But sponsors like social network pages as a guage of popularity, in terms of penetration and spread
Although we use our facdebook and twitter for 99% axemen news (and I do some of the radio show update on it too) the truth is the sponsors now ask for them as stats to determine value.
In the past a sponsor would ask how many people come to the stadium during home games, then it went to how many poeple are on your email distribution list, then they wanted to know how many fans watch out on-line streaming and now most are also asking how many fans/friends you you have on facebook and how many follow you on twitter.
The truth is guys that the social media network now have a VALUE to sponsors and it is basically 2 more websites.
The younger generation is so connected that many of them don't buy the news paper anymore and they TIVO/record TV without ads. Catching them on-line is sometimes the only contact you have and SPONSORS know this.
The Axemen recognized this 2 years ago when we started to biuld our facebook and currently I think we have twice the number as the 2nd AMNRL team - yes it is a pain at times and time consuming, but it is work that pays off when you can throw the figures in front of sponsors.
AND I also know that at least 20 orders for our recent merchandise come due to the facebook posts.
It is the future (or at least a part of it) of advertising