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Post Whore
Mr. Fahrenheit said:
What's that raiduh? Your work and pay conditions have deteriorated? Surely the benefit to the economy should outweigh any personal discomforts? Well it's small satisfaction when Coalition voters experience their own folly.

:lol: Dickhead
You dont know sh*t about my work and you're making baseless assumptions

Fact 1:
I negotiated my own AWA and am paid now far more then i was earning previously, im leading hand of my factory and earn more then everyone bar management and some office staff.

Fact 2:
Part of my agreement was that the other forkie, Paul recieved a substancial pay increase. To which he recieved. Collective bargining wouldnt have done two fifths of f**k all for the bloke

Fact 3:
Conditions havnt droped. If my boss knew we wernt having our breaks, he'd hit the f**king roof, as he did this time last year. The reason we dont take our breaks is because we choose not to, due to the amount of work our company has right now. If we take our breaks we fall to far behind to catch up, this is a direct result of an employee recently being sacked for assult in the workplace (something you're ALP buddies are well versed in) and the fact i work for a binder company and at the moment we're filling MASSIVE Office Works, Woolworths, Coles Myer etc back to school orders, hence why i suggested i could use another forkie or two to lighten the load, which im currently in the process of getting my boss to approve (although annoyingly he is looking at the bottem line and suggesting if it happens it will only be a casual for the busy period and not a fulltimer as id like)

Fact 4:
You've made a complete arse of yourself.


Raider_69 said:
im soo there

we totally need a chocolate and movie night... and pizza :lol:

definitely haha :) the pizza i made was delish =p~



Super Moderator
Staff member
unfortunately the uneducated people of this country voted against it.

At least Rudd was right about one thing, education is poor in this country


Hence why people voted for him.

I know a handful of people who voted for him solely because he was upgrading EAS. :lol:

People didn't and still dont understand workchoices... Raiduh is a prime example of how people are better off.

And before someone goes "OH BUT NOT EVERYONE IS!" News flash: Its always been like that


Post Whore
Alba said:
yeah .. well i'm 22 and I never go out .. Even when I get a Saturday night off i'm more likely to stay home and sleep than go out .. I went out the Saturday just gone and had so much fun I just don't have the energy to do it all the time cause all I do is work .. I have a couple of goals now so over the next year we will see how they pan out ..

I hear you - same story here. Work, work and more work.


[furrycat] said:
Hence why people voted for him.

People didn't and still dont understand workchoices... Raiduh is a prime example of how people are better off.

And before someone goes "OH BUT NOT EVERYONE IS!" News flash: Its always been like that

Exactly. You can't satisfy everyone. I know that my wage has gone up since the whole workchoices thing. There's people I know that complain about it but it's only cause they don't wanna get their lazy asses up and actually work and they know that they can't jus laze around knowing that they can't get fired.

John Howard has improved this country and it will be interesting how long it will take the Labor government to run it into the ground. I hope for the sake of my country I am wrong but I doubt it.

Mr. Fahrenheit

Raider_69 said:
:lol: Dickhead
You dont know sh*t about my work and you're making baseless assumptions

Fact 1:
I negotiated my own AWA and am paid now far more then i was earning previously, im leading hand of my factory and earn more then everyone bar management and some office staff.

Fact 2:
Part of my agreement was that the other forkie, Paul recieved a substancial pay increase. To which he recieved. Collective bargining wouldnt have done two fifths of f**k all for the bloke

Fact 3:
Conditions havnt droped. If my boss knew we wernt having our breaks, he'd hit the f**king roof, as he did this time last year. The reason we dont take our breaks is because we choose not to, due to the amount of work our company has right now. If we take our breaks we fall to far behind to catch up, this is a direct result of an employee recently being sacked for assult in the workplace (something you're ALP buddies are well versed in) and the fact i work for a binder company and at the moment we're filling MASSIVE Office Works, Woolworths, Coles Myer etc back to school orders, hence why i suggested i could use another forkie or two to lighten the load, which im currently in the process of getting my boss to approve (although annoyingly he is looking at the bottem line and suggesting if it happens it will only be a casual for the busy period and not a fulltimer as id like)

Fact 4:
You've made a complete arse of yourself.

yes, i didn't know facts 1-3 therefore my statement was out of order - i shouldn't have assumed. Unlike others on here i have the testicles to own up to my mistakes. There have been other political discussions in which youv'e had your arse handed to you... but oh no, your the great raiduh - let the ego never waiver mate... :roll:

Cat; Hence why people voted for him.

I know a handful of people who voted for him solely because he was upgrading EAS. :lol:

People didn't and still dont understand workchoices... Raiduh is a prime example of how people are better off.

And before someone goes "OH BUT NOT EVERYONE IS!" News flash: Its always been like that

whilst im happy Rudd won, i agree that the initiatives of 'Kevin 07' etc. influenced the popular vote and it was a sh*t wah in which to win. Workchoices has increased inequality + with budget surpluses... less govt. income is redistributed. These kind of Policies from howard did benefit some, but during his term our gini coefficient rose a significant amount. There are positives and negatives in the policy mix of both what Howard did and what Rudd claims to intend to do - the direction i'd like Australia to go in is more closer to the ALP's views rather than Liberal's... however, like you said it wasn't this sort of reasoning that won Rudd the election, and that is truly a sad state of affairs. Don't come back at me with another jibe (i won't be around to answer it :p)

Mr. Fahrenheit

God-King Dean said:
Howard = Best Prime Minister ever.

Rudd is a pussy.

Agreed on both counts. However the PM is nothing more than the figurehead, I'm happy a 'central' government is in place.


[furrycat] said:
I know a handful of people who voted for him solely because he was upgrading EAS.

This is what is wrong with democracy.

We need to develop a "voting class" like the Spartans had: A group of people who are actually smart enough to understand the implications of various policies and who will vote with an educated mind. The fact is that most people don't have a f**king clue.

The politicians are smart enough to make good policy, but they have every incentive not to.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I mean Peter Garrett people ffs.

Peter f**king "the Beds Are Burning is some form of metaphor which cannot be directly explained" f**king Garrett

Some chick who used to read the news on the AB f**king C ffs

how sad that the governing body which rules our nation has descended into a f**king popularity contest as opposed to economic and political intelligence.


First Grade
Alba said:
yeah .. well i'm 22 and I never go out .. Even when I get a Saturday night off i'm more likely to stay home and sleep than go out .. I went out the Saturday just gone and had so much fun I just don't have the energy to do it all the time cause all I do is work .. I have a couple of goals now so over the next year we will see how they pan out ..

That sounds like my life to a tee.
I hadn't had a weekend off work in months, had the last two off, 1st one I did nothing, just slept, had plans with people to go out on Friday and Saturday nights, but both fell through, man that upset me.
I'm to slack to organise going out with people. Then there's the people who would invite me out if they went out but they never have any money too.
God damn it, girls just wanna have fun, and so do I.


lets go out hahaha ! we can have a few beers and be asleep by 9pm but by GOD we will have fun! hahahaha! *get ur minds outta the gutter everybody*


First Grade
Aaahhh if only.
I would have to sleep over though, even though I rarely care how much a taxi ride home is after a night out, one from Sydney to Brisbane may hurt a bit.


meh, the past few elections were also won on the more popular issues. In campaigns you pick something that will work in your favour and throw everything at it, so this is nothing new or unique to this party. Nothing changes.

Personally I'm not happy about the IR stuff, but that's just testament that it's different for everyone. It'd have to depend in some way on your line of work and strength of character, so my problem is with while it's fair enough to be able to negotiate your terms, the employer is under no obligation to listen. In a perfect world, and in the way it is promoted, everyone would negotiate their contract and end up with a better deal - that doesn't make sense. Still, I wouldn't have a problem with it if it were like someone handing you money at the pokies and that the only way was up.

hmm, I feel as if I'm in the wrong forum :crazy: