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18th club, whose next?

The Great Dane

First Grade
Perth should sack up and refuse if PVL and his yes men insist on forcing them to "merge" with the Bears.

A merger with the Bears will be a WA side in name only that destroys any hope of a genuine WA side joining in the future, so Perth have got nothing to lose by playing hardball and demanding a standalone team. If the NRL agrees then they get the genuine WA side like they should have had in the first place, if the NRL refuses to budge then Perth are no worse off than they are now and can continue to keep bidding for their own side. Refusing the Bears also has the added bonus of forcing the NRL to redraft their expansion plans if they're going to hit their target of 20 teams.

Agreeing to a negative situation out of desperation is always a mistake in the long term.

The Great Dane

First Grade
Perth and NZ getting clubs is a good outcome (on the surface) although it depends on the Bears if the Perth thing works.

The only real negative is PNG over another Brisbane team.
It won't.

The NRL is in a too big to fail phase, so the side won't fold, but it won't be a success by any measure that matters either. It'll be a dysfunctional mess that exists primarily for the benefit of boomers in Sydney/NSW and patronised mainly by expats seeking a footy fix in WA, and not for the purpose of genuinely growing the sport within the West Australian population. It's despicable and it shows that all the mainstream personalities that support it live on the East Coast.
Haha is that the best you come up with?

Remember this all started with you saying this kind of stuff

Most Westerners blindly follow American culture. Many of the posters on here quote The Simpsons and Seinfeld because it's all they know.

Most of them are popular not because of their music, but because they're sexualised by the record companies and pushed down the throats of teeny boppers. Taylor Swift cannot sing for shit and her songs are boring, yet the teeny boppers cannot get enough of the drip because the media has shoved her down everyone's throat. There are truly skilled artists from continental Europe that most Australians have never heard of because the media in this country only promotes Yankee shit

Those above posts imply a feeling of I know better than most people (i.e. being a sanctimonious wanker - which you are now calling me because I hurt your precious feelings/don’t like the same things as you). Get over yourself and allow people to follow whatever they want.
There's a difference between following something due to preference and doing so because it's fashionable. People do the latter for status.

Do honestly think all of those people wearing NY Yankee caps actually watch their games?
Perth and NZ getting clubs is a good outcome (on the surface) although it depends on the Bears if the Perth thing works.

The only real negative is PNG over another Brisbane team.
I am sort of happy for Papuan fans who love the game, but I think it's going to cause more harm than good when the team falls over.

V'landys has well and truly f**ked expansion by placing the focus on dead NSWRL teams.

If Western Australians aren't fully committed to this team then it will fall over.

The people cheering the PNG proposal will never bother to attend a game in Port Moresby. It will be a massive disaster when no one wants to play for them and the broadcasters refuse to pay extra to cover their matches.

When the shit hits the fan V'landys will f**k off and let his replacement shoulder the burden of fixing his mess.
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Most of us don't see it but the NRL want revenue. There is no way PNG comes in over Brisbane if they offer nothing.

Sending the 2 ex Pollies to finalise PNG is smart to ensure the government money is locked in as safe as it can be
It's shortsighted and will bite the game on the arse.

Australians aren't going to be happy to hear that the 17 NRL clubs want the tax payer to give them $230m over five years.

NRL clubs could reportedly be paid $60 million between them, meaning each team would receive $3.5 million as a lump sum under terms being discussed by the league.​
Club powerbrokers, however, are seeking an additional $2 million for five seasons form 2028, when the PNG franchise would likely enter the comp, on top of player payments.​

This is greed at its worst. The clubs have never been so well funded, yet they're now demanding the tax payer provide them with more. At the same time they will expect the tax payers they're fleecing to buy their merchandise and memberships. Fans are getting ripped off.


This is greed at its worst. The clubs have never been so well funded, yet they're now demanding the tax payer provide them with more. At the same.time they will expect the tax payers they're fleecing to buy their merchandise and memberships. Fans are getting ripped off.
Wouldn't be the first time that the game has let petty self-interest (for clubs, administrators AND broadcasters) over-rule rational long term planning, and the overall good & growth of the game.


First Grade
There's a difference between following something due to preference and doing so because it's fashionable. People do the latter for status.

Do honestly think all of those people wearing NY Yankee caps actually watch their games?

Mate again you’re generalising (a lot) on a number of factors.

a) You need to realise that American culture or art isn’t just a few popular shows or music that you don’t like. That is a massive conflation.
b) You don’t determine what is authentic or not or what is “good”or what is “bad”. Nobody does btw. By the way, the argument about authenticity has been had for centuries and it is still a wanker argument.
c) You’re speculating massively as to why people follow things. Are there some posers - sure. There are also by laws of probability a whole lot of people who like things which may be popular or may not be popular because they simply like it. I know that blows your mind and all but not everything is black and white like you think it is. Most people get over that s*** in high school
d) You are still acting like a pretentious wanker with the whole my tastes are real and formed from preference whereas everybody else’s is because they are sheep nonsense. It’s risible that you called me a snob when what you are doing is the definition of being a snob.
e.) Lastly who f****** cares. Why would anybody care if somebody likes listening to Taylor Swift if it doesn’t affect them directly. You don’t have to listen to it same as I don’t have to listen to nasally voiced untalented musicians like John Williamson singing True Blue (who is by the way still less talented than Taylor Swift and I don’t like her music at all)
It won't.

The NRL is in a too big to fail phase, so the side won't fold, but it won't be a success by any measure that matters either. It'll be a dysfunctional mess that exists primarily for the benefit of boomers in Sydney/NSW and patronised mainly by expats seeking a footy fix in WA, and not for the purpose of genuinely growing the sport within the West Australian population. It's despicable and it shows that all the mainstream personalities that support it live on the East Coast.
V'landys is making it all about himself. The people talking him up will learn the hard way they've been taken for a ride by a shonky salesman.
Wouldn't be the first time that the game has let petty self-interest (for clubs, administrators AND broadcasters) over-rule rational long term planning, and the overall good & growth of the game.
The game's reputation is at stake. If people see it as a cash grab by greedy clubs then they will think twice about spending their money on the game. Instead of saving up to go to the football they will go for a holiday to Bali instead.
Mate again you’re generalising (a lot) on a number of factors.

a) You need to realise that American culture or art isn’t just a few popular shows or music that you don’t like. That is a massive conflation.
b) You don’t determine what is authentic or not or what is “good”or what is “bad”. Nobody does btw. By the way, the argument about authenticity has been had for centuries and it is still a wanker argument.
c) You’re speculating massively as to why people follow things. Are there some posers - sure. There are also by laws of probability a whole lot of people who like things which may be popular or may not be popular because they simply like it. I know that blows your mind and all but not everything is black and white like you think it is. Most people get over that s*** in high school
d) You are still acting like a pretentious wanker with the whole my tastes are real and formed from preference whereas everybody else’s is because they are sheep nonsense. It’s risible that you called me a snob when what you are doing is the definition of being a snob.
e.) Lastly who f****** cares. Why would anybody care if somebody likes listening to Taylor Swift if it doesn’t affect them directly. You don’t have to listen to it same as I don’t have to listen to nasally voiced untalented musicians like John Williamson singing True Blue (who is by the way still less talented than Taylor Swift and I don’t like her music at all)
You don't have a f**ken clue.

The record labels don't promote artists based on their talent. They take the ones they think can be marketed as sex symbols, put them in overly sexualised music videos, have them shake their arse and tits, then put it on MTV for teeny poppers to gawk over. Meanwhile, the truly talented artists who aren't marketed like this are ignored and never get to have their music played on the radio.

If you think Taylor Swift is more talented than John Williamson then you've got some shit taste in music. She is everything I just described. A dumb little bitch who parades around in overly sexualised videos and performances in front of teeny boppers and perverts. She's no different to other hacks like Madonna and Britney Spears who couldn't sing for shit.

Have you noticed that the artists who arr pushed by the record labels are dumb and easily led?

Look at Elvis to see my point. He was a hillbilly who didn't have a clue and died on the dunny. Nothing great about his voice. Most of his songs were shit. But he was handsome and marketed as a star, so women rocked him to see him and scream. The Beatles and The Monkees are another example. A recent example is that shit Pommy band Oasis.

Before Elvis there was a Jew with an awful voice that was the biggest star in the early 20th century. His name was Al Jolson. Go listen to his horrendous voice on YouTube.

Do you think people were there to listen to his fart-pitched vocals?

I have no doubt that if Taylor Swift was a Latvian artist then no one would know who she is. That's the point I'vebeen trying to get across. I get sick of seeing American hacks make it while truly talented artists from smaller countries are ignored.

The f**ken Australian media were talking up Taylor Swift as if she was Jesus. There was talk about building an oval stadium in Brisbane just to get her to play. It's insane.
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It won't.

The NRL is in a too big to fail phase, so the side won't fold, but it won't be a success by any measure that matters either. It'll be a dysfunctional mess that exists primarily for the benefit of boomers in Sydney/NSW and patronised mainly by expats seeking a footy fix in WA, and not for the purpose of genuinely growing the sport within the West Australian population. It's despicable and it shows that all the mainstream personalities that support it live on the East Coast.
It is, it’s over 20 years too late for the Swans-style model to work effectively and it traps the North Shore in an ongoing messy, ineffective arrangement that will see RL never meet its potential in the region again. They’ve never particularly cared for WA, it’s a host for them to get back into the NRL. It’s all about the Boomers and Gen Xers getting their nostalgia fix, the details come second.


You don't have a f**ken clue.

The record labels don't promote artists based on their talent. They take the ones they think can be marketed as sex symbols, put them in overly sexualised music videos, have them shake their arse and tits, then put it on MTV for teeny poppers to gawk over. Meanwhile, the truly talented artists who aren't marketed like this are ignored and never get to have their music played on the radio.

If you think Taylor Swift is more talented than John Williamson then you've got some shit taste in music. She is everything I just described. A dumb little bitch who parades around in overly sexualised videos and performances in front of teeny boppers and perverts. She's no different to other hacks like Madonna and Britney Spears who couldn't sing for shit.

Have you noticed that the artists who arr pushed by the record labels are dumb and easily led?

Look at Elvis to see my point. He was a hillbilly who didn't have a clue and died on the dunny. Nothing great about his voice. Most of his songs were shit. But he was handsome and marketed as a star, so women rocked him to see him and scream. The Beatles and The Monkees are another example. A recent example is that shit Pommy band Oasis.

Before Elvis there was a Jew with an awful voice that was the biggest star in the early 20th century. His name was Al Jolson. Go listen to his horrendous voice on YouTube.

Do you think people were there to listen to his fart-pitched vocals?

I have no doubt that if Taylor Swift was a Latvian artist then no one would know who she is. That's the point I'vebeen trying to get across. I get sick of seeing American hacks make it while truly talented artists from smaller countries are ignored.
I love Rugby League!
It is, it’s over 20 years too late for the Swans-style model to work effectively and it traps the North Shore in an ongoing messy, ineffective arrangement that will see RL never meet its potential in the region again. They’ve never particularly cared for WA, it’s a host for them to get back into the NRL. It’s all about the Boomers and Gen Xers getting their nostalgia fix, the details come second.
It's just a way to get a 10th NSWRL club into the NRL.

It's hard to take V'landys seriously anymore. On the one hand he thinks Brisbane is over saturated with 2 teams. On the other hand the old dickhead wants Sydney to host two of the Bears' twelve home games. No market in the world holds more games of professional rugby league each year than Sydney.

This is the same V'landys that thinks Melbourne 2 will replicate the Dolphins. He's an idiot and I doubt he even follows the game.

The Great Dane

First Grade
It is, it’s over 20 years too late for the Swans-style model to work effectively and it traps the North Shore in an ongoing messy, ineffective arrangement that will see RL never meet its potential in the region again. They’ve never particularly cared for WA, it’s a host for them to get back into the NRL. It’s all about the Boomers and Gen Xers getting their nostalgia fix, the details come second.
Host is exactly right.

The Bears will leech off of Perth for as long as they have to, but as soon as the opportunities start presenting themselves they'll start subtly shifting the focus of the club. If they're smart they won't even be the ones that push for the change, they'll simply neglect Perth and wait, the journos and talking heads in Sydney will do all the work of pushing for more games in Sydney for them.

It's really gross. Everything wrong with Sydney-centric parochial nature of the sport and any Perth/WA person that gets involved is a mug that's being used.

BTW, the suggestion that this is akin to the Swans relocation is the biggest furphy in the world (I realise you aren't the one making that assertion BTW). Just an out and out lie. The fact that it's repeated so often in the mainstream without any critical pushback demonstrates just how bad the groupthink has got in the media at the moment.


The Beatles and The Monkees are another example. A recent example is that shit Pommy band Oasis.
You're way off target there.

The Beatles were a hard-working rock'n''roll band plying their trade in the rough nightclubs of Hamburg before Brian Epstein stumbled across them, packaged them in suits, and marketed them to a (largely) female audience.

Even then, they only stayed on that course for a few years (Say, 1962-1965) before their musical curiosity, talent & drug intake steered them away from that teenybopper scene.

The Monkees were a manufactured band, sure - but 2 of their members (Michael Nesmith & Peter Tork) were established members of the LA folk scene, Nesmith even served as "Hootmaster" at the Troubador club.

Again, a group that bristled at the teenybopper direction they were set-up with, after a few years - and ended up creating some interesting work after the first couple of albums as Nesmith moved towards pioneering Country-rock (his first few solo albums after the Monkees are some of the best country rock of the early 1970s, if not all time) & Micky Dolenz brought in influences from his counter-culture buddies.

Case in point, this eye-opening track from Mickey, recorded after Peter had left the band.

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final say

Perth should sack up and refuse if PVL and his yes men insist on forcing them to "merge" with the Bears.

A merger with the Bears will be a WA side in name only that destroys any hope of a genuine WA side joining in the future, so Perth have got nothing to lose by playing hardball and demanding a standalone team. If the NRL agrees then they get the genuine WA side like they should have had in the first place, if the NRL refuses to budge then Perth are no worse off than they are now and can continue to keep bidding for their own side. Refusing the Bears also has the added bonus of forcing the NRL to redraft their expansion plans if they're going to hit their target of 20 teams.

Agreeing to a negative situation out of desperation is always a mistake in the long term.
You mistakenly think that the Bears need to merge.. they can just set up in WA . They don't need this consortium or the WA government. If they are turned down, they can just do it alone.
The NRL if given a choice will have:
Perth Bears- a recognised brand, a pre-existing fan base, feeder clubs and the Systems that go with it and a reconciliation with the past.
O and a presence in Perth.
Perth Pirates- a presence in Perth.

It will be the Perth Bears.

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