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  1. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    Yes, but if that was the case, then why were both EA Rugby 2001 and 2004 considered 2 of the worst sports games ever made! It wouldn't have been hard for EA to make them better games, but they saw an market that had no evidence of being successful enough to warrent sufficent funds or resources...
  2. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    You seriously haven't read a WORD written here have you??? In regard to ARL96: We know that EA can make good sports games, but they rarely do it on their first attempt: And again: So yeah, Tiger Woods 2005, FIFA 05, MADDEN 05 etc etc are all fantastic games that lead their genre...
  3. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    I like the way you try to trivialise my argument by avoiding the point i made.
  4. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    Anyway, if you don't want sidhe to make the game, who else could feasibly do it? And as I said your chances of getting EA to make a decent game are about as possible of them getting the madden team to do an AFL title.
  5. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    Yeah, and just how many sequels did that title spurn? EXACTLY! After that effort EA thought our market was too insignificant to continue making RL titles...
  6. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    It's relevant because the basis of your argument hs essentially been the legality issue... My point is that many legal substances have caused WORSE damage, but you have still refused to accpet that legal drugs can be as bad or worse than alot of illegal ones... and I just don't see where the...
  7. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    Obviously! But the fact that you wanted it go to EA was just scary! After Rugby 2004 I almost felt they were trying to insult rugby fans the world over because it didn't even look like a finished game! Players WARPED in and out of rucks and the commentary was so disjointed it was scary, the...
  8. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    So what do i do when an alcoholic gambling addicted lunatic tries to stab me so he can steal my money and spend it on the pokies? Do I say "oh, but both alcohole and gambling are legal! So i may aswell accept these people".
  9. strong_latte

    Rugby League 2 is a let down

    No they don't compare to EA in experience, but let me ask you again: have you played Rugby 2005? It was a decent game by all accounts, but not much better than RL1 in many ways and it was their THIRD shot!!! 3rd!!! for Rugby 2004, their second title, they produced a game that was so error ridden...
  10. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    Nothing. But then who can argue that drinking Alcohole or smoking cigarette's is smart? exactly!
  11. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    All I'm saying is they should test for ALL drugs! including alcohole.
  12. strong_latte

    Mike Gibson's column ... what do u think ?

    No, he knew that if he were to apolgise etc to simpkins after the match that he would have been attacked for being too wishy washy and not being able to stick by his actions... He knew he would be stuffed either way so he decided to stick to his guns! At least that way no one could say he'd...
  13. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    Sorry, but I tend to think that's a tad soft personally... also, depending on the drug you also have to take very large amounts of it to kill you, you would have to smoke marujana for days on end for it to kill you, does that make it ok? I don't know about you, but I have seen alcohole do more...
  14. strong_latte

    Gameplay pics...

    No, not really, I just f**ken loathe everything George Bush stands for and wanted a rugby league related pretext to have a go at him for it :D
  15. strong_latte

    So is it Catt Utai or is he being coached to lay down?

    Over this year and last year sorry... I think Daley pointed it out on NRL on Fox on monday.
  16. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    Hey I agree totally with everything you've said here, but don't you find it a tad ironic that in our society we have major venders all over every suberb that are designed to fernish people with alcohole? Which is, lets face it, a mind altering drug... Moreover which drug in the last couple of...
  17. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    What are you trying to say here? It is a fact that Tabacco and Alcohole are THE most damaging drugs both socially and physically... We're not telling cops how to do there job, we're just telling it like it is.
  18. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    Correct. Alcohole and Tabacco cause more death and general health degeneration each year than all other recreational drugs combined.
  19. strong_latte

    Recreational Drugs

    Players have been known to get a bit of spirits into them before a match in the old days. What's your opinion on that?
  20. strong_latte

    Ricky Stuart and the Amateur hour

    Obviously, and so is every other thread on this forum! None of us have had professional training or are employed to post topics here!