Nothing unexpected. Much of it cut and paste, really. :sarcasm: Sorry Sangreal86. I'll just head off to "tell Denis" that I am "shooting from the hip".
Weren't Webb and "Matai" signed post the meeting with Kearney? :-k
Is there a reason why they are the only players in recruitment and retention given any sort of praise by Sangreal86? :-k
Is it utter bullsh*t that DA didn't want KevinK or was it a salary cap issue as stated numerous times previously? :-k
That's all I can be bothered with at the moment as I'm about to start cooking dinner.
I was one of 3P's most ardent critics prior to "the" elections. That was pre election. Post election I like to think I've given them as good go and as most and always supported Parra with all I can give. In fact, I have openly praised, including on this forum, a number things the "board" have done since their appointment, much to the surprise of many, i'm sure.
However, I like to think that I can spot bullsh*t when it is being spoon fed to me. Sangreal86's post, with all due respect, is as biased and agenda driven as we will ever see on this site. He has to say these things. He is a loyal man who stands by his mates. It's the Australian thing to do and should be respected for it.
Now let me get this straight, I totally agree that DA's position at the club was untenable for next year. It would have done more damage to keep him here than "let him go". I also believe that a percentage of the blame for that must lie at the feet of his employers. How great a percentage is questionable. However, the way the entire situation has been handled has been an utter disgrace, beginning months ago when Ossie was found to be acting "beyond board instruction". :roll: Add that to our constant soap opera script being played out in the media It does not portray our great club in the in the light it deserves. We have looked amateurish. We deserve better. We need to continue our reputation as one of the most professional clubs in the league. You cannot do that by being on the back page of the paper constantly for the wrong reasons. The club has a lot to do fan relations and more importantly customer relations wise to repair the damage done over the last week or so in paticular.
Many will simply dismiss what I say due to my previous stances and that is understandable. I do it to certain others myself. These are simply my views.