I thought the movie wasn't too bad. It's certainly over-hyped, to the extent that it builds up peoples expectations far too high.
It takes too long to get started, the sub plot about the mistreatment of aboriginals does nothing for the story, he could have left out the crap at the start about sorry day etc and the story wouldn't have been affected in any way.
The movie seemed like it had about 5 endings in the last half hour, one after the other. It made the finale a bit of a disappointment because of all the highs and lows you went through in a short period of time leading up to the finale. Schoolboy error imo.
Jackman looked poorly cast in the opening scene, having that big brawl, which looked pathetic as well.
Nicole Kidman wasn't really that bad. She played the role of a snotty nosed spoilt rich bitch really well, no surprises there really.
Jackman's character has an accented Australian Language, it almost sounds like a parody, somewhere in the movie that drifts off.
And I couldn't help but feel the whole movie was made by someone from Hollywood, with their hollywood opinions of what Australia is like.
And sadly, David Wenham was crap. I love this blokes work, but he was not good in this movie, especially in the last half.
Bryan Brown should've had a bigger role. He was sadly underused. Ben Mendohlsen was pretty good. The kid who played Nullah though left them all looking like f**king amateurs.
The movie lacked some tighter editing which I think hampered it somewhat.