so how do you explain metres gained running by the Quarter back?
How do you explain Running Backs changing direction?
They're not designed plays, but reactions to what happens as the play unfolds.
-What part of 'apart from the quarterback' did you not understand?
-Running Backs run according to the rigid, pre-determined set play, unless directed otherwise by the Quarterback.
-So yeah, you're not really helping yourself here.
You've just fundamentally described defence in rugby league there.
Once a Running Back receives the ball, the defence can LITERALLY ignore every other player and swarm them, because they will NEVER pass. In League you have to continually mark up and be aware of passing/offloads.
No comparison whatsoever.
I wanna know what planet you are on if you think in the NRL they don't call every play that happens.
They may not be able to pre-determin the result, but in NRL, every play from the first hit-up to the last chip and chase will be called by someone.
WTF are you talking about???
Much of the general play in League is spontaneous according to the situation, especially hitting the ball up.
In Padball, literally every single play is laboriously worked out before the game and memorised.
This is off topic but you do know Olympic (freestyle, Greco-roman) wrestling, is not the same as folkstyle (collegiate) wrestling right?
Very minor rule variations, not even vaguely at the same level of League vs. Union