I was of the opinion the name Jesus was associated with positive, happy thoughts, encouraging people to see the best in all, and be patient for others to achieve their goals, not death ride something you supposedly love, and denigrate people's views on what they believe, who also love the club. Perhaps you should think of another handle to call yourself and have a Bex and a lay down.
I cannot speak for the board on any level, and do not intend answering anything on their behalf, but I will have a crack at you for putting the slipper into good people after 3 months.The workload these people have, and the hours they are putting in to give you the club you deserve, is beyond reproach. But apparently you and your mate know better than anyone and have all the answers, and damn the consequences.
I promised you guys before the election that there will be a TAB or equivalent in Sterlo's, and there will once the management investigations within the Leagues Club are completed.
I know for a fact that a meeting with one betting agency occurred 2 weeks ago, and I know all options are being viewed at this time. From the day campaigning started, it was stated that all avenues for this club to make money would be investigated.
Due diligence will be done on every option by the directors and management of this club, and the best option for this club and its members will be chosen, and not just hand truckloads of money to the State Government and the TAB and make a small profit for the club. If you are so angry about no TAB why did'nt you jump up and down 2 or 3 years ago when the previous board took it away and replaced it with no other option.
If you are so savy on all things political Jesus, you would know there is a landmark case in Victoria at present, to change gaming laws for establishments to choose their betting agencies, and stop the monopoly government agencies have. Could be a reason why the decision to reinstate the TAB at this time is on hold....do you think? I also apologise for the signing of Paul Osbourne, Justine Poore, Shane Shackleton and Tamana Tahu, and I am sincerely sorry that we are charging for the semi's with the players now jumping out of their skin being part of a new beginning. I am sorry we let the kids run on the field on the weekend, and I am sorry we had all those noisy people in the club and the auditorium on Sunday night for the presenation. I sincerely apolgise for nothing happening over the last few months Jesus????? Seriously mate, give yourself an uppercut, and leave your arguments to when you are having a shave in the mirror in the mornings. Or the other option would be to support whats happening, and be a little constructive instead of negative.....is that possible????????