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Benji Marshall not guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm

Eels Dude

seems like all the nrl's " poster boy's " cant control their drinking and what happens to them when they do drink. It's time the premiers were given some credit. Look at the new ad we get a quick scene and then another lil flash with the tropthy at the end. It's all about jarryd the human bullet magnet hayne and benji marshall. Someone like darius boyd, Jamie soward or literally anyone in the dragons line up would do better than these morons.... and keep out of trouble. We only won the comp last year ! HELLO !!!

Long live st george

Way to go off topic just to have a sook.


First Grade
seems like all the nrl's " poster boy's " cant control their drinking and what happens to them when they do drink. It's time the premiers were given some credit. Look at the new ad we get a quick scene and then another lil flash with the tropthy at the end. It's all about jarryd the human bullet magnet hayne and benji marshall. Someone like darius boyd, Jamie soward or literally anyone in the dragons line up would do better than these morons.... and keep out of trouble. We only won the comp last year ! HELLO !!!

Long live st george

What's a tropthy??


So I can now go out and abuse any player for anything, including race, knowing that they WON'T be able to strike back at me. Sweet!
Next time I see Preson Campbell i'm going to call him a "Doll bludging aborigine", the next time I see Robbie Farah I'm going to call him a "dirty lebanese" and Idris a "f-ing black c***" knowing all the time that I'll be able to walk away scott-free!

what a joke!

This twenty four year-old should be one being hung out to dry, not Benji

El Diablo

Post Whore

Taking a stand against racism
John Passant
March 7, 2011 - 11:58AM

Benji Marshall is a rugby league superstar. He was the face of rugby league at its season launch this week.

On Friday night, after a charity event that raised $250,000 for children with cancer, Marshall and his girlfriend went out and at 3am were at a fast food outlet.

Marshall's manager Martin Tauber told Sunday newspapers that the Tigers' five-eighth had been racially abused by a group of eight to 10 people, with one of them allegedly calling him a "black c---" several times.

Another started to shout at him and said: "Go back to New Zealand you black c---", Tauber said.

He (Marshall) tried to walk away from him — he tried to make light of it and then the guy did it again. So Marshall allegedly hit him and has now been charged with assault.

Australian capitalism is built on two forms of racism – racism against the original inhabitants and racism against non-whites coming to the country whether as migrants or refugees.

The crimson thread of racism runs through our body politic and major sections of society even today.

Last year rugby league player Timana Tahu quit the NSW State of Origin team to take a stand against racism in rugby league. Andrew Johns, an assistant coach, had called him a "black c---".

Tahu said at the time: "Leaving Origin was a really big decision for me and I'd like to clarify that it was not just one racial comment directed at one individual that offended me.

"The remarks were directed at various races and the situation I encountered was totally unacceptable.

"I believe I am a role model for children and I did this to show my kids this type of behaviour is wrong.

"This isn't about me or Andrew Johns, it's about arresting racism and standing up for my beliefs."

Tahu was battling against racism in rugby league. On Saturday morning Benji Marshall took a stand against racism in society.

The racial abuse Marshall allegedly suffered is just one small part of what blacks in Australia suffer every day. Just ask the 30 per cent of players who are of Pacific Islander descent and the 11 per cent who are indigenous about the racism they suffered and suffer.

But it is not just verbal abuse. In the Northern Territory the Labor government's intervention is destroying more and more Aboriginal lives.

Aborigines continue to die or be killed in police custody. They die on average about 20 years earlier than the rest of the Australian population.The racism is institutionalised and endemic.

Benji Marshall took a swipe at racism. He is a hero, not a criminal.

We must support him and help build the forces of anti-racism in this country first to challenge the racism in Australian society and then the capitalist system that breeds it.


Benji should just coming out blazing in front of the media about racism and how society is these days. Then people will feel empathy for him and he will gather even more supporters. NRL wouldn't be that smart would they.

If people didn't know that season was about to start, they do now.


Racist taunts are actually against the law?

In the UK nowadays there are definately laws like that.

They have those police reality type programmes on Foxtel and in one show from the UK there was some cops patroling an entertainment precinct at night and they came across a guy with a bleeding nose who had been assaulted...."What happened to you?"..."Some Paki punched me in the face."..."Say that again and you're nicked."


In the UK nowadays there are definately laws like that.

They have those police reality type programmes on Foxtel and in one show from the UK there was some cops patroling an entertainment precinct at night and they came across a guy with a bleeding nose who had been assaulted...."What happened to you?"..."Some Paki punched me in the face."..."Say that again and you're nicked."

Im going to have a cry next time someone calls me an Aussie.


First Grade
I've been called a "white c..." "Aussie c..." "skippy c..." by the middle eastern young men that plague our city. It's a regular event.
But as soon as someone is called a black c... We get touchy feely.

If I call someone a black c... I expect a punch in the mouth.
Similarly if I get call a white/Aussie/skippy c... I feel justified in giving a punch in the mouth.


First Grade
lol at the middle class caucasian males in this thread feeling they have no rights. Classic


I've been called a "white c..." "Aussie c..." "skippy c..." by the middle eastern young men that plague our city. It's a regular event.
But as soon as someone is called a black c... We get touchy feely.

If I call someone a black c... I expect a punch in the mouth.
Similarly if I get call a white/Aussie/skippy c... I feel justified in giving a punch in the mouth.



If someone called me a "white merkin"....Would it be wrong to give a smug smile and feel a sense of pride?


First Grade
Part of Australia's most downtrodden, represed and neglected minority apparently: middle class caucasian males. We need to make a stand - enough is enough