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You fcken bit me, dawg.


First Grade
Timmah said:
Shift what blame? FFS Morrin should be out for the season, stop ignoring that.

You're trying to shift the onus entirely off the Eels player/s who appeared to have also committed infringements.
No your trying to shift the blame by throwing some stupid allegations on Tahu and Hindmarsh your the only one comming out with these stupid accusations..(oh you and nqboy:lol:)

Yes you shift blame parra not being cleanskins ring a bell??


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
nqboy has no bias. You do.

Do the math.

Your boys aren't angels.


Post Whore
Timmah said:
Well avoided again :clap:

You suck at arguing and keeping on topic.
I suck at arguing :lol: you are trying to find some tiny remote reason for Moron biting Tahu. Invisible elbows,lifting the player 181.9999% above the horizontal. Just face there is no excuse for Morons Dog act. And most normal Aussies would have reacted the same way Tahu did.


First Grade
Lets see now Timmah is trying to Shift part of the blame onto Hindy and Tahu due to the fact that Tahu fell on Morrins head and Hindy lifted him past the Horizontal causing Morrin to have a brain snap making him bite Tahu... Which we all know by now Timmah doesnt condone...


Tahu's been a monster this year, pulling off bone rattlers on much bigger players left, right, centre. He is an ultra aggressive player and always has been - often finds himself getting into niggling battles with opposing players.

Shame he's going to Union, i'll always have a soft spot for him... certainly some fond memories of him in the Red and Blue. If he had managed to keep the injuries away he really could have been a 20+ capped Origin and test player.

Interesting to note the formidable physique of SBW standing in the background looking at Tahu... the boxing fan in me wanted to see SBW step forward and have a stare down with Tahu. I reckon both could throw them. lol


First Grade
Just a question: Do the Bulldogs actually pay you Timmy for all this spin you put out there?


First Grade
RABK said:
Tahu's been a monster this year, pulling off bone rattlers on much bigger players left, right, centre. He is an ultra aggressive player and always has been - often finds himself getting into niggling battles with opposing players.

Shame he's going to Union, i'll always have a soft spot for him... certainly some fond memories of him in the Red and Blue. If he had managed to keep the injuries away he really could have been a 20+ capped Origin and test player.

Interesting to note the formidable physique of SBW standing in the background looking at Tahu... the boxing fan in me wanted to see SBW step forward and have a stare down with Tahu. I reckon both could throw them. lol

Would have been good if Tahu went back to the knights seeing now Joeys Salary isnt on the cap... He would really add alot to Newcastle again and can still add alot to the game itself...

Stupid Union!!!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Do the people on this website need to take a course on the difference between an excuse and a reason?

ex·cuse /v. ɪkˈskyuz; n. ɪkˈskyus/ [v. ik-skyooz, post: n. ik-skyoos"]
verb, -cused, -cus·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)

1. to regard or judge with forgiveness or indulgence; pardon or forgive; overlook (a fault, error, etc.): Excuse his bad manners.
2. to offer an apology for; seek to remove the blame of: He excused his absence by saying that he was ill.
3. to serve as an apology or justification for; justify: Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
I'm not making excuses because he doesn't get forgiveness for me, he's a grub.

rea·son /ˈrizən/ Pronunciation Key - [ree-zuhn]
1. a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.: the reason for declaring war.
2. a statement presented in explanation of a belief or action.


First Grade
We all know the reason why he did it Timmah he's a dog of a person.. no other reason is needed...


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
:roll: I agree it's a low act but we're talking about a physical, logical reason why he may have reacted with the low act. That's all I'm saying.


Post Whore
Timmah said:
:roll: I agree it's a low act but we're talking about a physical, logical reason why he may have reacted with the low act. That's all I'm saying.
So it's ok for Moron to react but not Tahu ;-)


First Grade
We'll Timmah there is always logical reasons why things happen.. Why didnt Morrin Punch out in frustration why was it the first thing that popped into his head to bite?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
We'll Timmah there is always logical reasons why things happen.. Why didnt Morrin Punch out in frustration why was it the first thing that popped into his head to bite?
I don't know and quite frankly I'm disgusted by it.

As I said, it's a reason, not an excuse. There are NO excuses for what Morrin did.

hineyrulz said:
So it's ok for Moron to react but not Tahu
Noone's said that. It's not ok for either to react.


Post Whore
Timmah said:
I don't know and quite frankly I'm disgusted by it.

As I said, it's a reason, not an excuse. There are NO excuses for what Morrin did.

Noone's said that. It's not ok for either to react.
Fair enough mate.