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Brisbane2 Bid News

Which Brisbane2 Team Name?

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The Bears are going to be left behind again and everyone knows it.

In hindsight the NRL should have admitted the Bears at the same time as the Titans. Unfortunately It is even worse timing for the Bears now with the new TV rights just around the corner and the AFLs recent invasion of two Rugby league heartlands. The NRL will be wanting to make a statement to compete with the AFL and get the biggest TV deal possible. As much as bears fans try to rationalise their teams case for inclusion it is not the best business and PR decision for the NRL.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Which facts are those mac? The ones where you made something up because you're still a fearmongering Knights fan who thinks the Bears will somehow impact upon the Knights?



The Bears are going to be left behind again and everyone knows it.

Everyone? All the professional betting agencies have the Bears as clear favourites, with NO expansion the second line of betting!!!!! Not sure who the 'everyone' you are referring to are, but the NRL have only talked Bears and Reds for a year now.

Starting a bid up 1 week, dissing other bid teams and expecting inclusion immediately smacks of arrogance mixed with extreme ignorance of how the NRL 'do' expansion.


The NRL were the one's who came out earlier this century and said that the CC was a strategic expansion region/area.
True, but relative to pretty much every other bid its a weak option. They say things like that to be nice too, when in reality they are thinking bigger picture.

Irelevant. The changes in your bid have next to no relevance to meeting criteria for NRL admission, including improving the TV rights of the game, and improving the overall balance sheet of the competition.

Your bid is all heart because beyond working around the edges on things like jerseys, $10 memberships and trying to tap into memories of the Bears, you have failed to address in any real measurable way the big deficiency of your bid - Gosford is next to the over saturated Sydney. It will add nothing to the TV deal as there is already too much local NSW content for broadcasters.

See you at the next TV deal in 2017 Bears! :lol:

I needed a good laugh, thanks for providing it.

You truly are an idiot on all levels, EVEN if you are correct. The decision to not include the Central Coast bears will effectively killed the Bears and see the 1.1 million people in that area turn their backs on the game.

Even your smartarse comments aren't even correct.



I am getting sick of "Bears fans" threatening their support for the NRL if the Bears don't get in.

News Flash! The NRL is moving ahead leaps and bounds without the Bears and it's would be fans, and it will continue to do so with or without them. The game is bigger than Norths and their supporters and the sooner they stop trying to hold the game for ransom the more credibility they will get.

My ideal situation would be the NRL come out and say we will include 4 teams, 2 in 2013 (BNE & PERTH) and say they will expand by another 2 in the following TV deal with NZ & CC to come in some time before 2020. That way no bid loses all the work it has done, no bid loses hope and the vast majority is happy.

The BNE and Perth sides will give the game TV money it needs to become a true powerhouse again. Then we will have the stability and the strength to bring back the Bears and expand NZ to a greater power. The NRL needs a long term plan and this will help give everyone security and faith in the game.


I am getting sick of "Bears fans" threatening their support for the NRL if the Bears don't get in.

News Flash! The NRL is moving ahead leaps and bounds without the Bears and it's would be fans, and it will continue to do so with or without them. The game is bigger than Norths and their supporters and the sooner they stop trying to hold the game for ransom the more credibility they will get.

My ideal situation would be the NRL come out and say we will include 4 teams, 2 in 2013 (BNE & PERTH) and say they will expand by another 2 in the following TV deal with NZ & CC to come in some time before 2020. That way no bid loses all the work it has done, no bid loses hope and the vast majority is happy.

The BNE and Perth sides will give the game TV money it needs to become a true powerhouse again. Then we will have the stability and the strength to bring back the Bears and expand NZ to a greater power. The NRL needs a long term plan and this will help give everyone security and faith in the game.

Well said. But I get the feeling that in 2017-18 when the next deal is up for negotiation, the Central Coast may still fall short of Wellington/Christchurch, Adelaide, a 5th Queensland side.

The commission will be representing Rugby League as a business and the bids with the best business case for the game will be admitted.

The only circumstance I can see where the Bears make sense is if a Sydney club folds or relocates interstate, and they need a bid to fill the gap left. This is now looking very unlikely. The Sharks are a mess but they have found a way out, and the only other club that might move is Manly to the Sunshine Coast if no stadium development occurs or there is some kind of pressure on their private owners.


I needed a good laugh, thanks for providing it.

You truly are an idiot on all levels, EVEN if you are correct. The decision to not include the Central Coast bears will effectively killed the Bears and see the 1.1 million people in that area turn their backs on the game.


You Bears fans are ridiculous. Now over 15% of the entire population of NSW are bears fans? Considering the NRL would be lucky to get 50% of the population (of NSW) supporting it let alone just sport in general your numbers are way off.

By the way 1.1 million fans pretty much makes them the most popular sporting team in Australia of any code.


:lol: The number I saw was 1,000. Nice try though.

The logic here is bizarre. There are teams currently playing to empty stadiums. Why not off them and introduce the Bears?

I thought you would understand why numb nuts.

Wests court case in 1983-4?
Rabbitohs legal challenge in 2001?

There is precident there - the NRL doesn't have the power to boot clubs; they have to die or relocate on their own terms. The NRL can only nudge them.

In the perfect world, Cronulla would have folded or relocated to Wellington, freeing up a licence to bring in the Bears, which would give the competition a great spread of clubs across NSW, and allow propper expansion to occur in Brisbane and Perth.

But it isn't, so the game has to work with whats there and make the best decision for the future of the game, and the Central Coast, no matter how good the bid, is still going to be a small club and bring only small revenue to the game.
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The only circumstance I can see where the Bears make sense is if a Sydney club folds or relocates interstate, and they need a bid to fill the gap left. This is now looking very unlikely. The Sharks are a mess but they have found a way out, and the only other club that might move is Manly to the Sunshine Coast if no stadium development occurs or there is some kind of pressure on their private owners.

This would be the best case scenario in the next 10-15 years..

1st Round - Perth, 2 Brisbane.
2st Round - Manly to Sunshine Coast. Bears and Wellington in.
3rd Round - Team to relocate to Adelaide.



You Bears fans are ridiculous. Now over 15% of the entire population of NSW are bears fans? Considering the NRL would be lucky to get 50% of the population (of NSW) supporting it let alone just sport in general your numbers are way off.

By the way 1.1 million fans pretty much makes them the most popular sporting team in Australia of any code.

Read the post carefully. 1.1 million is the population of the CC catchment, over 20% of NSW's total population without an NRL team. No-one is saying all of them are fans, just as Brisbane's 2 mill pop aren't all League fans.


Read the post carefully. 1.1 million is the population of the CC catchment, over 20% of NSW's total population without an NRL team. No-one is saying all of them are fans, just as Brisbane's 2 mill pop aren't all League fans.

Perhaps you should have read the post carefully:

The decision to not include the Central Coast bears will effectively killed the Bears and see the 1.1 million people in that area turn their backs on the game.
I doubt that even the 6000, or 0.54% of 1.1 million CC residents, who are bear 'members' would turn their back on the game.
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An unbelievably unprovable statement to say the majority of Bears fans started supporting other teams.

The rest of your statements are simply baseless :lol:

It's worth remembering that the TV product is damaged by empty stadiums btw.

There's plenty of those to be seen in the Sydney region already without adding another.


Read the post carefully. 1.1 million is the population of the CC catchment, over 20% of NSW's total population without an NRL team. No-one is saying all of them are fans, just as Brisbane's 2 mill pop aren't all League fans.

Saying they will ALL turn their back on the game if the North Sydney Bears aren't admitted implies they're all fans.


Which facts are those mac? The ones where you made something up because you're still a fearmongering Knights fan who thinks the Bears will somehow impact upon the Knights?


LOL @ you accusing anyone of making up "facts"

As for your assertion, I am not "afraid" of the Bears, and never have been.

I simply detest their supporters' arrogance and petulance.

You are exhibit 1.


:lol: The number I saw was 1,000. Nice try though.

The logic here is bizarre. There are teams currently playing to empty stadiums. Why not off them and introduce the Bears?

I have been saying for years that a merger of 2 Sydney teams would free up a franchise for the Bears.


And I don't buy the myth that Queensland is suddenly gods gift to rugby league.

Nor do I buy the myth that Sydney is "over saturated" and clubs need to be cut.

A SEQLD team was introduced 4 years ago. I think they should be given the chance to firmly entrench themselves before another new side pops up and increases the competition for new fans.

Nobody is arguing that there shouldn't be another QLD team soon. But the same opportunities that exist in QLD now will still exist in 5 years. CC Bears are ready now and have been for a long time, and will add to the competition. This is likely to be the Bears last chance - I can't see anyone having the heart to go around again after being crushed for the 3rd time.

Can you tell me how adding an 11th NSW team could in any way be described as expansion?
105 years after the game begins in Australia we expand 75km up the road from where it began...

No more like 105 years after the game begins a foundation club who rightfully relocated and built a stadium, got the community behind them and won over sponsors with a great bid get to play in their stadium.. bringing back rugby league fans who dont watch the NRL. Bringing in new fans from NS & CC. Representing a large area of Australia with no team. Juniors with no exit. Providing many Sydney clubs with an added derby. On top of the large following in Queensland, potentially becoming one of the biggest clubs in the NRL over time.

But hey you're clearly not up to date with the bid. You're just running of hear say, so I suggest you go to www.centralcoastbears.com.au and have a gander. Otherwise next point you try to make will be ill informed like pretty much all your posts so far regarding the Central Coast Bears. There's even a thread with 189 pages you can browse through. Either way, it's better then assuming to know the deal when you're completely off, as you have been.