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2012 NSW soo side..


First Grade
Problem with Scott is he gets involved in the centres business in rep football.

Any quality ball or backline play and he throws a Gallen circa 2010 and just kills it off.

If there is a way of stopping that I am all for his selection, that said thereis alot of impact quality in the back row available and he Bird and Lewis may be fighting for two spots


Watmough and Lewis are must picks.

One of Williams/Sims is the other must pick.

Glenn Stewart/Beau Scott/Greg Bird are fighting for one or possibly 2 spots (if stuart goes for 3 props only)

Lewis was pretty damn good on Australia's left edge on friday night and Watmough was great up the middle so perhaps Scott or Stewart who both play very well on the right fringe is the way to go.

Tiger Hawk

lol well this is an Origin thread champ so one would assume we are talking about Origin in here. How bout you go to the NRL forum and dribble on about how much you dont rate Mullen "in general" and leave the rest of us to talk Origin

You had Farah in your side so to me its pretty fair game on calling you out on that selection. He is a muppet and doesnt deserve a shot given the complete pussie way he has been going about his footy in 2012.

If you cant hack opinions GTFO of the kitchen princess
Hahahaha, "GTFO of the kitchen"! Mate, what do you think this is?!

Seeing as your first reply to me centred around "no Newcastle fan on here talked him up Origin", I only need to go back to last week and this post by RABK:
Look honestly if i was a qld'r (shudder) this is probably the side i'd fear most going into the 2012 series.

1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Morris
4. Jennings
5. Uate
6. Carney
7. Mullen
8. Gallen
9. Buderus
10. Tamou
11. Williams
12. Bird
13. Stewart

14. Lewis
15. Merrin
16. Watmough
17. Sims

Noot saying it's the best side or the side that should be picked but on sheer potential and in top form each one of these players are probably without peer in their positions in NSW and have the ability to a man to be a MOTM in SOO.
I can't be bothered looking for more but I'd be fairly certain there are. So there you are.

Sorry I had a crack at a Newcastle player. I should know that's not allowed in the kitchen. :lol:

As for Farah, up until yesterday, you're right he hasn't done enough. But if he builds on yesterday and has two great games in a row he's a must, either to start or off the bench. He's simply better than any other option.


All club and player bias aside, the team should be;

1.Josh Dugan
2.Brett Morris
3.Josh Morris
4.Michael Jennings
6.Toddy Carney
7.Mitchell Pearce
8.Paul Gallen
9.Danny Buderus
10.Tom Leah-Royd
11.Anthony Watmough
12.Greg Bird
13.Luke Lewis

14.Tariq Sims
15.Tony Williams
16.Aaron Woods
17.James Tamou

*Hayne out, due to injury.


I named that team based on potential in reply to Pete talking about players QLD might fear at their full potential.

Pearce was named my halfback in all sides posted in regards to what i'd like to see.

You tiger fans are just a pack of whiny bitches come Origin time - f**k off and take farah to QLD with you. You haven't supplied a decent Origin player since you merged. Infact your ragdoll nuffy Hodgson started the QLD dominance with his pea brain explosion.


Noticed while Bedsy was in ESL tigers fans were nowhere to be seen around Origin time.

Now he's back proving he's better than Farah lo and behold - the butthurt tiger fans who don't give two shits about NSW winning are back in force. So accustomed to seeing 4 games a year Marshall get individual glory from the media they want Farah to get it as well and as long as he does don't give a f**k about NSW's chances.


How you gonna have 4 forwards on the bench man?

Luke Lewis and Greg Bird both have sufficient versatility. Buderus may need a 10 minute spell, during which time Lewis/Bird can slot into hooker.

We can win it in the forwards. Tariq Sims and Tony Williams will make a HUGE difference. Get all the forwards psyched out of their heads and we'll take it right to them.


First Grade
It is just a pity old man Bedsy piked it on the C v C match.

It would have been nice to see the two clash before an Origin match.

As it stands the selectors will make whatever decision they see fit. I think Farah should be there on what he offers, others think Bedsy should get a run.

The only certainty is that they will pick Gidley somewhere and for that, regardless of who the hooker is, NSW will not win the series


Bottom line is whilst i always give a f**k and have a lot to say about who they pick every year come 7.45pm off game day whoever is in the 17 i cheer for each and everyone of them and if they have a dig i'm proud of them regardless off the scoreboard.

Some of you NSW 'fans' are a complete joke and put club bias and grudges ahead of NSW and hope for certain players to have bad games or even get injured so you can log onto LU at 10.30pm and rant and rave about how he is a nuffy. Me and Hutty over the years have scratched our heads at some selections but then during the game cheer our asses off for said players.

You're a f**king joke if you're like that and don't deserve to celebrate with the true Blues fans when we finally get the bloody shield back.


First Grade
I would love for Gidley to be the reason we win the series and me to be completely wrong. I just dont see it happening

Tiger Hawk

Noticed while Bedsy was in ESL tigers fans were nowhere to be seen around Origin time.
Oh f**k off, turn it up. There have been plenty of Tigers fans over the past few years that have been questioning how Ennis got a start, not to mention Dean f**king Young last year.
Now he's back proving he's better than Farah lo and behold - the butthurt tiger fans who don't give two shits about NSW winning are back in force. So accustomed to seeing 4 games a year Marshall get individual glory from the media they want Farah to get it as well and as long as he does don't give a f**k about NSW's chances.
How this turned into another Farah / Buderus thing is down to one poster and it ain't a f**king Tiger fan champ. All I did was call out Mullen for the f**king spastic he is and suddenly a couple of you Knights fans get your panties in a knot because it's a Tigers fan saying it so you just have to make some posts about Farah. f**k me, get over it. We know you love Bedsy and yes, we love Farah. I'd be happy if both were selected.

Oh, and supporting NSW and questioning who plays for them aren't mutually exclusive - I've had no problems cheering for NSW despite wondering how some absolute mongs (Jason King, Ben Creagh, Dean Young, Kurt Gidley, Steve Turner, James McManus and so on) have been picked. And there also isn't any problem with coming back on here after a loss and having a vent or otherwise. There would be dozens of club fans that do it every week so why would it be any different for Origin?


Because you hope to be able to come on and vent because you're a twat - there is a difference.

Tigers fans in the Origin forum the last 3 years? News to me. Knights, Manly, Dragons, Eels - yup. Tigers - nope.


I would pick Farrah for the 3 games ,Gids off the bench
Pearce at 7 either carney or moloney at 6

Vic Mackey

Noticed while Bedsy was in ESL tigers fans were nowhere to be seen around Origin time.

Now he's back proving he's better than Farah lo and behold - the butthurt tiger fans who don't give two shits about NSW winning are back in force. So accustomed to seeing 4 games a year Marshall get individual glory from the media they want Farah to get it as well and as long as he does don't give a f**k about NSW's chances.

LOL these two posts are the biggest overreactions of all time.

Pretty much every tigers fan all year has said farah hasnt played well enough to make the team. Then he came out and gave a super impressive display in city country and you completely lose your sh*t. Check the threads, plenty of fans now have farah in their team. It won't do much good though as the media has a benji like love for buderus and along with his mate Joey will ensure he gets the gig.

In his late 20s buderus was an amazing player and probably my favorite non tigers player. However his last 2 years in the nrl were extremely average, hence him being shifted overseas. He ha come back this year and as te stats say has ZERO live breaks ZERO Line break assists ZERO tries and ZERO try assists. Hardly setting the world on fire yet has a rails run into a rep team where he under performed four years ago.

As said it would have been great to see farah and buderus go head to head but buderus had an injury....which was no doubt being looked after whilst he was in Adelaide on holidays with his family...

Many, many tigers fans including myself have posted here over the last few years, now that your beloved buderus is back you are noticing us.


Lose my shit?


No it's you Tiger fans losing your shit about Buderus return to the NRL and ultimately Origin. Nothing but attacks on him over numerous threads since round 1,


First Grade
Bottom line is whilst i always give a f**k and have a lot to say about who they pick every year come 7.45pm off game day whoever is in the 17 i cheer for each and everyone of them and if they have a dig i'm proud of them regardless off the scoreboard.

Some of you NSW 'fans' are a complete joke and put club bias and grudges ahead of NSW and hope for certain players to have bad games or even get injured so you can log onto LU at 10.30pm and rant and rave about how he is a nuffy. Me and Hutty over the years have scratched our heads at some selections but then during the game cheer our asses off for said players.

You're a f**king joke if you're like that and don't deserve to celebrate with the true Blues fans when we finally get the bloody shield back.

Let them be that way. Does not change the way I feel. I might not like a few selections but I will cheer the boys through thick and thin. That what makes a true supporter. Heck, I think Watmough is a grub in the Manly jersey (No offense Manly fans) yet the minute he grabs a sky-blue jumper my man love for him is instant. (Not in the gay way).

I would just love for Gidley to pull off a great series or even a match-winning play and then go on to win the series to silence all the doubters. I don't mind him to much in the team, brings some decent utility value.