Haven't seen any marketing really.
Be interesting to see how the "legends" clubs go in their battle. One would think they have to get more than the clubs in the "beaches", but will they? Would be huge if every club got similar figures to those 3.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the legends will peak well over 2K. The reality is that the battle of the beaches is an equal fight, the legends is pretty equal; the battle of the west should also be interesting..
The NRL really has got it right also with regards to Week1,2,3.. where did they get this idea form the AFL? hahaha - must have!
Week1 ios going to be slow; but it will make the rest of the teams take note of the strategies used.. whoe needs marketing I guess when you have players at stations, calling people etc..
The big push will happen as people start to forget the cricket and whatever else they are doing to occupy their time during the offseason. as you may all recall, many clubs still have new members up until round 1 and onwards ..
I think the all stars game and the charity shield will kick people into gear ..