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ABC net article - I hate Rugby League


I left my comments:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But when untruths get in the way of opinion then I have a problem.

"Rugby League's dwindling fan-base is evident in the falling number of club members and supporters through the gates at the games. And the bigwigs at League HQ are still scratching their heads trying to figure it out."
Now let's get some facts straight:

1. Rugby League crowds have NEVER been higher outnumbering the record 2005 year.
2. 7 of the 9 Sydney have increased crowds this year from last year.
3. The first State of Origin this year drew a record audience.
4. The 4 most watched pay TV progrmas each week are Rugby League games. Not Super 14. Not AFL. Rugy League.
5. Pay TV Rugby League audiences have increased this year.
6. Commercial Tv ratings have increased in Queensland and regional NSW and QLD and are slightly down in Sydney
7. The new U20 Toyota Cup consistently beats Super 14 in ratings.
8. A rugby league trial game outrated the A-league grand final
9. The NRL grand final outrated the AFL grand final last year
10. The first State of Origin this year rated similar to the AFL grand final.

In 2000 a Rugby Union journalist predicted Rugy League would be dead in the UK within 5 years. 6 years later he recanted his statement as Rugby League grew each year, in terms of TV ratings and crowds. And continues to grow.

Jealousy is a curse.

Numerous Australian so-called 'journalists' (and I won't name names) often and openly denounce their hatred for Rugby League. But when was the last time you heard or read a rugby league journalist denounce another sport?
Is it because Rugby League supporters are more open-minded and less arrogant and ignornat?

Is it because people who follow other codes are jealous of the continued success of Rugby league?

I believe it is a combination of the two.

Gregor is simply acting like a jealous and petulant boyfriend who can't understand why his beloved sport is less popular in Australia then rugby league.


Maybe it is supposed to be funny but the fact is those ABC twits are a bunch of snobs who consider themselves to be above such working class pursuits as rugby league. League never gets a fair go on the ABC.


Sheesh, thats the worst I've read. Instead of one or 2 kicks into RL its a blatant ambush.

What happen? Did he catch his Mrs in bed with a star RL player or something... can't blame her tho, the idiot can't even afford a radio.
Nar he found her with some 4th grade hack that still gave more pleasure in 1 minute than he gave her in 5 years.


Maybe it is supposed to be funny but the fact is those ABC twits are a bunch of snobs who consider themselves to be above such working class pursuits as rugby league. League never gets a fair go on the ABC.
Doesn't get any go In Victoria.

Not mentioned once in any way, shape or form.


The point is that in hiding behind his "satirical " role he is unleashing his prejudice....hence exposing himself as a puppet of his upbringing....and showing the true nature of the Neanderthal.


Great article. I'd like to hear more from him discribing the game of rugby league. good stuff.


Staff member
There will always be haters of rugby league. Always. The key is to give them as little ammunition as possible.


Borat impersonator maybe. Write obvious drivel to fish for morons who embrace it as if it was fact. Only thing I can think of.


First Grade
Is it written by a women? It reads like it was written by a women....

oh my god i am so insulted by that!!! all the women i know love rugby league and are very knowledgeable about it. go read my blog and u can see what im talkin about.

the article isnt worth getting angry about. its either a pisstake or written by a complete tool.
I just take comfort in the fact that in 100 years' time some other merkin will pobably the writing the same thing about Rugby league...

Meanwhile, just laugh at that pillock's head... and to think that was the best photo they could get. :lol:


For a start, this lollipoper doesn't like league, second, he loves to reply to posts us people make.

This shows to me, he is a merkin, and a knob, who needs someone to kick him in the nuts.

Don't give this prick the time of the day, that's what he wants and what he wants in life is something we as RL fans should despise.

He had a go at Gays. ( I don't go much on them, but what they do at home has nothing to do with me)

Well what about Ian Roberts?

Didn't we feel weird at first?

But didn't we feel proud later on to see one of the toughest men in our sport come out in a world first and says, hey, I played one of the toughest games on Earth, but I'm gay, will you kick me out like another code would?

What about having this (god forbid) the first ever Black man to lead his country out in an International in any form of Rugby?

sh*t no, those people would make us shudder.

How about saying we are the first ever Rugby code to win a World Cup for England back in the 1960's?

Stop it Rod, you're being a prick now. :roll:

Out of all codes in Aus, RL has more aboriginal players play the game, yet AFL scream they do, yet RL kicks their arse and we sit back and say nothing, why?

We have the first ever Aboriginal man to captain any AUSTRALIAN Club in first grade to a grand final last year for the Newcastle Jets Soccer team, yep, in 2008.

Yet in 1975, an Aboriginal named Arther Beetson went back to back winning 2 gf's with the Eastern Suburbs Roosters, he later went on to lead his country as the first ever Aboriginal man to win a GF as captain in Australia for any club team in any sport, he led his people called Australia to a RLWC victory, thus, becoming, the first ever Aboriginal man to win a GF whilst being the captain and being a proud captain of the Australian Rugby League side.

Yet that arsehole Simon Hill or whomever from SBS last year said the guy from Newcastle was the first to do it all.

I know he didn't make a mistake, he is a soccer prick changing history, go and EEF your self Simon, Artie rules, you can't take that away from him or anyone else who knows and is a knowledgable RL fan.

We have a proud history, and we will never let a moron like you and the supporters like you, take it away from us.


Fair dinkum - if RL is as much on the decline as these critics would have us believe, there would be no justification at all for writing about RL in the first place (as there wouldn't be enough fans of RL in existence to care). Yet, they still keep on writing about RL....

For Love and Money - Does a sport that has become dependent on problem gambling for its financial survival deserve to survive, wonders Tim Boots. http://www.newmatilda.com/2008/06/23/love-and-money


First Grade
Again, another journalist singling out RL and ignoring AFL's reliance on the same source of revenue...

Wonder which AFL club he is a member of?


I must live in some sort of parallel universe where League is king. I listen to League talkback on the radio when having breakfast; I listen to League talkback on the radio in the morning on the way to work; I listen to League talkback on the radio in the afternoon and evening on the way home from work; I listen to League talkback whilst cooking dinner; I listen to League talkback on the weekends. And then there is the TV!

Hate to see how much League would be on the the airwaves if it was going well? My wife would no doubt divorce me :)


Gregor Stronach


Some of you don’t like what I wrote at the ABC site a few weeks back. Fair enough – it was pretty harsh on the sport you love.

However, there are a few things that you should bear in mind before you start imploring each other to come after me and kick me in the nuts….

One of you raised the point that I’d hit on every anti-RL cliché in the book – that should probably have tipped you off that maybe – just maybe – you’re not really supposed to take the article as seriously as most of you have.

That, combined with the tone of the piece – ‘outrageous’ I believe someone has called it – should have been enough for you to realise that I was taking the piss.

So you can stop getting your knickers in a bunch. It’s just words, people. Simmer down and stop taking yourselves and your beloved sport so damned seriously.

[FONT=&quot]gregor [/FONT]