126. Watching Kurt Gidley develop from the first time he touched the ball for the Knights till his eventual Aussie debut.
127. Andrew Johns putting huge tackles on Martin Lang, Chris Beatty and Jason Stevens to turn around a game we were losing against Cronulla in 2001. It was the best defensive game by a halfback ever.
128. Chief taking the ball forward
129. Darren Albert's try saving tackle on Matt Seers in semi final 2001
130. A tackle done by big Dane Tilse in a reserve grade game this year. He picked a guy up and drove him back 15 metres, forcing him to spill the ball, which was picked up and a try to the Knights was scored.
131. Andrew Johns landing a kick from the sideline after only taking it back about 10 metres, just to show off.
132. Andrew Johns setting up Albert for the match winner in 97
133. Andrew Johns inventing the banana kick
134. Andrew Johns doing his swirling bombs at marathon when it seems there is no wind at ground level, but the ball floats around like a feather in the breeze because of the wind going over the stadium.
135. A try this year where Kurt Gidley did a Gidley no-look flick pass on to Matt Gidley, who did a Gidley no-look flick pass on to Craig Hall who put the ball down in the corner - there were heaps of defenders, but they needed two for every Gidley, so they didn't have enough.
136. Matt Gidley has the ball, the winger can't be stupid enough to come in on him, yes he can, try to Tahu (repeat that till every coach in the NRL has Knightmares about it).
137. Only four or five defenders between mad dog and the line from close out - TRY TIME