The thing that really makes me mad is that according to the rules, the Raiders can not use the Ennis no charge as evidence to help exonerate Jack Wighton, yet the NRL used it to justify charging him. That's totally ridiculous and completely unfair
And frankly, it could be argued that by doing that, the NRL HQ have given Wighton no chance at a fair hearing because the NRL have come out so hard to try and defend the indefensible. How can the Judicary be expected to be fair and impartial when the NRL for the first time ever took measures to come out and outline EXACTLY why he's guilty?
And worse, using the Ennis case as a direct comparision to do so... which is proven to be wrong already and yet whilst they release a f**king statement using it to defend their actions, we can't use it to defend Wighton
Is there a single person who could with a straight face argue this is a fair and just process?