Look Chumpion, Alex admited deliberately ducking his head in last night. Said he was disoriented, so I believe him. There were rumours at the time that Newcastle were being coached to roll in lifting tackles - that is what I was concerned with, at the time (very silly, if true).
3rd hand, Smith attempted to visit him in hospital but was told - no.
As said, did what all captains do - talk down the severity of the incident but got it wrong on the night due to the tragic end result.
He also said this:
"And as I lay there heavily-sedated in hospital after the accident, I certainly wasn’t aware of the opinion being voiced by some current players, commentators and experts that the tackle was partly my fault because I had ducked my head into my chest, prior to the crushing impact with the turf.
I understand people are free to have their say, I get that absolutely. It’s one of the reasons why I am able to tell my story.
But I would ask every single one of them one simple question, including Melbourne Storm captain Cameron Smith, who (given his comments on the field at the time) was obviously of the view that me losing all feeling in my arms and legs is my fault because I had ducked my head.
If you were about to get dropped on your head, what exactly would be your response?
would not wish the situation I find myself in today on my worst enemy — but I would be interested to see what those people would do if they were, indeed, dropped on their head.
When you have two people holding your arms and someone weighing 115kg lifting your legs up off the ground, I’m sorry, but what are you going to do?
In its simplest form, it’s similar to having a bucket of water tossed at your face.
Do you twist, turn or duck to escape copping a bucket full of water? Or do you happily cop the cold water straight in your eyes?
If someone is about to punch you in the face, do you try and duck and move, or do you keep still and wear the hit?
It’s a reflex thing."
Also being told no didn't stop nrl rookie Jordan McClean from getting a msg to alex but it is a convenient excuse for the Aus Captain? He was in a coma and had surgery of course they didn't want to talk then what a cop out excuse from Melbourne, complete damage control. But like Alex said McClean still got a message to Alex.