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Blake Ferguson found guilty of indecent assault

God-King Dean

I'm with Tone83 on this (I always am).

Unless there is another video, you can't actually see him coping a feel. I don't doubt that he did, she's obviously reacted to something, but you there's no footage of her crotch area.

But I suppose if he's admitted to touching her 'upper thigh', he's f**ked himself.

God-King Dean

And people are kidding themselves if they don't think clubs will be lining up to sign him after his 1-2 year ban.

It will be Carney at the Roosters in 2010 all over again. The club will play the alcoholic/bad childhood bullshit, make Blake out to be a sorry soul, & club are doing him a massive favour by signing him, because they are the spirit of altruism.
Yep. Soon as he admitted to an upper thigh touch, it was all over.

I hope he gets a few weeks or months in prison. That would wake him up.

Won't happen though. He'll get a slap on the wrist and the Broncos will convince the NRL they can reform him. He'll have 6 months off and be back playing late in 2014. Just in time to replace Hodges when he has his yearly injury.

Ronnie Dobbs

And people are kidding themselves if they don't think clubs will be lining up to sign him after his 1-2 year ban.

It will be Carney at the Roosters in 2010 all over again. The club will play the alcoholic/bad childhood bullshit, make Blake out to be a sorry soul, & club are doing him a massive favour by signing him, because they are the spirit of altruism.

Yeah, but unlike 4 years ago, Frank Grimes and his merry bunch of half witts aren't running the game.

The new regime wont cop that shit.
What a grub. He should get a life ban from the footage I just saw. You can't just go around slapping a chick in the head.


Yeah at least after that boxing match we know she was never in any real danger of being hurt. Fergo's lawyer should use clips from that as evidence.


Honestly that video is some inconclusive shit.

The stuff with the first girl looks like it could be 2 drunk friends mucking around, or Blake assaulting a complete stranger. Really would need to know the background of their relationship before commenting on that one (although the slap is out of bounds regardless).

The 2nd chick you honestly can't see what happened but you can clearly see her reaction to whatever it was.

The one thing it does show is that he is a definitely wanker on the booze


I cant see what a life time ban would achieve, okay sure a 12month ban and do what ever punishment the court gives him, but the only way he can turn things around is by playing football and he just dosnt have any other skills at this stage in his life to fall back on. Maybe 12 months working as a laborer on crap money might give him a new look on life

He should have thought of that before doing what he did. He has shown no remorse. ZERO. just proves that he thinks is bigger than everything else.

Now he has a supposed mental issue. give me a break, what a load of tripe. He is looking for excuses to get of it, finding god was one, now he has health issues.....please spare me.

He should just disappear from league and never be seen again.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Now he has a supposed mental issue. give me a break, what a load of tripe. He is looking for excuses to get of it, finding god was one, now he has health issues.....please spare me.

this annoys the f**k out of me. he's now playing the mental health issue card cos he faces imprisonment. being a dickhead isnt a mental health issue

giggity giggity

I thought the dugan was outside when this happened?Fairly sure that's what he told the media before SOO 2.Cant blame laurie and the old boys club for covering the facts over really,they needed all the help they could get(not that the dugan provided any).
I cant see what a life time ban would achieve, okay sure a 12month ban and do what ever punishment the court gives him, but the only way he can turn things around is by playing football and he just dosnt have any other skills at this stage in his life to fall back on. Maybe 12 months working as a laborer on crap money might give him a new look on life

Maybe that footballers can't carry on like idiots?

Due to their standing as NRL players and public figures they will be held to much higher standards.


Honestly that video is some inconclusive shit.

The stuff with the first girl looks like it could be 2 drunk friends mucking around, or Blake assaulting a complete stranger. Really would need to know the background of their relationship before commenting on that one (although the slap is out of bounds regardless).

The 2nd chick you honestly can't see what happened but you can clearly see her reaction to whatever it was.

The one thing it does show is that he is a definitely wanker on the booze
The video plus the girls statement is pretty conclusive imo.

Why are merkins acting like there is a reason to doubt the girl and believe Blake Ferguson??
The dude was convicted. To be convicted the prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the offence occurred. That is conclusive enough for me to make judgement on ferguson.

Now I highly doubt ferguson made any admissions due to his character. So that would mean the video footage compiled with witness statements must have been enough evidence to convict the scumbag.

He does not deserve the honor of playing rugby league ever again. I hope he gets taken to the cleaners and loses every penny he owns to bring the merkin back down to earth.


I just dot see why everyone wants to destroy a young mans life from a stupid mistake when he is on the piss.
If he caved her head in tho he would be alright to return playing.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Does that mean he will be denied visas etc?

From memory the English do not let people convicted of such crimes visas.


I just dot see why everyone wants to destroy a young mans life from a stupid mistake when he is on the piss.
If he caved her head in tho he would be alright to return playing.

Aww poor fego lol gtfoh.

Being on the piss is no excuse, no reason to mention that.

He has ruined his own life, no one has done it for him, and really if he has to work a 'normal' job for the rest of his life is it really ruined??

Seriously shits me how much some people are willing to overlook just because someone has talent in a sport they like.
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Aww poor fego lol gtfoh.

Being on the piss is no excuse, no reason to mention that.

He has ruined his own life, no one has done it for him, and really if he has to work a 'normal' job for the rest of his life is it really ruined??

Seriously shits me how much some people are willing to overlook just because someone has talent in a sport they like.

If he wasn't on the piss none of this would of happened the f**kwit is obviously a stupid merkin when he is on it.

Ofcourse its his own fault and he has know one but himself to blame, banning him for life is a bit extreme tho.

Kinda how everyone overlooks Inglis, Bird, Lui, Naquima
I just dot see why everyone wants to destroy a young mans life from a stupid mistake when he is on the piss.
If he caved her head in tho he would be alright to return playing.

Where does this attitude end? You could say the same thing for a drink driver.

Stupidest thing I have heard.

Oh I just shoved my finger up some random chicks vagina but it's cool cause I was drunk.

I have been drunk to the point of vomiting all over myself and never at one stage have I ever thought it would be ok to jam my fingers up a random chicks spag.

No matter how pissed you are you can still control the decisions you make.


I have just watched the video and he is definitely a problem child but to get a sex offense out of that ?????

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