I don't think placing a cap on how many 'one off jerseys' is the answer and realistically, how many fans purchase all the charity jerseys as well as the home and away ones.
Whilst I'm a fan of just having a main jersey and an alternate (only to be worn when there is a clash), I think to prevent clubs from visibly supporting charities in this fashion would diminish the public image of the game.
1 off charity jerseys are ok. Its the seemingly endless amount of alternate strips teams like the Tigers and these days us at the roosters trot out that piss me (and I'd say most people) off.
Take Roosters as an example. We have:
1) Home Jersey - worn twice this year
2) Away jersey - french style, worn once thus far
3) Heritage strip - seems to have taken over away, worn as home jersey this year multiple times as well. Probably worn more than home and away put together
4) ANZAC day jersey - horrid US camo monstrosity, one off
5) Pink heritage strip - one off, no problems here
6) 2000 games jersey - one off worn against the dogs. Just the home kit with a bunch of emblems stuck all over it and the names of our rep players on it
I'm unsure if we are wearing an indigenous jersey this year, although we did last year. Assuming we do that will make 7. Thats just f**king ridiculous and could easily be cut back to 4 (home, away, heritage, pink)
Has any team topped 6 jerseys in a year before? I gotta think the tigers would come close