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You wont stop our group sex romps: NRL player

Pass the Ball

LMFAO - The girls getting gang-banged in the pornos look like they are enjoying it...

One of the the best/stupidest things I have seen on here..

Classic posting..


First Grade
Surely you would accept though that there is some women that would be willing participants in a group sex with many males though?

I understand that some situations may happen that a woman feels she is pressured into such an activity. But unless we are going to outlaw group sex there isnt much we can do unless she objects somehow.

Oh I could well believe that there are girls out there that enter as willing participants.

In the case in question with Matty Johns the girl allegedly agreed to sex with two people not ten.

I can see that there are circumstances where everyone agrees and everything is fine and dandy - but there are also situations like this one where something starts off as one thing and has the potential to turn into something altogether different.

It's when the situation changes that suddenly people don't feel quite so brave but still keep quiet or the people involved dont see or feel the change in atmosphere. Be it because of drink or just pure power or the heat of the moment or whatever - but in EVERY case the only person who is likely to ever end up the victim is the woman.

Group sex - 20 blokes on one woman and one bloke says "oh f**k, I cant get it up" - nay bother pal, there's 19 waiting to take your place.

If the girl says "errr, actually, not comfortable with this after all" there's 20 alcohol and testosterone fuelled blokes with raging bone ons. What's the outcome? Seriously?

There's every chance that for every girl that has a change of mind and says "no" there's another that thinks "I cant say anything, I got myself into this, I just hope it's over quickly". That girl could end up having mental issues that stem from that encounter. You're screwed by a bunch of blokes who all dump on you and then leave. There's no cuddles when you're finished. No conversation. Just use them and then kick em out. Hardly a massive boost to a persons self worth. Especially someone who might have self worth issues in the first place if they think that sleeping with a room full of men might be a good thing.

However you break it down - it's a minefield of things that COULD go wrong and the people that usually end up getting hurt are the girls. That's the issue here. It's not about consent or when things go well and everyones really happy. The real issue is when things go pear shaped or the psychological damage that can fester for years after such events.

If it doesnt happen in the first place - then there's little to worry about is there?

Also - if you've not had group sex with someone regardless of the consent issue - people can change their minds and their stories years later and be used as a weapon against the game we love.
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Perth Red

Post Whore
stop the press! Young man wants to get in young womans pants! FFS it is been happening since we lived in caves. The player has a fair point and it is't up to the NRL to judge what consenting adults legally do between themselves. HOWEVER players now know the possible consequences from trial by media so if they play with fire they can't cry if they get burnt.


How little self respect must you have to want to be gangbanged by a group of men. Any women who wants to get involved in something like this has mental issues and is most likely going to regret it later on in life. I know sex and love are totally seperate things, but sex to a male and sex to a female are very different even though they are both consenting.

In saying that I think it's just as degrading for the men as well. Standing around with a group of mates stroking your dick waiting for your turn is just f**king weird.
How little self respect must you have to want to be gangbanged by a group of men. Any women who wants to get involved in something like this has mental issues and is most likely going to regret it later on in life. I know sex and love are totally seperate things, but sex to a male and sex to a female are very different even though they are both consenting.

In saying that I think it's just as degrading for the men as well. Standing around with a group of mates stroking your dick waiting for your turn is just f**king weird.

mental issues?! are you serious?

why cant a woman choose what she wants to do with her own body without being labelled?

Sex to everyone is different , some people enjoy weird and wonderful things in the bedroom. It doesnt mean they have mental issues.

God-King Dean

I don't find it weird at all.

Gang bangin has been going on since the dawn of man, all ancient cultures did it, it's never going to stop.

It's only considered 'weird' now due to Christian values, & it's massive influence.


mental issues?! are you serious?

why cant a woman choose what she wants to do with her own body without being labelled?

Sex to everyone is different , some people enjoy weird and wonderful things in the bedroom. It doesnt mean they have mental issues.

Putting yourself in a position of complete submission to a group of aggressive testorerone filled men is not normal at all. Most well adjusted women would feel degraded and violeted after something like this even though they may have consented to it. Maybe I am wrong, i'm not a woman, but I can tell you what was going through the mens minds in a group sex situation where theres 1 or 2 females, something along the lines of "I'm going to f**k her guts out".


First Grade
well its all conjecture isn't it, because everyones sexual tastes are different. for me even the thought of a one night stand grosses me out, but for some people it's the norm. its all so subjective.

homo man

well its all conjecture isn't it, because everyones sexual tastes are different. for me even the thought of a one night stand grosses me out, but for some people it's the norm. its all so subjective.
I find this very hard to believe


Staff member
Vautin said that the player should be named- I agree. If you will only make comments on the condition f anonymity, don't make comments.

That is, if he even exists at all


oh nice i pick u up and we agree to consensual sex

then i start shoving up your bumhole and make you gag...
How many players?
how many girls?

You cannot consent to what you don't know.

:lol: - Sorry, that was comical although I'm sure it wasn't intended to be.


Post Whore
It may have been mentioned but, for me, the player is a bloody idiot for saying stuff like this in public. Not that I necessarily disagree, mind you...if it's legal, consensual, and all parties understand what will be involved then hey, to each their own. It's not my place to judge what gets them off. But to come out and say stuff like this through the media in the midst of all the furore over it is just mind numbingly stupid and will only make things worse.


I don't care what kinda sex people wanna have as long as it's consensual but whoever said this is - let's be honest - a complete battler.

it makes him sound like a complete moron. as if his RIGHT TO GROUP SEX is more important than actually discussing the issues of consent and image and the responsibilities of professional athletes and fundamental questions of men and women and sex. the comments just fan the flames of this whole issue .. and if he really is that invested in group sex, this will only make people more obsessed with the immorality of rugby league and make his life harder.



Staff member
Does that apply to accusers hiding behind a blurred face?

Not all of the time, but in this instance, as this girl is as guilty as the guys the media is calling to come forward, she should be exposed too- fair's fair

Ike E Bear

Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it's right or good.

And people get fired for doing things that aren't illegal (but make their continued employment untenable) all the time. For example, walking into your boss's office and saying "f@#k you".

Football players are public figures and enjoy benefits as such. If it wasn't for this elevated status, almost all of them wouldn't have a hope in hell of engaging in such crazy sex shenanigans. They have heads like pineapples. Heck, most of the "hangers on" that came into the room with Johns were basically trading on his fame more than their own or their personal attractiveness.

Anyway, this status equals power and power without responsibility is very dangerous.

What people do in their private lives is their own business, but if they make risky decisions that might one day come back to bite them, then they should be ready and willing to take the consequences. To Johns's credit, he is seemingly taking this approach. He made a mistake (by his own admission) and the girl involved made errors of judgement as well ... they are both suffering through those consequences, while there are others who have escaped so far - that's not particularly fair.

Enjoy your sex romps, boys ... but when the community and more specifically fans say "we don't like this", then don't be surprised when that has an impact on your employment, your status as a public figure, and your reputation.

If it was revealed that Kevin Rudd was a chronic masturbator, a cross dresser or something else which is perfectly legal and doesn't really hurt anybody (nowhere near as bad as a group sex situation that may or may not get out of control with one or more participants becoming uncomfortable) ... how long would he stay PM?

Finally, Johns's life is not ruined. His star has fallen a bit and he may or may not obtain those lofty heights again ... but he's hardly ruined.