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You fcken bit me, dawg.


Assistant Moderator
Timmah said:
I'll recommend you an optom, you clearly missed it.

If it satisfies you to continue baiting me, omit "logical" from the sentence.

Nothing excuses what he did. How many times do I have to write that? I'm trying to point out to people that there had to be some reason for him to be such a farkwit. I'm saying that reason is most likely to be Tahu's elbow landing on the guy's head. Is it that hard to understand?
OK, I'll simplify the question.

How would you feel if Ryles chewed on Ryan's arm?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
In reference to the exact same tackle occuring as did from Ryan on Ryles last week?

Different context, but penalty would've went to the Dragons for the initial high tackle.

The reason behind Ryles' bite would be Ryan's tackle but it wouldn't excuse Ryles.


Assistant Moderator
You really thought about that answer aye Tim? lol

Now go back over the thought process in the preceding minutes, and see if you can pinpoint the moment where you discovered your own double standards.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The opinions don't differ.

There's no excuse for the bite in either scenario, nor is there any excuse for the high tackle in the Ryan decision (of which the judiciary cleared him) or Tahu's possibly alleged headslam (which is yet to be viewed by the MRC).

I'm happy to be wrong about Tahu but the tackle did look dangerous. The most important thing out of the whole saga is that Morrin gets rubbed out for the year.


Assistant Moderator
Timmah said:
The opinions don't differ.

There's no excuse for the bite in either scenario, nor is there any excuse for the high tackle in the Ryan decision (of which the judiciary cleared him) or Tahu's possibly alleged headslam (which is yet to be viewed by the MRC).

I'm happy to be wrong about Tahu but the tackle did look dangerous. The most important thing out of the whole saga is that Morrin gets rubbed out for the year.
but... but... but..........


Haven't see this question answered but I see a lot of the Dogs fans calling for Morrin's contract to be torn up

if Morrin had the skill level of SBW, Mason etc would you still be saying the same thing?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It's a question you just can't answer, because it didn't happen. Nor do I see how it's relevant. Just another avenue to attack the opinion of 'Dogs fans who, just like yourselves, DON'T condone Morrin's actions.


Assistant Moderator
Tim, is this one of those debates where you are compelled to have the final word? I mean, like every other debate you find yourself in the middle of?
Just say 'yes'.


First Grade
Must've pressed submit too early Timmy, you forgot to add:

BUT the tackle looked dangerous.


Assistant Moderator
Hurriflatch said:
Haven't see this question answered but I see a lot of the Dogs fans calling for Morrin's contract to be torn up

if Morrin had the skill level of SBW, Mason etc would you still be saying the same thing?
Thought the same thing myself.

Morrin appears to be the go to man for all the doggie's past sins.
Hurriflatch said:
Haven't see this question answered but I see a lot of the Dogs fans calling for Morrin's contract to be torn up

if Morrin had the skill level of SBW, Mason etc would you still be saying the same thing?
you'll be hard pressed to find a dogs fan put matt utai in their list of divers let alone call for the head of williams for anything


First Grade
Heres the telecrap article...

BRAD Morrin described his bite on Parramatta centre as not "that bad'' after telling team-mates he was semi-concussed and couldn't remember what happened.
The Bulldogs forward is set to use provocation as a key plank in defence. "It's a bit unfortunate, I didn't think I did it that bad,'' Morrin said in an interview published late yesterday.
"I had my hands caught underneath and I more or less did it to get him off me. The main thing is that I got slammed into the ground.
"When I was in that position I had both my hands underneath and if I had my hands free I would have pushed him off me. More or less I gave him a nip to get him off but I was more shocked than anything when I saw the mark it left.
"I didn't think that I could do it that hard with my mouthguard in. I did go and apologise to him after that. It was a bit of a brain snap . I haven't done it before and I dont think I'll do it again.''
Morrin's explanation is unlikely to help his cause with Bulldogs fans, who yesterday demanded club officials rip up his contract.
He completed a one-hour recovery session with his team-mates at Belmore Oval yesterday. The replacement forward was placed on report after Tahu accused the 25-year-old of biting his arm just before halftime in Friday night's 34-22 loss to the Eels at Telstra Stadium.
Morrin was shattered after the match, bewildered by his actions. It's believed he told team-mates he had little memory of the incident, after copping a couple of heavy knocks including an alleged head-slam from Tahu.
The tackle was not put on report by referee Sean Hampstead. NRL match review commissioner Greg McCallum confirmed the biting allegation would be scrutinised before a possible charge tomorrow.
"We'll gather all the evidence and make a decision,'' McCallum said.
It's likely that Morrin will be sent straight to the judiciary, where NRL prosecutor Peter Kite is tipped to recommend a season-ending ban.
Bulldogs chief executive Malcolm Noad yesterday appealed for the NRL to take the Tahu head-slam into account before deciding on the severity of any suspension.
"We'll let the panel decide if there is any truth to the allegation,'' Noad said yesterday. "But we do hope they look at the head-slam.''

Coach Steve Folkes said he would leave the matter in the hands of the match review committee.
"It's on report, I'd rather not say too much. Obviously the review committee will have a look at it,'' Folkes said after the game.
Tahu was due to receive a tetanus shot yesterday and Parramatta have extensive photos of a wound on the centre's arm. The bite, which pierced Tahu's skin, was measured at halftime by the Parramatta medicos.

WTF!!! I didn't think i would do it that bad??? I nipped at him to get him off??

What drugs is this guy on???