Gronk, MITS, Beverley EEls 90210 ... the election is over. Your mates lost.
The new mob have done 1000 times as good a job in a very short space of time.
The fact HJ is on your side should tell you you are living in the realms of the delusional.
Worst thread ever.
Let me guess. You barely scanned the thread, right ? :arrow:
This thread reminds me of all the Righties having a whinge after little Johnny rotten got rolled at the last federal election. DF and Little Johnny have a lot in common..........
Well if he didn't then I concede Bigfella is a lot smarter than me for coming to the same conclusion without having wasted 5 mins of his life.Let me guess. You barely scanned the thread, right ? :arrow:
Could you please inform us what these 1000 things are..BORING!
Gronk, MITS, Beverley EEls 90210 ... the election is over. Your mates lost.
The new mob have done 1000 times as good a job in a very short space of time.
The fact HJ is on your side should tell you you are living in the realms of the delusional.
Worst thread ever.
So nothing of any substance at all posted in this thread today... :?
The issue had all been answered last night, and everyone seemed content enough. A touch of emperors new clothes still going on here today in my opinion, and drawing the expected reactions as a result.
In regards to your CEO question Mark, Tullio is still listed as 'Acting' on the new website
Yep. Agree.Couldn't agree more Barty.
It was assessed last night that the original title was offensive.
Also, that no one has a problem with any questions being asked.
The TAB issue was answered.
Can't believe that is has carried on so long tbh.
Yes, I get the hard copy bulletin - which is also available now to non members electronically.
Members mega cash? Dont remember. Doesnt mean I didnt get it as those type of promotions are not of interest to me.
The bullitin can also be provieded electronically to members who have signed up
So then we would need some scuttlebut on the second part of the qustion, are they currently looking for a leagues club CEO and if so any whisper on who, is Tullio in the running?
Exactly. It's that simple.Suity reason I haven't been on is that I don't have the internet at home mate and I do acknowledge that the title was a probably too harsh before - the new one was a lot better, But I still think it was an important thing to raise (which has now been answered)
Exactly. It's that simple.
Questions and communication are good. Suggesting that items of public interest should be resolved in public silence by personal approach to Board members was laughed at by many when it suggested as a means of dealing with the old regime... amazing to me how things turn.
Yeah, I was referring to Colonel. You see, i have no problem with you whereas I hate Col with a passion and have to scrub my skin raw after every instance where we end up in the same room.
I guess those suggestions, Bart, really stemmed from the fact the thread started out calling people liars and a view that rather than starting a thread calling people liars it's more productive to approach them personally and ask the question if an opportunity had presented itself rather than go off half cocked.
Sick of hearing about comparisons to the old regime tbh. Think we all need to move on.