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BE WARNED. The North Tom Ugly Nomads Army is approaching


I Can't Wait To Be At Your Mermaid Oval This Week To Run Rampant Over You Guppies
Do U Still Do That Gay Finger Thing When Your Goalkicker Is Taking A Kick ???? That Is So Queer !!!!
There Is No Atmosphere At Mermaid Oval Cause U Sharks Don't Know How To Score Tries , But U Do Know Your Favourite Saying " Get Them Onside Ref "

Sharkies ... tick another one up. Timmah you're in.

Another advanced guard member from the North Tom Ugly Nomad Army. (see warning for the kiddies #1 entry)

Will be interesting to see how many we catch. Yes Lifes Good.

Declared Idiot #88


The question isn't WILL Gallen be put on report, it's a matter of what for - High shot? Stomp on hands? Rip stitches out? Elbow?
Bring on the grubs!!


First Grade
It's a beautiful day.

Game on.

jab duck weave.

This is a knife !!!


Declared Idiot #88
You had to put that bloody idiot Skull in didn't ya!? Why the hell he didn't go and follow little brother like the rest of the xenophobic hobbits back in '67 I'll never know. He probably just likes the pretty colours.


You had to put that bloody idiot Skull in didn't ya!? Why the hell he didn't go and follow little brother like the rest of the xenophobic hobbits back in '67 I'll never know. He probably just likes the pretty colours.

Typical Stain George supporter in my eyes. Luckily for you blokes Illawarra has added some class to your rabble after you folded.

Speaking of Skull I knew his fathers.


Excuse me one moment Drake, I think the cats back...

Here Timmah, Here Timmah, Timmah

Declared Idiot #88


The question isn't WILL Gallen be put on report, it's a matter of what for - High shot? Stomp on hands? Rip stitches out? Elbow?
Bring on the grubs!!

Mate that is only what happens in the dressin' sheds before kick off.

Wait till he gets serious.

By the way, you arn't one of the advanced guard are you.?

Declared idiot #88


See You Scummer Guppies At Mermaid Oval

Red V Loud And Proud

That f**king' cats back.....

Timmah, Timmah.... here Timmah, Timmah......Timmmahhhhh

A bit of advice from an old fart. You should always have role models in life outside of the family.


One day this could be all yours - if you try hard in life and respect your elders.

Declared Idiot #88


First Grade
Typical Stain George supporter in my eyes. Luckily for you blokes Illawarra has added some class to your rabble after you folded.

Speaking of Skull I knew his fathers.


Excuse me one moment Drake, I think the cats back...

Here Timmah, Here Timmah, Timmah

Declared Idiot #88
Correct me if I'm wrong Quigs, but weren't you a Saints supporter before '67, when you got an opportunity to watch a football team and not have to leave the Shoire?

As for a typical Saints supporter, most of the Saints fans I know from the area would most definately be in Skull's gas chambers if he had his way. The wanker used to live near me, and his hitlist was pretty much the type of folks that live in large ethnic communities in the St George area.

Now Cronulla-Sutherland... that really is God's Country for a fella like the Skull.


First Grade
If the skullcap fits - wear it.

Declared Idiot #88
That was a bit obtuse mate.

Do you mean we should convince Skull to follow the more appropriate team for his beliefs, Cronulla, or we should convince non Anglo Celtic Saints supporters to gas themselves to make St George a more Nazi friendly place?

'Cos Ross May, aka Skull, and a multicultural supporter base like the Dragons, is not a good fit.


that f**king' Cats Back.....

Timmah, Timmah.... Here Timmah, Timmah......timmmahhhhh

A Bit Of Advice From An Old Fart. You Should Always Have Role Models In Life Outside Of The Family.


One Day This Could Be All Yours - If You Try Hard In Life And Respect Your Elders.

Declared Idiot #88
I Can't Have Cronulla Sharks As Role Models , What Have They Ever Achieved ???? I Live In The Shire And I Would Rather Support The Sydney Swans , Atleast The Have Won A Premiership. Sharks 41 Years And Won F*#k All !!!!


That was a bit obtuse mate.

Do you mean we should convince Skull to follow the more appropriate team for his beliefs, Cronulla, or we should convince non Anglo Celtic Saints supporters to gas themselves to make St George a more Nazi friendly place?

'Cos Ross May, aka Skull, and a multicultural supporter base like the Dragons, is not a good fit.

Bloody typical.......... the going gets a little bit tough and you want to throw in your cards. (aka fold and merge- share problems with Illawarra)

Now you want us to take Skull off your hands because he is "a problem".

Really Drake, take stock, you need all the supporter base you can muster right now. I can understand how your multi cultural supporter base has been hammered, but it isn't from the likes of Skull.

Put yourself in their multicultural sandles.

First they loose the number one sporting side north of the Tom Ugly. That being the St George Budapest Sockarhh Club. So all the multi cultural supporters think they are doing the right thing and jump the fence over to Stain George District Rugby League Club. Admittedly a game they are not familiar with, but a club representing their area.

What happens next to the poor buggers.

Spineless club folds. Like a leaper, throws in its hand.

So don't go blaming one radical individual.

I think the best result for your blokes would be to fold again, reform the St George Budapest Sookarh club - expand souff to Wollongong, and develop a future Sookarh Club down there . Maybe takeover the Kiama Soccer Federation, and then you can call the new merged club the St George Budapest Illawarra Districts Multicultural Sookarh Club Federation.

Don't blame Skull or try and pass on your responsibilities AGAIN.....

I'm with Doust on this one, "We look after our own supporters"

Declared Idiot #88


I Can't Have Cronulla Sharks As Role Models , What Have They Ever Achieved ???? I Live In The Shire And I Would Rather Support The Sydney Swans , Atleast The Have Won A Premiership. Sharks 41 Years And Won F*#k All !!!!

Timmahh, Timmahhhhh

Please stop it now, we have already pencilled you in. You have to wait on the side with everyone else who has been tagged.

You can come back in in the next game.

I promise you will be invited.


Now Timmah, you must be very quiet, we are fishing?

Declared Idiot #88

The Preacher

First Grade
Quigs, this is your best ever. What a pity you're a Scum supporter.
2 questions;
1. How come I didn't get a mention in your rants ???
2. How's the sharkmobile going ??

Now get f**ked ya old fart.



Quigs, this is your best ever. What a pity you're a Scum supporter.
2 questions;
1. How come I didn't get a mention in your rants ???
2. How's the sharkmobile going ??

Now get f**ked ya old fart.


Preach, Gidday, I didn't think we'd catch an old Tempe River Catfish like you. Anyway I will make an executive decision here and throw you back.

Yeah f**k the smart ones...... you're alright.

Right now for the Bob Dywers..

1. Mutual respect.... you are like me - closer to burial then birth - and I reckon we will win one before you blokes do.... so you might have to live a lot longer to see another one.

2. Two cylinders down, two still stroking. I only drive it down to Park's CBD. and back. Dosen't like the hills though. But my back up ute.. f**k that. being the agrade mechanic I am, put a new battery in cause it didn't wnat to start, then that didn't fix it, so I replaced the starter motor, that didn't work because the mechanic now tells me that me ring gear is stuffed. Luckily god invented Hill starts. I live on a slope, the Pub has a gentle slop outside. So I am covered.

Funny thing is a mate gave me the ute 4 years ago. Still in his name, so if it pisses me off I will just dump it on the road and dobb him in. That'll f**k him for giving me a bomb.

He do I get to pick one of Dollys's boxes.

Now f**k off I am fishing. There are a lot of Timmaaahhhhs in the water today. Farkin useless little greasy bastards, they tell me they come from the Mullet family.

P.S. Say gidday to Skull for me.... I heard he goes by the name of Big Pat in here.

Declared Idiot #88


First Grade
Bloody typical.......... the going gets a little bit tough and you want to throw in your cards. (aka fold and merge- share problems with Illawarra)

Now you want us to take Skull off your hands because he is "a problem".

Really Drake, take stock, you need all the supporter base you can muster right now. I can understand how your multi cultural supporter base has been hammered, but it isn't from the likes of Skull.

Put yourself in their multicultural sandles.

First they loose the number one sporting side north of the Tom Ugly. That being the St George Budapest Sockarhh Club. So all the multi cultural supporters think they are doing the right thing and jump the fence over to Stain George District Rugby League Club. Admittedly a game they are not familiar with, but a club representing their area.

What happens next to the poor buggers.

Spineless club folds. Like a leaper, throws in its hand.

So don't go blaming one radical individual.

I think the best result for your blokes would be to fold again, reform the St George Budapest Sookarh club - expand souff to Wollongong, and develop a future Sookarh Club down there . Maybe takeover the Kiama Soccer Federation, and then you can call the new merged club the St George Budapest Illawarra Districts Multicultural Sookarh Club Federation.

Don't blame Skull or try and pass on your responsibilities AGAIN.....

I'm with Doust on this one, "We look after our own supporters"

Declared Idiot #88
Not blaming Skull, just trying to fit a square peg in a square hole. As you said, if the skullcap fits...

I think you confused multicultural with bicultural there chief.

You know, there are people out there whose ancestors came from places other than Europe.
Shocking, I know, but just open your eyes after you leave Como station going north, and you'll see the world is a different place.

Talking about a club folding, not everyone can get multiple handouts from the ARL (who is then by said club betrayed for Super League) or get bought as a wedding gift for Mrs Eddleston.


Shheeeeeeezze Drake,

You should see what it looks like when you open your eyes driving east from Rockhampton.

You reap what you sow.

I love mulitculturalism. I truely do. Its just Stain George that I dislike.

Declared Idiot #88


I was just sent this fillum clip of the new upgrade Shark Parks official opening.

Small crowd yes, but we are working on it.

But the bloody North Tom Ugly Nomads Army have sabotarged (check spellun) the initial part of the fillum. Bloody Gregstar.. and his dancers.

I reckon this could be our new anthem...

"can you blokes in the back hear this alright .... okay..... here we go... Timmaahhh get away from those farkin' amps"

Arhhh One, arrh Twue, arrrh one, twue, three,


Declared Idiot #88