You not only lie about football results, football in general you lie about your light weight maths skills.
I completed Maths C in a private highschool, less then 10 people throughout year 12 made this class.
Your a muppet. A dumb one at that.
What the hell is maths C? Aren't you in Sydney? Sounds like Maths in the sandpit (or was it maths in society?) they have in Sydney. I did 4u maths in high school and advanced maths at uni.
So I was wrong about you beating Newcastle, so what? It doesn't change the fact that the Dogs' squad is average at best.
Regarding Jason King, do you not see your hypocrisy in claiming Ennis is a great hooker because he played for NSW yet you're happy to also claim King is an average prop despite his selection for NSW (and he has played for NSW outside of that forgettable game last year). I'm not about to claim King is the best prop in NSW because of his selection, nor should you make a similar claim about Ennis. Ennis is a hack, just accept it.