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You wont stop our group sex romps: NRL player

Defiant rep star says group sex romps will keep happening
Jamie Pandaram
May 14, 2009
THE comments of one senior NRL representative player indicate how difficult it could be to change the sexual behaviour and attitudes of elite league players.
He warned group sex among NRL players would continue regardless of a warnings from chief executive David Gallop that unsavoury sexual acts would put their contracts at risk. The representative player told the Herald that his colleagues were left stunned by Gallop's hardline stance when no player had been convicted of sexual assault, adding that the caution would quickly be forgotten.
"It's fine for David Gallop to come out and say you can't have group sex but the last thing blokes will be thinking about on a Friday night at the club is David Gallop," said the player, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "I don't know how a chief executive can come out and say we can't have group sex if it's consensual. It's like discrimination because that is a person's private life. It's like saying you can't be homosexual, or you can't have such-and-such sexual preferences. How can he tell us what we can do in our private lives? What if there's more women than guys, is that wrong, too?
"We already have so many rules: we can't drink on these days, we can't go to these places, now we can't have group sex. About the only thing we can do these days is go to club functions, and just hang around other players. That's just isolating us more from the rest of the world, and it could lead to even more violent acts."
He said group sex was largely initiated by women, and therefore the players felt unfairly targeted by criticism swirling around the game since a report by Four Corners on Monday detailed the lasting psychological impact on a woman after an incident involving Cronulla players in 2002.
The report prompted Gallop to advise players that group sex was degrading to women, and he warned those who took part in such activities they could be kicked out of the game. "I think on any level it is still an extremely degrading experience," Gallop said on Tuesday. "It also has a lot of risk involved in it and players need to know that.
"If you are not on board with the change that we are endeavouring to implement then don't play rugby league."
However, the player said change would be difficult because women would continue to proposition them.
"Players get a lot of attention from girls in the clubs because they've got a high profile. That's not the players' fault," he said.
"Most of the time the girl goes back willingly and consents to everything, but sometimes regrets it when she wakes up in the morning and says, 'I didn't want that to happen,' and that's when the problems start.
"I don't know one single guy in the NRL who would resort to holding a woman down against her will or raping her, and nobody would condone that.
"I do see what they're saying about risk; you just never know how a girl's going to react afterwards. You're not supposed to say it publicly, but everyone knows that if you're polite afterwards and pay her cab fare home you usually don't have any problems."
He added that former players often told stories of their sexual exploits to the game's current generation. "Some of the stories you hear from the older guys, I wouldn't really say it was worse than what happens now but it was going on a long time ago, but there was just no media reports about it back then."
Another player said he believed group sex involving teammates was being phased out of the game, while several others refused to talk about the issue.

Here F*cking here!

I've had enough of these moral crusaders telling other people how to live their lives.

If consenting adults want to engage in any type of legal activity it is none of mine or anyone's business! stick to living your own life the best way you can.

Eels Dude

Fair points but only to a degree. A person's sex life should be their privacy, however in this case I think the player is missing the point. It's not simply 'group sex' which David Gallop was referring to, but poor attitudes towards women in general, and in relation to the Matt Johns situation a reference to an incident which may or may not have been concensual to a certain extent.

That's the key thing... David Gallop never said anything along the lines of 'players cannot have group sex'. All his statements were in relation to the treatment of women in general and doing certain things which bring the game into disrepute.

If NRL players want to go out and have group sex... go for it... but they're in the public eye... so if a woman makes a complaint to police that she has ben violated somewhat, then sorry fellas, don't come crying and expect sympathy if it makes the headlines.


First Grade
well i think hes right as far as i dont think Gallop can police sexual morality, nor does he really have a right to.

having said that....i mean is it that hard for the players to just stick to regular sex? do they really need their team mates around?

i dunno i guess because something i would never do i cant really understand why ANYONE would want to do it. male or female.

btw last weekend in Orange i ran into a girl in the toilets and she somehow knew i was in town with the Country team and shes all drunkenly confessing to me 'theres so many NRL players here, i wanna f**k em all'. im like aaaaaah thats nice.

next night i see her in the club literally stalking the players around the club, they couldnt get away from her. deadset her head is in all the fotos from that nite, just creepily lurking in the background. what a nut job.
Fair points but only to a degree. A person's sex life should be their privacy, however in this case I think the player is missing the point. It's not simply 'group sex' which David Gallop was referring to, but poor attitudes towards women in general, and in relation to the Matt Johns situation a reference to an incident which may or may not have been concensual to a certain extent.

That's the key thing... David Gallop never said anything along the lines of 'players cannot have group sex'.All his statements were in relation to the treatment of women in general and doing certain things which bring the game into disrepute.

If NRL players want to go out and have group sex... go for it... but they're in the public eye... so if a woman makes a complaint to police that she has ben violated somewhat, then sorry fellas, don't come crying and expect sympathy if it makes the headlines.

They dont expect sympathy , they expect a fair bloody hearing.

If it cant be proven she was violated in anyway the players involved must be treated as innocent.

Therefore any such incident should be viewed as consensual unless it can be proven otherwise.

What your basically saying is that if any NRL player has any type of sex with a stranger he is risking his career. All that women would have to do is claim rape and the player would most likely be gone.

Sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace.


oh nice i pick u up and we agree to consensual sex

then i start shoving up your bumhole and make you gag...
How many players?
how many girls?

You cannot consent to what you don't know.

Eels Dude

They dont expect sympathy , they expect a fair bloody hearing.

If it cant be proven she was violated in anyway the players involved must be treated as innocent.

Therefore any such incident should be viewed as consensual unless it can be proven otherwise.

What your basically saying is that if any NRL player has any type of sex with a stranger he is risking his career. All that women would have to do is claim rape and the player would most likely be gone.

Sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace.

Don't tell me what I'm saying and what I'm not saying.

Of course it cannot be proven she was violated in any way, because if it is one person's word against the other like most sexual assault allegations then nothing is ever is going to be proven. Simple fact.

You're right on your next point though, and that's the way the police prosecution system and the legal system works, but whether it should work that way is another matter. There are a high number of sexual assault cases which go uncharged, or dismissed due to lack of evidence... To the point where women no longer feel comfortable even making a complaint to police because it's not worth the effort. That doesn't mean nothing illegal happened at the time, it simply means there was no evidence to suggest there was.

And anyway, that's got nothing to do with the initial point I was making. If a player commits an act and someone feels violated because of it, they have to be held accountable for their actions, regardless of whether it was legal, illegal, or simply immoral. Tim Smith got into trouble for yelling abusing a bloke on the street. It's not illegal, but as a professional in the public eye, he had to be held accountable for his actions and was disciplined accordingly.


The language used in the quotes, the examples cited ... I think I can guess who the player talking to the press is.

"there was just no media reports about it back then." lol ...

herbert henry1908, you are completely missing the point.

It has nothing to do with the fact that the players engage in group sex activities (which, IMO, is disgusting .. but beside the point).

The idea is that you have these blokes treating women as pieces of meat with one orifice best used to give them head, and another used to screw the hell out of.

The culture is one of treating women as sexual objects, not as women.

And sure, some women may bring certain situations upon themselves by acting in the way Kiki described in her post ... but the fact that a woman is easy and keen does NOT excuse a bloke for treating her like a conquerable piece of meat.

If rugby league players, and men in general in the wider society, treated women as women instead of treating them as a pair of tits and a cute butt, there would be far less instances of sexual assault, alleged or otherwise, and far more rewarding sexual experiences for all.

This player's comments only hurt the opinion that the public, and women in particular, hold of the players. Saying that "we are going to keep on going with our 10-on-1 gang-bangs because the chick asked for it" is not the right approach, plain and simple.

I reiterate, in conclusion, that it is not the group sex which is at issue so much as the treatment of women, both those involved in such acts and women generally.
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Don't tell me what I'm saying and what I'm not saying.

you clearly said ( and again do so in this post) that if a player has sex with someone he must accept bringing the game into disrepute if that person feels violated in anyway. wether or not he actually did it.

its in black and white.

Of course it cannot be proven she was violated in any way, because if it is one person's word against the other like most sexual assault allegations then nothing is ever is going to be proven. Simple fact

no doubt , thats why they should be treated as innocent.

You're right on your next point though, and that's the way the police prosecution system and the legal system works, but whether it should work that way is another matter. There are a high number of sexual assault cases which go uncharged, or dismissed due to lack of evidence... To the point where women no longer feel comfortable even making a complaint to police because it's not worth the effort. That doesn't mean nothing illegal happened at the time, it simply means there was no evidence to suggest there was.

what would you prefer guilty until procen innocent?

and i Understand rape is hard to prove , but what many people miss is its also very easy to claim.

Just becuase its hard to prove though doesnt mean the accused should be treated any differently to anyone else charged ( or investigated) with a crime: Innocent until proven guilty.

And anyway, that's got nothing to do with the initial point I was making. If a player commits an act and someone feels violated because of it, they have to be held accountable for their actions, regardless of whether it was legal, illegal, or simply immoral. Tim Smith got into trouble for yelling abusing a bloke on the street. It's not illegal, but as a professional in the public eye, he had to be held accountable for his actions and was disciplined accordingly.

what are you saying?!

a player should be held accountable for consesual sex just becuase some people view it as immoral?

sex doesnt occur within the public eye ( my main point of this thread) therefore anything that happens between consenting adults , even if this is considered by some to be immoral is none of our business.

A player shouldnt be held responsible for a consensual sex act simply becuase a person involved later regrets their actions.
The language used in the quotes, the examples cited ... I think I can guess who the player talking to the press is.

"there was just no media reports about it back then." lol ...

herbert henry1908, you are completely missing the point.

thanks , but im not.

It has nothing to do with the fact that the players engage in group sex activities (which, IMO, is disgusting .. but beside the point).

The idea is that you have these blokes treating women as pieces of meat with one orifice best used to give them head, and another used to screw the hell out of.

The culture is one of treating women as sexual objects, not as women.

And sure, some women may bring certain situations upon themselves by acting in the way Kiki described in her post ... but the fact that a woman is easy and keen does NOT excuse a bloke for treating her like a conquerable piece of meat.

If rugby league players, and men in general in the wider society, treated women as women instead of treating them as a pair of tits and a cute butt, there would be far less instances of sexual assault, alleged or otherwise, and far more rewarding sexual experiences for all.

This player's comments only hurt the opinion that the public, and women in particular, hold of the players. Saying that "we are going to keep on going with our 10-on-1 gang-bangs because the chick asked for it" is not the right approach, plain and simple.

I reiterate, in conclusion, that it is not the group sex which is at issue so much as the treatment of women, both those involved in such acts and women generally.

If the women ( or men) involved is consenting she is not being treated as a piece of meat. Really its that simple.

and if there is a view that a group romp is somehow degrading to all women thats just ludicrous.

If an individual woman wants to get involved in group sex with multiple males that is her choice.


Players are paid based on the money that can be brought into the game.

Most of that money comes from ratings and sponsoship.

Ratings and sponshortship come from an advertisers desire to have their product associated with Rugby League and the players.

If you exhibit behaviour or attitudes that advertisers do not want associated with their product, illegal, immoral or not, then you jeopardise your employment.

Wrong or right that's the way it is with the majority of people in the public eye. If a player feels that is unnaceptable, thats fine, go back to being a plumber or a mechanic or whatever you like, but don't be a professional rugby league player as this condition comes with the job.

I for one am sick of these idiots jeopardising the game I love, that my mother loved, that I hope one day my son and daughter love.

I am sick of them giving the vast majority of people associated with the game, that find their behaviour equally abhorrent, a bad name and a bad reputation.

I am sick to death of useless, gutless administrators aiding and abetting them.

I agree with Gallop. The game is bigger than all of you, if you don't like it go elsewhere.

Really its not that hard. Don't have a gang bang with your team mates. Don't rape anyone, Don't assualt anyone. Don't call anyone a s**t at a club function. Don't puch a sponsor. These are not complicated rules.

Grow the f**k up you pathetic little boys. Leave the game to the real men that go out and slog their guts out week in week out and don't get up to this crap.
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btw last weekend in Orange i ran into a girl in the toilets and she somehow knew i was in town with the Country team and shes all drunkenly confessing to me 'theres so many NRL players here, i wanna f**k em all'. im like aaaaaah thats nice.

next night i see her in the club literally stalking the players around the club, they couldnt get away from her. deadset her head is in all the fotos from that nite, just creepily lurking in the background. what a nut job.

That's where the problem starts, people seem to believe girls don't act like this when there out :crazy: especially older generations whom haven't experienced what nightlife nowadays is like. This happens to players even in local grades, anyone whom is a player or friends with players or have even seen them out would notice this. Players really need to resist the girls that come on like this it's just not worth it.
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Ray Mosters

That's where the problem starts, people seem to believe girls don't act like this when there out :crazy: especially older generations whom haven't experienced what nightlife nowadays is like. This happens to players even in local grades, anyone whom is a player or friends with players or have even seen them out would notice this. Players really need to resist the girls that come on like this it's just not worth it.
Its not about resisting them, its about knowing the dangers and treating them with a bit of respect.

Look, far be it from me to say someone shouldnt get spit roasted by league players if and when they want, its those peoples private business

But what players need to understand is that those people are free to make it PUBLIC business if they wish. This is what got Johns, combined with the degrading nature of what they consented to do and the suffering caused to her afterwards, well its bad news, especially when aired out in public. If it wasnt degrading she wouldnt be in the media, and noone would know what a scumbag he is.

If he had of respected her and not just treated her like a piece of meat, left her with a pleasant taste in her mouth instead of just a salty one, if she had pleasant memories of the night instead of ones that make her suicidal, then things would be different.

So basically, do what you want (with consent), but be aware that there is no expectation that that person will be discrete. And treat them with a bit of respect.
yeah, those poor bastards.

If they play by Gallop's rules, there just won't be those sweet, sweet opportunities to watch their mates masturbating anymore. what a shame.

There seems to be a real 'group masty' culture in league these days. Thats not gay at all.....

If they are banning this sort of behaviour after the game, channel 9 is going to have seriously consider removing the half time cameras from the sheds........


How Obvious is it that someone has told her to bring it up again so she can get a pay check from the media.
If there was anything wrong then why didnt the police charge them
Its all crap and too many women try and get payed for faking depression


Kiki, blokes are wired different. Stupid argument I know, but it's fact.

I recently did an extensive study in animal reproduction in agriculture. I guess you have heard of artificial insemination, where a vet or trained technician impregnates cows with semen collected from a stud bull which has been stored. The semen is collected using an artificial vagina while the bull mates with a cow, who doesn't get impregnated. Studies have shown that semen collection from each bull increases dramatically if all the bulls get to watch each other mount.

Perverse, I know. But it's part of our instinct. I guess that's why the porn industry is so geared toward the male.

Gallop is between a rock and a hard place - so I can understand his reaction. By coming out strongly against such behaviour, he is desperately trying to save the code from damage. I also note that NO OTHER HIGH PROFILE LEAGUE IDENTITY IS SENDING THE SAME MESSAGE.

The Tim Smith incident is typical of the crap that players are exposed to. He gave a guy a gobful one night. The plaintiff rang the club, then rang 2UE to say they rang the club. The police?

One of my family members went through a minor sexual assault once, and we notified the police at the time, but only because the same offender also caused some malicious damage. Still, the police then knew, and dealt with it.

This trollop in NZ went to the police, who investigated, and didn't lay charges. The woman now claims she decided not to go ahead with it because of the power of the club and the NRL. Is that a contradiction?

Sadly, Gallops point - which is rammed into these players ad nauseum by club officials and development officers - is missed. That is, don't go near anything that smells of trouble. Sadly, the message isn't getting through with the minority.

As for dragging things up from 7 years ago, pathetic. The media is shameful - and I'm pissed off at the ABC who keep harping on about it.

Parra is about to flog Manly this weekend. In a normal world, that would be the top news story.


yeah players do have the right to go and engage in whatever sexual activity that they choose (as long as it is deemed legal), be that group, gay, whatever. they can't be stopped from doing it.

David Gallop also has the right to protect the company and brand that he leads.

it's a two way street, if the players want their 'rights' they have to be able to suffer the consequences if they bring the game into disrepute. they are the face of the brand and have a very public profile, meaning they are representing their brand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. time for them to step up and accept this.


Post Whore
Of course women are sex objects, they pretty themsleves up, wear nice tight shorts showing a bit of camel toe and a nice tight top that shows off the new boobs.

Us men then drool over said objects and want to stick our things in some of their openings.

The people who deem casual sex, 3 ways, foursomes or group sex degrading are the actual cause of people feeling degraded.

Sex is fun and its not only men that think that, if you are looking for love from sex then you are going about it the wrong way.

Big Time

Regardless of everything, this is not a good look. The blokes all know where they stand now. They need to be mature adults and decide whether they are willing to continue running the gauntlet. They know that they can engage in group sex, consensual or otherwise, but if it comes out they need to accept that this could end their career. They are big blokes, and all can make the choice. The general public don't accept this as a norm, no player is going to change the publics view, so its up to the player to decide what they do. I know women throw themselves at these blokes, these blokes need to realise though that occasionally these women are going to talk. If you get caught out tough luck, you knew the consequences before you did it so you are just going to have to cop it on the chin. These blokes are role models and treated as super heroes, they might not like it, but most people also don't like working 50-60 hours a week.

I think the public have a right to demand the game cleans up its act, especially in regards to how players treat women. These blokes unfortunately are out of touch with reality. They cry poor and expect the world but are quite prepared to accept the money that is handed out for playing a sport. In reality it is the public who pay these players. They buy the merchandise, they go to the games and buy the hot dogs and beers, they go back to the leagues clubs and pump money through the pokies, etc etc. If the public says enough is enough, ignorant gents like the bloke in the interview, need to maybe give up on the sob story and open their ears.

I am a league supporter, love the game and have played the game for a number of years. I just do not understand this culture, or the reasons behind why some blokes feel they have the right to do some of the things they do. It would be ludicrous though to suggest this is simply a league problem. Thing is though, we need to clean up our own backyard, then when we do the other codes will start to stick out like dogs balls when they take a wrong step.

It all comes down to education and I believe the NRL are doing the best they can in this area. Unfortunately you still have a few old heads around feeding the young blokes coming through the stories of their adventures and making hereos of themselves. Maybe the clubs need to identify these players and start weeding them out. Clubs like Bulldogs have obviously gone in that direction. They have rid themselves of some very talented players but in return have signed the likes of Kimmorley and retained an ageing El Masri, both who are obviously people they see as strong role models for their younger players.