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Andrew Johns Retires - It's Official

The Popper

My sympathy to Joey and all Knights supporters. I'm a long term Cronulla fan. I've seen all the Immortals play (except Messenger) and I truly believe Joey belongs right up there with them. He's the best player I've ever seen. He had it all. A sad loss, not only to Newcastle but to the entire scope of Rugby League.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
For anyone who wants it.


Master Vippo

Definately shattered.

And to think his last two games were hammerings, its a shame he went out like that.

Oh well, all we can do is move forward. I wonder who will replace him?


I was shattered. I was having a really good Birthday too. I had cake and chocolates, it was good. Then JAD messaged me a happy birthday and told me about Joey. I was stunned. all i could do was tell my boss (a big Broncos fan), Heather, Joey's retired. She heard my pain. I was holding up ok until another good mate called and then i kinda cried. I didn't think it would effect me like that but hey he was the BEST footy player i have ever seen.

What will i remember the most, well off the field was when my ex gave him crap about his shoes. It was in the Foyer of the Holiday Inn the morning of Origin 1, 03, he had bright red shoes on and my ex (a QLD fan and in his QLD jersey) was like, 'great shoes Joey'. Joey knowing full well that this was not a compliment said, 'thanks, they're great for kicking canetoads' My ex was not impressed. My mates and I thought it was funny as.

On the field, well i don't think i can name just one. There are too many.

Thanks for the memories Joey. You will be missed.

Big Tim

First Grade
Truly the greatest player I have ever seen.

Been a footy fan since I can remember, and I barely remember a time when Joey wasnt our halfback, Matt Rodwell is a distant memory. It is sad to know that I will never see that on the field grin of his.

I just hope that he can stick around our club, as a player like him makes everyone around him great, and he can definately have that effect off the field aswell.

Shattered is the word.

I wish him the best for his post football playing life.

Andrew "Joey" Johns. By far and away the greatest I have witnessed.

I will never forget the 2001 Finals series..... Truly when the man was at his greatest.
asked him to sign a jumper at one of those fans days..he chatted to my 9 yr old daughter with a big smile on his face..he was having a good time


Staff member
I was really hoping he would play in the game against the Warriors in a few weeks time ... I'm coming across from Perth and that game falls on one of the weekends I'm over there. I had fully expected that game would be the last live game I see of the great man playing (possibly with the exception of the 2007 NRL Grand Final!). Even when he injured his neck a week ago, I expected him to have a few weeks off, and play in that game. I also expected him to announce 2007 would be his final season while I'm over there. I don't know why I had those thoughts, but I did.

We will never see a more complete or better player in our life-times.
As for suggestions that Darren Lockyer is a better player ... f--k off.


Hopefully not too soon and hopefully they advertise when it will be. I wanna go down for it but me is broke :(


thts bad news joey was 1 of the greatestest players to ever play he will be missed on the field
good luck to him with whatever he does

hopefully he will get the send off he deserves just dissapointing he wont get to play again was looking forwad to watching him in rd 13


Well last year I went to my first Kinghts game up at Newy. Luckily for me I got to see Joey play at least once up in Newy before he retired. I was planning to go watch many more games to watch the team plus Joey but yeah cant now, but at least I saw him in action even if it was only for 80mins.

Hopefully on channel 9 they will have some program showing all his highlights and stuff. Definately worth the watch.


Staff member
Yosh said:
Well last year I went to my first Kinghts game up at Newy. Luckily for me I got to see Joey play at least once up in Newy before he retired. I was planning to go watch many more games to watch the team plus Joey but yeah cant now, but at least I saw him in action even if it was only for 80mins.

Hopefully on channel 9 they will have some program showing all his highlights and stuff. Definately worth the watch.
I hope this doesn't mean you're not going to bother coming to games just cause Joey's not playing :p


First Grade
I'm at my parents and they had fox, so it was on the news at 4pm. I didn't think that was going to be the outcome. It was a shock, but he is doing the right thing for himself. I knew he would retire at the end of the yr anyway. But it's just sad that it has to be now, and 1 game shy of 250.
But yes he has done it all and has nothing else to prove. He is the best player I have ever seen play this game and I have been privlidged to see him play games live.
There's some good looking banners going around too.. well done on those.


A huge loss to Newcastle fans, a bigger loss to Rugby League fans. I am proud to say I saw him play. Best of luck Joey....dont just stick with the media job, League needs coaches like him.

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