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Anthony Milford - wants release says players agent

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Radical Rat

Lol typo, but yeah sounds like most of you wish you could, that's what this thread reminds me of, a village mob with pitchforks and torches.

Why can't canberra fans just admit their club is shit, their town is shit and everyone hates them and they should just drop out of the comp? If canberrans could just admit all that I'd have no problem with them.

Tone no one cares who you have a problem with. You have absolutely zero credibility.

Your last 3 pearls of wisdom:

- Robbie Farrah
- Ricky Stewart
- Trying to convince everyone that Inu had a blinder in the 2009 world cup final (which he didn't even play in). Then announcing that you've never seen Inu make any errors in a game.

Walt Flanigan

Like the Broncos with Dane Gagai for example

Hoffman hasn't asked for a release as far as I know, he's in the same boat as Gerard Beale, wants to play fullback and doesn't care who he plays for as long as he can play fullback

So do the Broncos feel the need to come out and say that each individual player is expected to adhere to their contract? I've only heard them do it with Hoffman so far.

Surely that wouldn't feel the need to do that if he wanted to be there?

Why does he keep getting photos taken with Bulldogs players?

Would he bother asking for a release if the Broncos have publicly stated that they won't give him one?


Post Whore
I agree - It is absolutely outrageous for a club to entice someone currently under contract to seek a release from their current club. The Raiders would never do that would they?

Coaches and players are treated entirely seperately in every other facet of our game. There is no salary cap on coaches, the NRL has no real domain of them in a contractual sense.

But even if i were to accept they are the same. IMO the Raiders approaching Ricky Stuart to excerise a "leave when ever i feel the f**k like it" clause to take up a deal and what ever fringe benefits that are not salary cap implicated, is a different kettle of fish to the Broncos apporaching Ben Barba, DCE, Cam Smith, Anthony Milford and any other player worth a pinch of shit, and enticing them to break contracts years out on the grounds of "Home sickness" and what ever fringe benefits that SHOULD (but wont unless the NRL find out about it) come under the salary cap.

This is why other than manly and dogs fans, no one really gave a shit when the Dogs went out and got Hasler. He was unhappy with the way the board was going and the dogs went and go him, not a great deal of difference with Stuart and the Raiders, and when Tinkler swooped in and offered fat stacks to get his guy Bennett. Coaches are different and are treated as such.
But each to their own.
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Brosef I never said we can't make assumptions I said the path with the least assumptions is the most likely

You can make all the BS assumptions you want. Wont get you far.

You are making assumptions based on motivations. The facts are that Milford wants to be in Brisbane and hasn't activated his contract clause. 1 assumption is that he is unable to, your assumptions call in mind his mental state or opinions another assumption on top of that. Do you not get the difference bro.

I've made no assumptions. I stated possible examples, I never said or inferred any were true. I have no idea what is in Milf's contract, not why he hasn't activated any said clauses in it. Neither do you.

But if we remove the assumptions altogether and just look at the literal truth we have the following proposition. Stuart activated a clause and Milford hasn't. This is the very simple truth of it.

I never said it wasn't. Not very good at this are you?

Pierced Soul

First Grade
- Trying to convince everyone that Inu had a blinder in the 2009 world cup final (which he didn't even play in). Then announcing that you've never seen Inu make any errors in a game.

i thought Inu's performance on the weekend in a losing team was outstanding and he was easily my MOTM

doing tha' dugan. i think we'll see more of these younger players doing it in the future unfortunately


Post Whore
doing tha' dugan. i think we'll see more of these younger players doing it in the future unfortunately

And why wouldnt they? The NRL set the precedent with the Dugan case, if you want out, you can go, no questions asked. They are about to confirm that precedent by allowing Ferguson to stroll back in the NRL with another contract without so much as a whimper.


First Grade
FFS I'm a broncos fan and even I can see that the Stuart situation is completely different. part of Stuarts contract was that he could walk away at anytime, A N Y T I M E. Eels fault. Why do people keep bringing it up? Same with the Barba situation, completely different.

Country Bronco

There are only two plausible explanations here;
1. Country Bronco is an A-Grade troll (which I doubt), or
2. cause i know you like pictures

You choose to antagonise me like Walt, raider69, innsaneink and the rest. Not going to bite anymore johnsy. The thread has moved onward and upward since yesterday. Some good views from both sides of the fence. Ill talk Milford and Milford only.


You choose to antagonise me like Walt, raider69, innsaneink and the rest. Not going to bite anymore johnsy. The thread has moved onward and upward since yesterday. Some good views from both sides of the fence. Ill talk Milford and Milford only.

If you honestly think I was trying to antagonise you, well you obviously have an overinflated opinion of yourself. Honestly mate, don't give yourself that much credit. All I did was have a bit of fun with all your pearls of wisdom.

Country Bronco

If you honestly think I was trying to antagonise you, well you obviously have an overinflated opinion of yourself. Honestly mate, don't give yourself that much credit. All I did was have a bit of fun with all your pearls of wisdom.

Yes I do think you were antagonising me its plain as day. You wont talk about my views on milford just incite me to become hostile or alienate me. When I haven't said anything to you to cause such a reaction. Anyways I'll talk milford from now.


No Walter. Just talk milford.

Interesting concept.

For those taking swipes at Milford. Have you considered Milfords parents might be with him in Samoa? No. You all are prepared to get on the offensive and trash the young kid for his values. What about your own? I know my family comes first. You lot don't have values that has lead to a life of misery. I'm not sorry for you having no family value. To me you're worthless and shouldn't of been born. You're lower than f**ken pedofiles and rapists.

Resorting to uncouth talk in argument is sign of weakness and that's all you've got is a personal attack on me.

You've got the idea. Surprised seeing you spend most of your time felching your best mates dad. You cumgurgling arse raped homoosexual.

My age is irrelevant. But I'm mature enough to handle with your comments. Whether my IQ is high or low isn't determined by what you say. Lets just say I know enough about football to make comment. I don't think we will make the 8 or win the premiership but I'll will enjoy watching. No excuses and I would be considered a redneck broncos fan.

I'm certainly arrogant and ignorant enough to move on with life unscathed.

Exactly. It's cause the family is so poor they can't afford plane tickets or even a tv. They to resort to looking through the neighbours window to see games which aren't always on free to air and even then they have no sound.

Ever heard of mocking? nup. Maybe time to consider a frontal lobotomy.

Great post. I'm up there with Nero which many of you may not know. But for those that don't he was a tyrant that killed a lot of Christians to keep Rome a light at night. Oh and Roman emperor. Thanks tommy. Any more stuff I can have a laugh at.

Sure. Had to find out who Nero was first. The pedofile rapist thing doesn't bother me. People use my material all the time.. If they could only have minds of their own though.

Your name: Raiders 69. You can't be 44 years old. Shit anything over puberty would be a farce. It can't be Canberra founding year cause that's 81. This leads me to believe its 69 named after the sexual position. Lmao. So should of been raidersanal.

Your hilarity is killing it. Maybe should spend more time getting a education kid rather than talking to me on here.

Now you're referring us to the three stooges. How pathetic? It's now raidersanalraped. You were dropped on your head at birth or cord choked you which explains your lack of brain function genius.

Wait here's your aborted twin WALT. The fetus they found dumped in the toilet.

You really want to meet Walt and suck him off and become raidersheadjob. You're sick. Cry to LU Adminstrators you piss weak merkin. I've had my fun f**king you all over verbally you spacticated f tard bitch.

That's cause he's weaker than the kiwi World Cup team. Couldn't get a place in two horse race.

That's my retribution done for the day . Won two days in a row.

Another picture. f**k. Got me.

I wish I could send you a picture and seeing I've censored myself. No f**k censorship. It would be of my arse and you could kiss it.

Is the picture thing to do with pre school that you're attending cause you can't use words. Simpleton

When you think of a good comeback it hits you in the back of the throat and you swallow. RaidersSwallow.

You take the moral high ground. Your c**k and balls are so buried between your legs people think you're a girl. It's tragic cause removing it would help you have more male friends or any friends.

Perhaps innsaneink should learn to spell before criticising. Insaneink. The word is insane like it refers to your mentality.


Yes I do think you were antagonising me its plain as day. You wont talk about my views on milford just incite me to become hostile or alienate me. When I haven't said anything to you to cause such a reaction. Anyways I'll talk milford from now.

Antagonise = cause to become hostile.

If me showing you your past comment antagonises you, the blame lies directly at your feet.

I have commented on Milford, I understand you struggle with comprehension of written text & spelling etc.

I had no idea it extended to reading as well.

Country Bronco

Or more accurately it's not in his favour. It's always best to go the paths with the least assumptions. What we can say for sure is the clause has not been activated and Stuart's was. Case closed bro.

The case with the least assumptions is not to make any.

Give it a try 'Bro'

There are no assumptions bro. The facts are Stuart activated a clause and Milford hasn't. These are the facts.

For the unusually dumb amongst us, that is an assumption.

I actually agree.

I think the hypocrisy lies more in the fact that most Raiders fans (and other blow-in trolls) were outraged at the thought that Brisbane would attempt to entice a contracted player to activate a get out clause (whether or not that clause is valid is irrelevant to the argument) while praising their own club for enticing a contracted coach to activate a get out clause. We've been over it again and again, but the only response seems to be that the "sanctity of a contract" only extends to your favourite players.

But the facts are bro his clause has not been activated and Stuarts was. Are these not the facts bro ?

c'mon...he can play fullback (like milford), he was 5/8 at junior level (i think) like milford, it can be your way of getting soemthing out of this mess. plus we'll give you copely and maranta

well he hasnt quite sunk to dugans level yet. shame as he's one of my favourite players. i always thought he should have been fullback ahead of norman who's always been lazy. but he doesnt seem to want to be at brisbane anymore. i think it'd be hypocritical playing him in the qld cup for a year and helps no one.

I'd propose the swap cos then both clubs may actually get players who want to be there. Sure i'd love to see milford at brisbane next year, but i'd also wnat him to perform wherever he is. it doesnt help anyone if he and hoffman spent next year running around in reserves

it's the internet - everyones IQ gets lowered 90 points on internet forums. unfortunately some people werent too bright in the first place and get lowered to minus points

In fairness I'm pretty sure most of them are just pretending to not get the difference. I think the real weird thing is parra included a leave whenever you feel like it clause in his contract

I don't rate him any better than Reece Robinson at fullback, who we already have. Plus young Ahearn looks like a more promising long term fullback option.

The thing is I (and I think most Raiders supporters) saw Milford's long-term potential in the halves. So another outside back isn't what he need.

What makes you think Hoffman would want to go to Canberra? Who the f**k would?

For the unusually dumb amongst us, that is an assumption.

157 pages of double standards, simple as that

He doesn't want to be there so he's going to find a way to get out, you'd do the same if you were a 19 year old kid. The funniest part in all of this is that Canberra aren't willing to release him even though he doesn't want to be there, all the professional clubs I know of go by the stance "if he doesn't want to be here, we don't want him here", I don't think it's a coincidence so many of Canberra's better players end up doing ridiculously stupid shit in public to break a contract and inevitably lose their position in the team (which is what I am suggesting they wanted to happen)

Also, Canberra fans saying "we won't release him until we get compensation", compensation for what? a rookie who played half a year in first grade? or compensation for what you fear you're going to be missing out on in the long term

Let's face the facts, he was used as an impact player off the bench, in that context.. he's easily replaceable

i wouldnt...but if he wants to play fullback he might take that opportunity. also it'd be a chance to stick it up the broncos

Like the Broncos with Hoffman?

I haven't seen many Canberra fans at all requesting compensation. Most of us rather he honoured his contract or sit the year out.

Plus he's not just a rookie who played half a year of first grade. We've been pumping time and money into his development since he was 13 after being overlooked by the Broncos. Only for him to walk out after half a season of first grade.

Hoffman hasn't stated he wants to leave. Milford has.

Like the Broncos with Dane Gagai for example

Hoffman hasn't asked for a release as far as I know, he's in the same boat as Gerard Beale, wants to play fullback and doesn't care who he plays for as long as he can play fullback

No doubt. My issue has and always will be the manner in which the Broncos have gone about this. You broncos fans can stand with hands on hearts saying "ohh that's bullshit, you got no proof" and all that and bag of chips

but anyone who has followed this kids career and these events know the way they have gone about it has been pretty classless. And there is little if any doubt in my mind that Brisbane have done things that are against the NRL's salary cap laws.

I honestly wonder what might come of this if the NRL had the friggin balls to look into this entire ordeal.

Brosef I never said we can't make assumptions I said the path with the least assumptions is the most likely "truth".

You are making assumptions based on motivations. The facts are that Milford wants to be in Brisbane and hasn't activated his contract clause. 1 assumption is that he is unable to, your assumptions call in mind his mental state or opinions another assumption on top of that. Do you not get the difference bro.

But if we remove the assumptions altogether and just look at the literal truth we have the following proposition. Stuart activated a clause and Milford hasn't. This is the very simple truth of it.

I agree - It is absolutely outrageous for a club to entice someone currently under contract to seek a release from their current club. The Raiders would never do that would they?

Tapping up players should be met with heavy fines but again the nrl has no balls and is apparently fine with it

Tone no one cares who you have a problem with. You have absolutely zero credibility.

Your last 3 pearls of wisdom:

- Robbie Farrah
- Ricky Stewart
- Trying to convince everyone that Inu had a blinder in the 2009 world cup final (which he didn't even play in). Then announcing that you've never seen Inu make any errors in a game.

So do the Broncos feel the need to come out and say that each individual player is expected to adhere to their contract? I've only heard them do it with Hoffman so far.

Surely that wouldn't feel the need to do that if he wanted to be there?

Why does he keep getting photos taken with Bulldogs players?

Would he bother asking for a release if the Broncos have publicly stated that they won't give him one?

Coaches and players are treated entirely seperately in every other facet of our game. There is no salary cap on coaches, the NRL has no real domain of them in a contractual sense.

But even if i were to accept they are the same. IMO the Raiders approaching Ricky Stuart to excerise a "leave when ever i feel the f**k like it" clause to take up a deal and what ever fringe benefits that are not salary cap implicated, is a different kettle of fish to the Broncos apporaching Ben Barba, DCE, Cam Smith, Anthony Milford and any other player worth a pinch of shit, and enticing them to break contracts years out on the grounds of "Home sickness" and what ever fringe benefits that SHOULD (but wont unless the NRL find out about it) come under the salary cap.

This is why other than manly and dogs fans, no one really gave a shit when the Dogs went out and got Hasler. He was unhappy with the way the board was going and the dogs went and go him, not a great deal of difference with Stuart and the Raiders, and when Tinkler swooped in and offered fat stacks to get his guy Bennett. Coaches are different and are treated as such.
But each to their own.

You can make all the BS assumptions you want. Wont get you far.

I've made no assumptions. I stated possible examples, I never said or inferred any were true. I have no idea what is in Milf's contract, not why he hasn't activated any said clauses in it. Neither do you.

I never said it wasn't. Not very good at this are you?

i thought Inu's performance on the weekend in a losing team was outstanding and he was easily my MOTM

doing tha' dugan. i think we'll see more of these younger players doing it in the future unfortunately

He's certainly set a standard.

And why wouldnt they? The NRL set the precedent with the Dugan case, if you want out, you can go, no questions asked. They are about to confirm that precedent by allowing Ferguson to stroll back in the NRL with another contract without so much as a whimper.

FFS I'm a broncos fan and even I can see that the Stuart situation is completely different. part of Stuarts contract was that he could walk away at anytime, A N Y T I M E. Eels fault. Why do people keep bringing it up? Same with the Barba situation, completely different.

Because they desperately need justification.

This is where the thread progressed to today on topic. Lets just talk in reference to milford.
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