So dissapointed Vitor got dropped so easily, nobody on earth would have predicted K.O by a front push kick. I wish Belfort had of been able to get deeoer into the fight and do a lil damage to Silva, was a really demoralising loss for him.
Jones's domination of Bader was so impressive, however i'd have to say thats the most cautious and uncomfortable i've ever seen Bader look in a fight, he never got loose or looked like doing anything at any stage that could hurt Jones.
Glad Griffin got the win, predicted the fight to go pretty much exactly as it did, Forrests size advantage over Franklin looked massive in the clinch and on the ground.
Out of curiousity, do you think its fair that they are Giving Jones his title shot so soon after fighting, He's only going to get an 8 week turn around between fights, Shogun is going to be completely rested and rejuvenated.
Also, should Jones win, will sugar ask for a title shot after previously refusing to fight team mates? He would be no 1 contender with nowhere to go if he still refused to fight a team mate.