Yeh many lol. Talk about tribalism! So Im from a West Hull Hessle Road family but in 1980 stuck with my East HUll cousins from the other side and hung my hat on the East side clubs mast for Wembley. Walking to Boulveard for derby games I had to walk on the other side of the road to my family lol
The scariest was the infamous Easter Derby game there. It kicked off big time. I was only mid teens but there was running battles everywhere, bricks and bottles flying , I got a cut under the eye from a flying 50p piece (kept it though

) It was full on crazy! Fortunatley apart from that mid to late 80's period it rarely was that bad for violence. Probably only realy other scary time was at Thrum Hall in Hallifax when we were attacked outside the ground. That was just insane and people were being carted off in ambulances, tear gas the whole works.
Compared to what Ive seen outside Boothferry stadium at the soccer though Rl was tame!
Hulls one of them strange places, salt of the earth people who'd give you the coat of their back if you were desperate but rough as hell and can be incredibly violent when it kicks off.
Any we digress.
Apologies Bubby mate, didnt mean to cause offence and if I took it too far I sincerely apologise. We are all Rl fans at end of day. I hope one day you can all get to Perth for an NRL game Id I'll shout the beers!