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You wont stop our group sex romps: NRL player

homo man

I'm just saying the people who feel the need to be the most sexist and shocking in their comments are usually the biggest wimps in real life. You have written some pretty outlandish comments over the last few days - you know...acting as a big man and how women are just sex objects and the like...I'm guessing in real life you'd crap your pants if you came in contact with a woman.

Just an observation is all :)
Sooooo true people give it to me all day and once i ran into a forum poster thru work,boy did he shake like a chiuaua here he is acting all tuff thinking im some sissy,when really he's a scrawny little nerd and im a 6ft 100kg truck driving redneck,good times


First Grade
Well not necessarily then but the usualy insult is " I bet you don't have a girlfriend... "

No, it's " I bet you can't get a shag". With good reason too! :lol:

I've watched a few pornos in my time, and it always seems that when a gang bang is on, there's a willing chick involved going hard at everything thrown at her.

Newsflash. Most women in porn are being paid mega bucks so of course they're gonna look like they're enjoying it and "go hard". Porn isn't real. Hard to believe I know.:sarcasm:

The problem lies with whores like Charmayne, the ones that continually throw themselves at "celebrity" that give these guys the idea that ALL women are up for it.


First Grade
omg SC don't tell them porn isn't real, their whole world may come crashing down from the shock :lol:

homo man

No, it's " I bet you can't get a shag". With good reason too! :lol:

Newsflash. Most women in porn are being paid mega bucks so of course they're gonna look like they're enjoying it and "go hard". Porn isn't real. Hard to believe I know.:sarcasm:

The problem lies with whores like Charmayne, the ones that continually throw themselves at "celebrity" that give these guys the idea that ALL women are up for it.
LOL i remember the first time i did it i thought this isnt like porn there must be something wrong with her,as the years rolled by i realised there was something wrong with me for being so disilluisoned by porn.
Mate, I'm glad you're aware of these facts.

I wasnt so much as directing something at you - more putting forward an idea that consent doesn't have to be verbal. A fact you're aware of.

I just don't buy into the whole "consenting adults" arguement in cases such as these because when there are ten or more great big blokes on one small woman the woman may not feel she is in a position to say no.

If ten enormous blokes fronted me and asked me for my wallet, I'd probably just hand the bastard over. That doesnt mean I'd want to do it. But they could quite rightly claim I consented. It doesnt make it right either.

Surely you would accept though that there is some women that would be willing participants in a group sex with many males though?

I understand that some situations may happen that a woman feels she is pressured into such an activity. But unless we are going to outlaw group sex there isnt much we can do unless she objects somehow.


No, it's " I bet you can't get a shag". With good reason too! :lol:

Newsflash. Most women in porn are being paid mega bucks so of course they're gonna look like they're enjoying it and "go hard". Porn isn't real. Hard to believe I know.:sarcasm:

The problem lies with whores like Charmayne, the ones that continually throw themselves at "celebrity" that give these guys the idea that ALL women are up for it.

'newsflash' - these women are paid f**k all. they usually are hollywood dropouts.

hard to believe for you I guess, but there are actually female porn stars who love to f**k and be f**ked.


First Grade
omg SC don't tell them porn isn't real, their whole world may come crashing down from the shock :lol:

And right on cue they come back with "yes it is, yes it is, yes it is!!!!!!" Bless. I believe in the tooth fairy too.

Anway, I've had it with this topic, it's made my happy place curl up and die.
I need a holiday now!


First Grade
I just don't buy into the whole "consenting adults" arguement in cases such as these because when there are ten or more great big blokes on one small woman the woman may not feel she is in a position to say no.

Well if the woman doesnt communicate her non-consent, the players arent to know and have acted in good faith. Unless you expect them to telepathically work it out that she doesnt want it.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
so you've never watched a porno?
Not since I was a curious teenager - very long time ago.

Each to thier own mate I don't care if you do.

It is like strippers to me, what is the point if I can't throw my leg over her after she stripped for me.


First Grade
Jamie Pandaram
May 14, 2009
THE comments of one senior NRL representative player indicate how difficult it could be to change the sexual behaviour and attitudes of elite league players.
He warned group sex among NRL players would continue regardless of a warnings from chief executive David Gallop that unsavoury sexual acts would put their contracts at risk. The representative player told the Herald that his colleagues were left stunned by Gallop's hardline stance when no player had been convicted of sexual assault, adding that the caution would quickly be forgotten.
"It's fine for David Gallop to come out and say you can't have group sex but the last thing blokes will be thinking about on a Friday night at the club is David Gallop," said the player, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "I don't know how a chief executive can come out and say we can't have group sex if it's consensual. It's like discrimination because that is a person's private life. It's like saying you can't be homosexual, or you can't have such-and-such sexual preferences. How can he tell us what we can do in our private lives? What if there's more women than guys, is that wrong, too?
"We already have so many rules: we can't drink on these days, we can't go to these places, now we can't have group sex. About the only thing we can do these days is go to club functions, and just hang around other players. That's just isolating us more from the rest of the world, and it could lead to even more violent acts."

He said group sex was largely initiated by women, and therefore the players felt unfairly targeted by criticism swirling around the game since a report by Four Corners on Monday detailed the lasting psychological impact on a woman after an incident involving Cronulla players in 2002.
The report prompted Gallop to advise players that group sex was degrading to women, and he warned those who took part in such activities they could be kicked out of the game. "I think on any level it is still an extremely degrading experience," Gallop said on Tuesday. "It also has a lot of risk involved in it and players need to know that.
"If you are not on board with the change that we are endeavouring to implement then don't play rugby league."
However, the player said change would be difficult because women would continue to proposition them.
"Players get a lot of attention from girls in the clubs because they've got a high profile. That's not the players' fault," he said.
"Most of the time the girl goes back willingly and consents to everything, but sometimes regrets it when she wakes up in the morning and says, 'I didn't want that to happen,' and that's when the problems start.
"I don't know one single guy in the NRL who would resort to holding a woman down against her will or raping her, and nobody would condone that.
"I do see what they're saying about risk; you just never know how a girl's going to react afterwards. You're not supposed to say it publicly, but everyone knows that if you're polite afterwards and pay her cab fare home you usually don't have any problems."
He added that former players often told stories of their sexual exploits to the game's current generation. "Some of the stories you hear from the older guys, I wouldn't really say it was worse than what happens now but it was going on a long time ago, but there was just no media reports about it back then."
Another player said he believed group sex involving teammates was being phased out of the game, while several others refused to talk about the issue.

Well Lets just hope the women this idiot is engaging in group sex with doesn't come out in 7 years And destroy any future he has...

What he has to realise is that its all fun and games now but when he has a wife and kids it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass is it really worth it?
I've watched a few pornos in my time, and it always seems that when a gang bang is on, there's a willing chick involved going hard at everything thrown at her.

They are crack whores you f**king dimwit. You'd being going hard at c**k too if it meant you got a shiny handful of rock afterwards...

The only thing I wont argue with on in that post, is the fact that you've watched a few pornos. I don't doubt it for a second - they've certainly warped your fragile little mind. It's little wonder you've taken up a job as a freelance pool boy and have been cleaning out the pools of local housewives pro-bono.....


Post Whore
They are crack whores you f**king dimwit. You'd being going hard at c**k too if it meant you got a shiny handful of rock afterwards...


Is this woman a crack whore ?


Advice on Becoming a Pornstar from Britain's first female porn director

Take pride in your performance and learn from others on how to improve. Add your own personal touch/speciality to help make you stand out from the crowd. The UK is still way behind the US and European in terms of quality of performance.

Become a porn star and get into the Porn business

Hi, this is Anna Span, Britain's first female porn director

I've run my own production company for six years and have had over 125 scenes aired to date on TVX and The Adult Channel. I have hardcore DVD's available through Rude Britannia and I've also had a book published called 'Erotic Home Video' which explains how couples can make their own home porn films.
In short, I know what it takes to make a good pornstar as well as the pitfalls that you need to avoid...
Consider the following :
• Your images, once out, will be worldwide forever. They cannot be removed by producers at your request if you later change your mind (we sell the rights on to other companies). Do take time to think of the consequences. e.g. Will you ever want to teach children, etc?
• To be a good performer requires good looks, perseverance and a large dollop of interpersonal skills. Are you good with people, easy going and most of all, reliable (the reliable ones get most of the work)?
• A good porn star will take pride in their appearance and not just rely on being the 'new' face. This means going to the gym, keeping yourself clean, getting your hair done, etc (this includes blokes, too!).
• The industry in the UK has recently moved to a health standard of an HIV and full STD certificate with proof of identification on it. THIS MUST BE UNDER 30 DAYS OLD ON THE DAY OF THE SHOOT!!! Decent producers should not work with you without this paperwork. Tests are either free, cheap or up to £180 per month depending on where you live and how organised you are about getting booked in advance. Don't bother getting a test until you get on an agency's books or have been promised work. The tests take a week to develop. Always check the other performer's tests yourself.
• Take pride in your performance and learn from other performers on how to improve. Add your own personal touch/speciality to help make you stand out from the crowd. The UK is still way behind the US and European in terms of quality of performance (not all of you - some are really great!). We need to improve in order to compete internationally, which should mean more cash for all you stars and wannabes at the end of the day.
Is this woman a crack whore ?

could well be, yip. Nothing in that article proves conclusively otherwise. And they guy I was replying to, no doubt enjoys adult flicks that involve sh*t eating etc..... and you can't tell me that ain't snorting/smoking/shooting between takes.


Players are paid based on the money that can be brought into the game.

Most of that money comes from ratings and sponsoship.

Ratings and sponshortship come from an advertisers desire to have their product associated with Rugby League and the players.

If you exhibit behaviour or attitudes that advertisers do not want associated with their product, illegal, immoral or not, then you jeopardise your employment.

Wrong or right that's the way it is with the majority of people in the public eye.
If a player feels that is unnaceptable, thats fine, go back to being a plumber or a mechanic or whatever you like, but don't be a professional rugby league player as this condition comes with the job.

I for one am sick of these idiots jeopardising the game I love, that my mother loved, that I hope one day my son and daughter love.

I am sick of them giving the vast majority of people associated with the game, that find their behaviour equally abhorrent, a bad name and a bad reputation.

I am sick to death of useless, gutless administrators aiding and abetting them.

I agree with Gallop. The game is bigger than all of you, if you don't like it go elsewhere.

Really its not that hard. Don't have a gang bang with your team mates. Don't rape anyone, Don't assualt anyone. Don't call anyone a s**t at a club function. Don't puch a sponsor. These are not complicated rules.

Grow the f**k up you pathetic little boys. Leave the game to the real men that go out and slog their guts out week in week out and don't get up to this crap.
Stop making sense :fist:

This place seems like it will fall apart if too many sensible people post their opinions :lol: