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  1. G


    Well a man called Castañeda, 60, once walked until he had 24 blisters
  2. G

    So who's going to the.........

    Searches her wardrobe for something to wear on that special night
  3. G


    Re-Reading the horoscope. Hmmm so Librans are the only teetotallers?
  4. G


    Well what can one say to that information about Geminis .Pass me a vodka cruiser, then a mudslide , ............. :D
  5. G

    madunit's jibberish thread

    I always play to win TB 8)
  6. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Hook up thread???? whats that??
  7. G

    madunit's jibberish thread

    Or you could try paper plates and disposable cutlery :lol: Or eating straight from the pizza box hAA HAA
  8. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Half, Yahoo suggests this of Cancerians ....But u might want to seek a second opinion :D Crab is a Cardinal Water sign, ever ready to spout forth with a fresh flow of emotion and/guilting. They think nobody understands them and in fact, nobody does. A trivial irk can cause a near nervous...
  9. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Side stepping issues huh chicken ha ha
  10. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Thanks for the warning TB :lol:
  11. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Defacto??? hmmm kinda like downloading music from the net not buying the CD ?? HA HA
  12. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Taurean HUH??? Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. Stubborn, sensual and conservative, they like to think of themselves as the Rock AND the Hard Place. Novelty? That's YOUR problem. Regardless of trend vagaries, Taurus is grounded in the realms of his/her own tastes; 'straight' is the new avant garde.
  13. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Thank u Ron for sharing those gems of wisdoms of yours. My life is enriched :D
  14. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Well I could contemplate it Chicken but u must remember ..... Marriage is very much like a violin; after the sweet music is over the strings are still attached. 8)
  15. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Tarty?? As in raspberry or lemon?????? Or is it just cause I wrote in pink that u prejudged me Phantom??? 8)
  16. G

    Just to increase my post average

    My asl???? Well u certainly are a fast talker :D
  17. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Thank you for the welcome. :D I'm sure I'll have many memorable moments here ;-)
  18. G

    Just to increase my post average

    Just posting so my post average will improve on my profile. i just soooo hate bad grades :D
  19. G


    Surely members should be able to have an option of having their name appear in the list in a delightful shade of PINK. The current navy colour is hardly pleasing to the eye .\\:D/ ARRGGH There isnt even a PINk hue to choose in fonts. What is this place?????? :roll: