I agree. Labor have done pretty well to manage an expected $10-20 billion deficit from a world-leading economy. Great job! Guess saving for a rainy day never entered the minds of the European or US governments either. (By the way total government debt
has been estimated at $415 Billion. Mostly foreign owned.)
How do u think they got to where they are. Why are countries crippled by debt? This might just be too simple to grasp but could it be that countries were living beyond their means, spending money they didn't have to fund a dual welfare/warfare state? At some point the creditors come knocking. And their not just after the money you borrowed. They want a f___ load of interest too.
No, it is a (another) sign of current government's incompetence. Did the U.S. cancel the Super Bowl cause their citizens didn't have enough money or the time since they were too busy trying to solve the fiscal cliff crisis? No they left to the politicians to maintain their spending habit and raise the debt ceiling for them. We love our nanny states. No one wants responsibility. Yuck! Easier to give angry when you can't buy the latest xbox because the baby bonus was taken away.
Yeah i think your way off the mark there. Pretty sure no is shocked that professional athletes - representatives of big business, with big money on the line, as well as their careers and the jobs of countless others - would be pushing the boundaries as far as getting the optimum performance out of their bodies, and from time to time lines would be crossed. If you actually payed attention to the critics of the investigation, you would probably see other reoccurring themes:
1. Number 1 we are footy fans and we don't want to watch our national competition compromised by unnecessary government interference (which is what we have when the Sharks complain their performance has be effected).
2. ASADA started the media circus with their press conference - and their methods and timing have left many questioning their competence to conduct such a high stakes investigation
3. There are serious allegations made against ASADA moving the goal posts as to what is and isn't allowed.
4. Government clearly likes funding AFL initiatives, and there is definitely some smoke surrounding this investigation and the AFL.
5. To a lesser degree this: Given the gloomy global economic outlook you so accurately described earlier - big spending & big debts by big government makes people nervous. And ASADA wants more funding, despite not proving they could handle what they already had.