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madunit's jibberish thread


Gemini dont worry before you know it you will have a high post count ... i dont even think about it anymore but just DONT post whore like i did! i got in twubble :(


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Rant #2 TAFE Teachers

I've been stewing on this for a while. First incident is from a teacher who basically told us she was a respected Journalist. She accused me of plagiarism based on no evidence. She couldn't prove it, she knew she couldn't, but she went through with the accusation anyway.

The latest incident is with another teacher. I have completed the course, but I was informed that 2 photographs I took were not good enough for what the course asked for. We were to print 6 photographs of 6 different people in their habitat, doing what they do. The two that are unacceptable are:
*A TAFE Student sitting at a table at the TAFE campus I went to.
*A Photography student taking a photograph.

If it weren't for this dopey teacher, she would see that my artistic impression is different to hers and she would acknowledge that, but no! I also have to reprint 2 other pictures as she doesn't think they were pronted properly, however I was using an artistic impression to add character to the photographs.

This same teacher has given me until week 5 of this semester to get them done. She said she would be at the TAFE every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Over the last 2 weeks I have been to the TAFE on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and she leaves messages for me there to say she's not well.

I can accept that, but I am not getting my photographs done and am quickly running out of time. I got told today to return after lunch because she is definitely going to be there then.

If she's not, I'm gonna take to her with an 8lb sledgie! :evil:


Here's some more pointless ramblings

Why is it that your "Old Lady" is your wife and your "Old Man" is your father and where does this leave your mother or husband (if you are female), what are they called?


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Observation #27 Bank ads on TV

These advertisments are constantly being produced, and each time they are trying to be more and more realistic, but in effect, they are more and more ridiculous. I would like to point out some facts to the advertising departments for banks.

*People do not know anything about interest rates, term depositis or credit ratings.

*People do not openly discuss these matters amongst friends in general conversation

*People do not discuss their financial details when at a Barbeque with friends.

*People don't make positive comments about banks in any way, if and when they do discuss banks.

Please take these comments on board for your future advertising campaigns.


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I was going to post the story of my day here, but it was so long and interesting, I've decided to make it a forum 7's article.


LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Madunit I just read the whole thread and this is as funny as it gets but so damn true!


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Observation #28 The toilet paper
Now I'm sure this has happened before to everyone. When you go to the toilet for number two's and you look at the toilet roll once you're done and it has about 5 squares left on it.

This leads me to point out the 2 people who use toilet paper:
Person 1: This person is the lazy one, they usually grab handfulls of paper and scrunch it up when they go to wipe their backside. They are also the people who leave the 5 squares of paper on the roll. Why do they do it? So that they don't have to replace the toilet roll.

Person 2: This person is the pissed off one. The person who folds the paper before using it, thus using less paper. This person is also responsible for changing the toilet roll. Usually, the regularity of this practice becomes so frustrating that the toilet seat can sometimes be slammed down too hard, or the toilet door can be known to close a little faster than usual.


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Observation #29 The tub of marge/butter
One of my pet hates. There are a fe issues that need to be addressed here:

The Shovel - This person uses their knife and gouges huge holes out of the tub of marge, to the extent that you can't just scrape a nice amount of marge off the top, you have to get a lump of it.

The Idiot - This person has two pieces of bread to put marge on and they scrape up so much marge that they could successfully coat a wall of a house with it. They realise this AFTER they have finished putting the mrge on the bread. They are left with a knife full of unused marge which is now littered in breadcrumbs. What do they do? They put it back in the tub with the icky crumbs everywhere. The problem here is that this person will not use that breadcrumb littered sample of marge that they created, they continue using the good clean marge.

TIP - when using margarine/butter, don't take a lot of marge, take a little. It's a simple operation and less work really.


So true. crummy marge sucks.

same with gettin toppings mixed together like vegimite and marge :roll:


First Grade
I hate crumbs in the margarine :evil:
It means you then have to carefully scrape marge out from around the crumby bit


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Observation #30 Supermarkets

On my most recent excursion to the supermarket, I was in need of some disposable blade refill thingys for my Mach 3 Razor. I go to the aisle where all the shaving stuff is, I see the Mach 3 razor, but no blades. In fact, no blades for any Gillette razor.

Now this is quite stupid as far as I'm concerned. You wouldn't sell a brand new car and not have a petrol tank in it. You wouldn't sell a pair of trousers and not have both legs of the trousers missing. So why do they sell Mach 3 Razors and not the blades they require?

I was distressed and had to go further away. And what do I find?

Mach 3 blades and no razor! What the hell is going on? Do these competing supermarkets have a mafia thing going on?


i did that last night, went down to sainsburys to get the weekly grocerys and also needed mach 3 blades. but no, they werent stocked. i had to get my grocerys up to the counter and pay for them, 50 pounds, then carry all the bags of stuff i had bought over to the ciggarette counter to buy the blades, cause thats the only place in the entire store that they sell them. so i had to put down the bags to get my wallet to pay 3 pounds for 4 blades and as i had no cash on my i had to use my credit card 2 times in the one shop.... :evil:


i agree jesc. they have these supermarkets over here called tesco's, and they are f**king everywhere. and everytime you turn around there is another one going up somewhere, they do everything from groceries to clothers to fuel and all other shit.

i swear one day im gunna walk in there and the one checkout chick is going to say to her boss "what are we going to do today boss?"

and he will reply "the same as we do every day pinky, we are going to try to take over the world"


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Observation #31 Luggage

When you're about to go on any venture that requires clothing and other accessories, like sledgehammers, ice picks et al, you seem to be able to make it all fit into the bag ever so nicely, and the zippers do up with ease, no pressure anywhere at all.

However, when it comes time to repack the bag for your venture back home, all your clothes have become larger, the accessories have multiplied and the bag has shrunk.

You try and fold everything up so that its really neat and fits nicely, but still no luck.

Are there little imps that alter the physical size of matter like this, just for a cruel practical joke? If so, I want to have a ban imposed on these little bastards, they are responsible for the derailing of the zipper on my last travel bag!


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Observation #32 Old People talk
This is kind of a strange thing. As young people we tend to talk with colour, excitement an enthusiasm, paying particular interest to the best part of a story.

However the really old people tend to speak with a flat tone, and spend most of the time talking about their brown pants and what they did with their false teeth rather than about the exciting drama of how they killed a snake with their bare hands back in 1931.


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Observation #33
People who press the button at the pedestrian crossing twice. I was working in Sydney last week and noticed that almost everyone did it. Even when the button had been pressed and was witnessed by all, people still pressed it.

Not only do these people feel that pressing the button twice will get them across the road quicker, but they still press the button after witnessing others pressing the button twice.

And if they are pressing the button twice or the reason that iot may not have worked when they pressed it the first time, whats the point o pressing it again then?

Just jaywalk, its illegal or cars to hit pedestrians, so you got nothing to lose.

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