stand the argument "oh nfl players are soft they wear pads". they wear them for a reason - because they need to.


Raider Azz said:
theyd probably be missing a head, so, no, they wouldnt get back up.
i cant stand the argument "oh nfl players are soft they wear pads". they wear them for a reason - because they need to.

Because they attack the head all the time, right? :roll:

Saw this or a td very similar to it a few weeks back on ST, they were goin apesh*t over it, thought to myself then ''we see it every w/end''


Post Whore
Nuke said:
I agree.

At the end of that clip when they scored, I thought the crowd was rushing onto the field. Turns out to be just his team-mates coming off the bench. All 200 of them!

Really, does a team REALLY need that many players in the one game like they do in gridiron?! I don't think so ...!

Yes, they do. Offensive linesmen can't really play on the defensive line because the expectations are polar opposites.

Likewise a halfback cannot play as a linebacker because he'll get steamrolled.

Every position they have is a specialty.


Post Whore
Sonic Star said:
If Yanks thought of Rugby league them selves it would probably be one of their number 1 sports.
I'm not much of a fan of American footy, to slow for me, to much stopping and starting.
They wear way to much padding and protective gear for my liking.
The hits can look massive but I would like to see them get smashed with out it and see if they get back up.

The reverse is true, too - if Australians stopped being so pompous and thinking, "Pft - they're soft. They wear padding," NFL could be huge here.

True, it's slower than rugby league - but some of the athletes in NFL are just beasts. There are defensive ends who are 6 foot 6 and weigh over 300 pounds who can sprint 40 yards in under 5 seconds.


the problem with NFL is that it's too conservative . Field position is everything and it's only when time is virtually up that they throw caution to the wind and play some footy . I've seen teams kick on the 4th down because they wern't confident of making less than a yard on the last play .

The NRL at it's worst is very similar ... 5 hitups and kick for field position compared to 3 hitups and kick for field position in NFL .

Where NRL beats NFL is that the majority of our players across the park have the skill to do more than 1 thing , be it pass , kick , run , sidestep , dummy , etc .... NFL players often can only do 1 thing .... that's why when someone does something unexpected , like in the above clip , the commentators think it's the greatest event since the invention of the wheel .


Nuke said:
I agree.

At the end of that clip when they scored, I thought the crowd was rushing onto the field. Turns out to be just his team-mates coming off the bench. All 200 of them!

Really, does a team REALLY need that many players in the one game like they do in gridiron?! I don't think so ...!

yep, the positions are all occupied by speciality players. And no it doesnt look too much like league as you cant block in league. No they arent soft because of the padding, lets see a top league player put that gear on and get crushed by a safety or linebacker and wait to see how long it takes them to get up :roll:. I think NFL is a great game, however most guys just say there are too many stoppages/slow etc. it takes time to really get into the game.


It's simple, the games are different no need to try and compare them.
The NFL wears padding, big deal.
We have grown up on our blokes not wearing any padding and belting each other.
Both games are different in so many ways.

I would like NFL if they were to speed the game up a little, and possibly not have an attacking team and a separate defensive team.
This to me is where our great sport has it all over them.
The concept and idea of the NFL to me is fine.

League and NFL could co-exist in the USA, I doubt whether League would seriously challenge the likes of NFL, NBA, Baseball for mainstream sports though in our life time.
It certainly has a chance to be a niche sport there though.


If that many hands were involved in a rugby league try we would all be as excited as those commentators so it was a pretty good try.

As for the whole myth that they are pussys because they wear pads, i dont think thats true...in the NFL they can take them over the horizontal in a tackle and attack the head area (cant grab facemask though). So with those sort of things aloud i think it would probably be on the same level as league in terms of being tough or physical but ive never played gridiron so im not really sure.


I played a bit of American Football while living in Asia.

The padding is sensational. You feel like you can run through a wall.

It would be a much better game if there was more emphasis on skills and less on dressing players like tanks.

Having said that, it's hell on the knees.


There were at least 6 shepherds in that play :sarcasm:

To those saying yanks would love rl because they think lateral passes are amazing, i put it to you if we had rl teams coming up with rehearsed plays and pulling them off (see parra in the 80's) everyone here would be creaming their jeans.


Post Whore
vlad said:
the problem with NFL is that it's too conservative . Field position is everything and it's only when time is virtually up that they throw caution to the wind and play some footy . I've seen teams kick on the 4th down because they wern't confident of making less than a yard on the last play .

The NRL at it's worst is very similar ... 5 hitups and kick for field position compared to 3 hitups and kick for field position in NFL .

Where NRL beats NFL is that the majority of our players across the park have the skill to do more than 1 thing , be it pass , kick , run , sidestep , dummy , etc .... NFL players often can only do 1 thing .... that's why when someone does something unexpected , like in the above clip , the commentators think it's the greatest event since the invention of the wheel .

Have to agree with you there - I've seen so many teams punt on 4th & inches just because they're petrified of turning the ball over. But the teams that do take the gamble have the proof in the pudding.


Post Whore
eels_fan_01 said:
If that many hands were involved in a rugby league try we would all be as excited as those commentators so it was a pretty good try.

As for the whole myth that they are pussys because they wear pads, i dont think thats true...in the NFL they can take them over the horizontal in a tackle and attack the head area (cant grab facemask though). So with those sort of things aloud i think it would probably be on the same level as league in terms of being tough or physical but ive never played gridiron so im not really sure.

Maybe it's because I'm an avid NFL fan (though league is still my favourite sport ever), but I have to agree.

NFL defensive linesman: 2m+ tall and 140+ kg
NRL prop: 1.85+ m tall and 110+ kg

Big discrepancy there - I tell you, I would much rather have a Morley or an Asotasi running at me or tackling me than some f the monsters in the NFL, padding or not.

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