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Young Players...


Winning Culture????

Eh, we were minor premiers last year and our PL were premiers.

Our PL are at the top of the table.

Most of our players have come from a winning culture.

Now if you said a NON-SMITH structured culture, then I have no qualms about it


The reasons that a basic no name team has worked in Melbourne is because

- They have no pressure on them and little media coverage.
- They have one of the if not the best coach in the comp
- They have always had a very good pack (Kearns, Kearney, Lazarus, Kidwell, Howe, C.Smith etc all being rep class players)
- Until this year they have had a good stable halves combination Kimmy/Hill then Orford/Hill rather then chopping and changing the halves each year and having stop gap soultions like Wagon, Morris, Penna etc
- Once a young players gets a shot in 1st grade they stay there if Slater had started at Parra he would've spent 18 mths in reggies then played 2 game and gone back to reggies for 12 more weeks. Other kids the Storm have kept in 1st grade include Cameron Smith, Greg Inglis and Matt King all 3 have now played Origin while Ryan Hoffman could make it in the next couple of seasons.

A no name team at Parra will do no better then a no name team at Souths.

If that is all Parra are signing then we might as well pick up the Wooden Spoon for 2007 now.

I'm sorry if I sound negative but seeing Widders, Morrison, Morris, McKinnon etc go and replaced by players who are solid 1st graders at best doesn't instill me with much confidence.

I'm still prepared to wait and see but right now the next couple of years are looking very bleak untill the likes of Mannah, Tony Williams and Blake Green (if we even keep him) get settled in 1st grade.

It just starting to look like the 90's all over again

Losing our best juniors and signing old players who used to be great but are now past their best or avg 1st graders

The Colonel

Hurriflatch said:
Losing our best juniors and signing old players who used to be great but are now past their best or avg 1st graders

Big claim to make when we haven't signed anyone yet.....


The Colonel said:
Big claim to make when we haven't signed anyone yet.....


John Williams
Blake Green

all go as has been rumoured

and the people Parra have been linked to like

Mini 2
and Scott "over the" Hill

are signed

then it will be proven correct

The Colonel

You'll have to get used to Williams being gone and the very good possibility that Blake is. Disappointed in that but we move on as do they.

Hill would be a more than decent signing.

As for the others being drummed up. Who knows. McIlwain has some big wraps and coming from a club that has in the past produced some decent backrowers probably a good snare if true. I'm not overly keen on Minichiello or some of the other names but then who knows. Some of the names we have lost were just as no name as they are when they first came to the club.


First Grade
The Colonel said:
You'll have to get used to Williams being gone and the very good possibility that Blake is. Disappointed in that but we move on as do they.

Hill would be a more than decent signing.

As for the others being drummed up. Who knows. McIlwain has some big wraps and coming from a club that has in the past produced some decent backrowers probably a good snare if true. I'm not overly keen on Minichiello or some of the other names but then who knows. Some of the names we have lost were just as no name as they are when they first came to the club.
Mckinnon was a no name kind of. Morrison was a good player but only came here in hope of Rep contention. Morris was a freak winger(hayne's better though). widders was cut from roosters squad.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Angry_eel said:
Mckinnon was a no name kind of. Morrison was a good player but only came here in hope of Rep contention. Morris was a freak winger(hayne's better though). widders was cut from roosters squad.

Morris a freak winger???? surely you can't be serious :lol: :lol:


All we need is a decent halves combination and the rest will fall in to place.
Last year no one had heard of Nate Myles now we want to pay 400K for him!!
Whose to say Cordoba or Taia etc will not be the next Myles ???

I say sign good enthusiastic young players who want to play football and not offer a retirement home. Get some good halves and we will be right.


Post Whore
parralight said:
All we need is a decent halves combination and the rest will fall in to place.
Last year no one had heard of Nate Myles now we want to pay 400K for him!!
Whose to say Cordoba or Taia etc will not be the next Myles ???

I say sign good enthusiastic young players who want to play football and not offer a retirement home. Get some good halves and we will be right.

Not sure of the age differences or when Myles debuted, but he is a Queensland forward and is way better than his contemporaries - at the moment, anyway.

The Colonel

Myles has also benefited from coming into a club where he didn't have to prop up the clubs hopes and could work his way into grade. Throw a few of our young forwards in over at the Dogs alongside O'Meley, Mason and Ryan and I can guarantee we'd be wanting them back quicksmart.

Remember with all that has gone on the lack of confidnece in first grade won't have helped our youngsters settle. With luck Hagan may change that attitude in these kids and our senior players by letting them relax and play football.


First Grade
eelavation said:
Morris a freak winger???? surely you can't be serious :lol: :lol:
i remeber him playing for knights scoring that try on the wing. i knew i was wrong. anyway, he was a freak, he scored a handful of treis before the season ended that year.


Post Whore
Hopefully so.

No doubt that Taia and his fellow PL forwards have talent. I just hope they start living up to their potential.


THe thing with relying on the kids coming through is that as you said the reason Myles worked out is because he was coming into a pack with O'Meley, Mason, Ryan, SBW etc

Taia is came into a pack with an underperforming Cayless, Vella as well as the likes of Wagon and Robinson honest workers but not much more.

With Morro gone the only real top class forward who has performed well on a continual basis is Hindy.

The backline (wingers, centres, fullback) is fine even allowing for the loss of Williams and McKinnon.

The halves are a massive problem and thats only if Timmy regains his best form.

the forwards are a shambles

at least 1 top class backrower
and 2 top class props are a minimal requirement if we are to expect anything out of Corboda, Taia and co.


Post Whore
Moimoi? Been our best forward since he got back from suspension in my eyes.

Hindmarsh has been his usual freakish self.

Thing is, I understand what you're saying - that Myles came into a formidable pack that made his transition easier.

But playing forward isn't hard - get the ball, don't drop it, and run straight and hard. Then tackle when it's your turn.

Taia goes OK, but doesn't seem to make that many metres.

Cordoba makes good metres, but struggles defensively (Clinton had a field day running against him last time we played).


probably the reason our junior forwards have looked inept. Being paired with an already struggling pack isnt easy.