Why do you always try and get personal.. I’m sure you have a gorgeous soul deep down, you should let it out more..
But, back to the topic..
The whole team’s form is the problem..
Apart from Mick Ennis, can you tell me 1 other player who is putting in week in, week out?
It’s man management and game strategy that is off..
Pull yourself together muzby "Mick Ennis"?
Not only have you got it in for anyone who suggests Hunt is not so good but now you have it in for the rest of the panel on the TV.
See a lawyer and start proceedings against Mary as he has scrambled your brain completely.
On a serious note you are being pot calling kettle re "personal" as you are not squeaky clean in that area.
Re the team I agree they are well and truly down on form with the exception of Mc Innes who seems to have kept his form very consistent over the year.
Notwithstanding that there are plenty of threads and posts giving it to a range of players including Mc Innes funnily enough and the Hunt thread we are now posting in just happens to be one of them.
Hunt has not provided the team with anywhere near top shelf performances becoming a player of his reputation or pay grade and even Hunt admits that himself.
It appears to me that any criticism of Hunt is instantly met by a terse response form you and you deflect to a range of other issues, players, coaches etc etc.
Hunt like others in the team is well below form and the fans are entitled to voice their opinions about him without you constantly suggesting they are incorrect.