Even so Evenflow (lol sorry) - this period of time is ridiculous. A full review shouldn't even take this long and it has the potential to cost the club thousands of dollars in income.
You're still cut up about that under the thumb comment ait ya? (lol sorry) You may be right and you may be wrong and we won't know for a few months when real numbers are through to see how it's affected it. How can we possibly guess/know how many people
won't renew because the memberships have been delayed? You just can't put any number on that because it'd be pure speculation if you were silly enough to try.
As i mentioned in my previous post 3 weeks ago, the hardcore are going to renew no matter when they're released so there's no income lost there. How it will affect the borderline who are either new members or casual fans again we just won't know until a few months. I hardly doubt those categories would've been rushing out a month before xmas to buy Storm memberships anyway with everything else that was going on even if they were out back then so if they were going to buy them then i'm sure they'll buy them now.
I'll stand by what i say and still think the club get at least 8k+ and even closer to last years total which would be a great effort IMO. With the salary cap debacle you'd be a hard task master to expect the Storm to increase their membership numbers the following season but if we can stay around par or not far below it'll provide a solid base to work from in the future. While i agree it's not ideal they aren't out by now i can still understand why they wanted and needed to start their membership categories from scratch and believe they did the right thing in that respect.